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Thought Art

What is Wisdom?

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I've been watching this episode and re-listening to it when I walk around. I think this is one of the best episodes and I find it helps remind me of my inner sage. It's a great episode for orienting yourself around the idea of working toward becoming a wise person. I know I want to be wise but find time and time again as I go through my own maturing process that I act foolishly. I love that I have access to this wisdom that is provided in such an aesthetically pleasing way.  I realize now that more than Life purpose, that Wisdom, inner clarity and cosmic understanding it key to a good life. I think purpose comes with that. 

I think that everyday we can pick away at becoming more wise.

I notice that a part of me wants to be wise and a part of me wants to be foolish

The inner sage and the inner child

Which one do we listen to? 

We sit at the helm of our own ship, steering through the storm of life

Is our rudder in operation?

Leo tells us to ask ourselves "What is the wisest way for me to live life?" and I think that is the best question and we need to have the willingness to ask ourselves again and again. 

"What is the wisest decision to make in every decision that I am in?"

I think these questions can be important to ask ourselves more often. I think that a life lived from this question would be a life well lived in the long run. Though, it might not be the 'easiest path'... and we all have varying degrees of foolishness and our own unique intelligences. 

I look forward to growing towards this community being of high wisdom! I think is just so young right now. I can't wait until we have all grown much wiser in the next 10-20 years. 



Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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A vial of hope and a vial of pain
In the light they both looked the same
Poured them out on into the world
On every boy and every girl

It's in the neon Bible, the neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the neon Bible is right

Take the poison of your age
Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page
What I know is what you know is right
In the city it's the only light

It's the neon Bible, the neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the Neon Bible is right

Oh God! well look at you now!
Oh, you lost it but you don't know how
In the light of a golden calf
Oh God, I had to laugh

Take the poison of your age
Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page
It was wrong but you said it was right
In the future I will read at night

In the neon Bible, the neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the Neon Bible is true


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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