
What Do You Think About Trinfinity Academy?

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That course is indescribable. It really offers what it promises: Freedom. 

I am not even at the half of the course, but now Barna (the person) can have the worst day possible, and I still feel free, and I still love life. :) 

I don't know if it makes any sense... So my short answer is: Yes, I recommend the course.

Although I made a pause, because now I'm experimenting with 5-MeO and binaural beats. But I will definitely continue the course in the near future. Maybe today evening. :)

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@Barna Hmmm. Really? Sounds too good to be...

What do you think of Bentinho? Do you think he's sincere/enlightened? Cause nonetheless this course can be effective.

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The TL;DR answer:
Bentinho's understanding is waaay deeper than it seems. :)


The long version:

Bentinho, at first, doesn't seem to have a deep understanding. My first impression was that he was not an enlightened teacher
His personality is not like Rupert Spira's personality. And if you have seen some videos of Spira, you know that Spira mostly speaks about awareness. Bentinho is different. In different teachings Bentinho speaks about different things, for example some law of attraction stuff, the nature of time and space and different dimensions, and all kinds of stuff. 

On the Trinfinity Academy he offers two paths. The path of Self-Realization and the path of Self-Empowerment. I have chosen the path of Self-Realization, because this one is about enlightenment, non-duality, infinity. 

In the beginning, he talks about Presence and the Here and Now. At first it was a little boring to me. Not because of him, but because I already knew about this topic from Eckhart Tolle books. But from the middle of the Enlightenment I, Part 2 it was really powerful for me. He teaches you how to dissolve your person (your ego) in Presence. Everything started to loose its seriousness. I felt like I was lucid dreaming all the time. 

But when you are dreaming, you can still feel like the victim of the dream sometimes. But then he teaches you, that you are not a victim. The imagined role of the victim is still part of the dream. What you are deep down cannot be hurt by the dream, by "reality". The Awareness that you are is invulnerable. You are not a thing, so you cannot be harmed by a thing. I don't know how to describe this feeling, but you can experience it yourself if you do the Self-Realization courses. :)

But these are only the Awareness teachings. I am most interested in the Infinity teachings which is after the Awareness lessons. The Infinity "experience" is beyond even awareness.

About 5-MeO and Infinity: I think I have had the Infinity "experience" on my 5-MeO trips, but I couldn't bring back anything. I don't remember the peaks of the trips. I remember that it is every time the same "experience", but I am surprised every time I get there, because I just can't imagine the feeling when I am down on Earth.

I hope that Bentinho will teach me to go to Infinity with meditation, but I am not there yet, I am still on the Awareness part.

And yes, of course it seems too good to be true. I mean, he wants to have an enlightened civilization by 2035! This is unimaginable. :)) 
But if I look back one ore two months, I don't know... My way of seeing life was completely different. Maybe it's all just brain washing, who knows? :D

So I recommend to see it for yourself. :)

Good luck! If you have more questions, I am happy to answer. Maybe because my person is happy to show off. :)) 

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@Barna I personally don't like that group or the teacher. Some of his teachings are leading to selfishness, to boost the ego. 

I like Leo better. He likes to speak the truth or at least whatever he thinks is true. I feel like he's sharing his true self and knowledge instead of making others feel better. That's a true teacher for me. 

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1 minute ago, Khin said:

I personally don't like that group or the teacher. Some of his teachings are leading to selfishness, to boost the ego. 

Bentinho has different teachings depending on what you are interested in. If you want awareness, you will get that in a full dose! :D 

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On 1/25/2017 at 0:04 AM, Martin123 said:

@Barna Thanks for the share, just started the course.

What kind of selfishness you mean? :)

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@Martin123 Were you asking me about selfishness? Well! This is what I feel personally though. In one video I watched, he said that being greedy is good. That is just one part I didn't like and I found (personally again) some of the things he said was straying away from a true Yogi and the real peace. To be very honest, I'm too stubborn to believe or not believe easily.  :) ( But that's just me. Who care, right?) 

I just want to say he is a good guy. But ..... I just feel I walk different path than him. 

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4 minutes ago, Khin said:

@Martin123 Were you asking me about selfishness? Well! This is what I feel personally though. In one video I watched, he said that being greedy is good. That is just one part I didn't like and I found (personally again) some of the things he said was straying away from a true Yogi and the real peace. To be very honest, I'm too stubborn to believe or not believe easily.  :) ( But that's just me. Who care, right?) 

I just want to say he is a good guy. But ..... I just feel I walk different path than him. 

Oh yea defo, he's not for everyone. He even says that. like... If you resonate, like go baybay he's just there to throw some things out of his own for some people to catch if parts of their path resonate with his :-).
but like.. that's with everyone so. It would be quite strange if you stuck to one teacher your whole path given the variety availible...

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@Martin123 Of course not... :) I don't stuck with any teacher because I take actions to have my own experiences. I actively search for the Truth. Info without experience will just hang in my brain and won't be decided right or wrong, this or that. I do listen to many many many teachers and gurus and everything they said will just hang in as information. With Leo, most of the things he says just click me. Some of the things he said, I just put it aside because if I don't know, I better not judge. It's just depend on our nature. 

"It would be quite strange if you stuck to one teacher your whole path given the variety availible..." (I love this part tho)


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@Khin The video you watched was about Self Empowerment. And he was right, there is nothing wrong with greediness. If you feel offended by that, that's because you believe that lack exists. But the idea of lack goes against the infinite nature of reality. If you cannot accept Infinity, then you don't want to be enlightened. And that's perfectly fine too. :) 

I'm not talking about greediness that takes from others. I am talking about accepting the gifts of the infinite source. :) And if you pay attention, this is also what Bentinho talks about. :) 

By the way, Bentinho's Self-Empowerment teachings are not the same as his Self-Realization courses. :) 

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@Barna Thanks for sharing. 

I sampled a few chapters, it is the usual non-dualism teachings. (not the empowerment stuff, which seems to be a new-agey thing)

Not bad, very polished and in a simple language. Much better than wasting your time watching TV :D


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1 minute ago, PureExp said:

I sampled a few chapters, it is the usual non-dualism teachings.

I don't know if the usual non-dualism teachings can get you to the Infinity experience, but Bentinho promises it as well. But I am not there yet in the course. I get my Infinity experiences with another method. :)

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@Barna  Well! I will research more in this case then. :) I just need to be sure of everything I'm doing and following.

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@Barna I was told about Trinfinity Academy by the guy in front of me in the Ecstatic dance line, after a compelling 1.5 hour conversation about his direct experience with enlightenment.

Just found your thread so I won't start a new one, but more people should give it a go!

I like this:

Flipping The Card of Experience

Just as there are two sides to a playing card, so too, there are two sides to every experience that appears within Presence-Consciousness.

One side of the playing card has a story to tell that is unique from every other card in the deck. It has a picture on it, a number, a label, a form, and a shape that all tell its story. It has a unique frequency that identifies its individuality, its uniqueness.

The other side of the card shows you only one picture and it is the same picture regardless of which card you draw. This is the non-story side of each card; it shows you the same truth over and over again.

Likewise, one side of any experience is the story-side of that experience—it shows you the labels you and others have given it. It shows you the thoughts, the names, the associations, and the ideas or feelings about what’s arising. The story-side of each experience is utterly unique and different from every other experience in the deck of creation.

Now flip that experience over, so to speak, as you would a card, and recognize that the existence-confirming side of that same experience shows you only one thing: the fact that the experience exists.

Just like the backside of every card in a deck shows a flowery red pattern (for example), the backside of each and every experience has this written all over it: “I exist, you exist, existence exists.”

If an experience can arise, it must have presence; it must exist.

Read between the lines—see past or beyond the stories—and you’ll see that the essence of any experience is nothing but Presence confirming its own existence (as well as yours).

We read books, meditate for ages, chant mantras, and offer ceremonies to the gods, all to experience more directly this divine, brilliant Presence-Clarity that we already are.

While that is all fine and dandy, why not take the direct route first, and stop searching elsewhere for what is staring you directly in the face over and over again?

Learn to flip over any experience, no matter what its story-side suggests, and see it from the other perspective. Emphasize to yourself that the presence of any experience tells you the same truth over and over again: “I exist. I appear to you, so you exist, too. We both exist as part of this singular Existence.”

We must be blind to never have noticed! This existence-confirmation process—the opportunity for life to wake up to its own existence—is happening every nano-second, with every change, or no-change, in your experience.

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On 15/11/2016 at 3:42 PM, Bizarre said:

Not really about the vibrations thing. It's wise to look at how your teachers are conducting their lives. If someone conflates enlightenment with commercial or business then it's likely that they have a theory that a) They are not living by themselves and B) probably does not work.

Projection is sometimes useful, without healthy skepticism everyone would be "trying" everything thrown at them, and where would any of us be then?

Out of pocket and unenlightened. 

Just because it's "free" now doesn't mean it's free.  It's common practice for most businesses to offer free products because it generates revenue for the future. This guy has 1000 people going to his seminars at the moment. It's the same as the RSD free tours, you get all this good information and you're hooked from then on, onto the expensive products. Eban Pagan has been doing it for years, making money out of showing people how to make money. Don't quite work with "enlightenment" unfortunately.

Sometimes life experience and intuition serves you better than this radical open-mindedness.  Once you understand that all of Samsara is the same story you learn not to get drawn into it. These guys rely on suckers. That's what keeps him in business.

I get what you're saying but then Eckhart Tolle sells books (which means he operates a business) and everyone seems to agree that he is also enlightened. btw  Im also turned off by it which is part of the reason I like Leo (the best stuff is free, if you want a specialized course you can also pay for that).

''I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get'' (NapoleonBonaparte).

"We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation—anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature." (1984)

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On 24/01/2017 at 3:59 PM, Barna said:

That course is indescribable. It really offers what it promises: Freedom. 

I am not even at the half of the course, but now Barna (the person) can have the worst day possible, and I still feel free, and I still love life. :) 

I don't know if it makes any sense... So my short answer is: Yes, I recommend the course.

Although I made a pause, because now I'm experimenting with 5-MeO and binaural beats. But I will definitely continue the course in the near future. Maybe today evening. :)

And it's fucking free.

Just do it guys, what do you have to loose ?

Less cheetos and 4k porn, and more spiritual work plz !

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Just because it will cost you a lot of money and someone will make a zillion dollars out of it, doesn't´t mean it is not a pure teaching.

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2 hours ago, Shin said:

And it's fucking free.

Just do it guys, what do you have to loose ?

Less cheetos and 4k porn, and more spiritual work plz !


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On 13/11/2016 at 0:20 PM, Barna said:

Trinfinity Academy promises infinity recognition (this is the recognition needed for permanent enlightenment) in 11 months.

Has anybody tried it? 

WHy am I seeing this post only now? Maybe I'll give this a go, if its still free.

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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