Someone here

There is only me!

46 posts in this topic

@Someone here My friend, you have deluded yourself. You don't know who you are and you think you're alone. If you actually knew who you are, you wouldn't be "terrified of being alone". 

Sometimes it's good news to be wrong. Snap out of it. 

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10 hours ago, Someone here said:

A little thought experiment..

You don't experience time when you are sleeping. Hours pass and to you it feels like nothing.

What If you slept for 5000 years or died during that time and then woke up.. From your pov it will be as a blink of an eye. No time have passed from your pov. Yet 5000 years have passed on earth.  Even an eternity can pass on earth and the entire world might end.. Yet from your pov it will be as a blink of an eye.   

This means time has no existence and no relevance without you. Without an observer that feels time. That's why when you die the whole world will die with you. Because the whole of eternity will happen in a blink of an eye. 

This made me realize that there is only me. 

I'm completely alone as God. I'm the only thing that exists. And what is not relevant to me simply does not exist. 

This is mind blowing and terrifying. 

Nice. Just a nitpick though; bear with me: pay close attention in/after sleep, perhaps requiring the boosted consciousness on a meditation retreat or something, and you'll find... You are not unconscious even in the deepest sleep. You merely have near-total memory suppression (a type of ego-death). When you wake up, you can subtly tell if you were in deep sleep for a long while, or a short time.

On the other hand, have you ever had an operation with deep anesthesia? That is actually total unconsciousness. The very instant you lose consciousness is the exact instant you regain consciousness. You could be out for years and it would be like instantaneously time travelling into the future from your perspective.

i.e. for the thought experiment to be as accurate as possible, replace deep sleep with deep anesthesia.

Cool insight though!


However... Beware of solipsism!

Edited by The0Self

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18 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

"This made me realize that there is only *me*.

I'm completely alone as God. I'm the only *thing* that exists."

When you say 'me' / 'the only thing' -- what do you mean? What is your definition of 'you as God' // 'me as the only thing that exist' ??

Can it even be defined?

Consciousness. Awareness. Pure I AM. Ness. 

20 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:


@Someone here That's because you're treating time as a mere concept instead of the original absolute Time.

Time is relative to an observer. What do you mean by "absolute time "? 

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8 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Doesn't time pass when you're sleeping.?

You tell me. From the 1st person pov it doesn't pass.. It happens instantly. You might sleep three days and from your pov it will be as a blink of an eye. 

8 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

It isn't. Doesn't time pass when you're sleeping?

Time is all there is. You're either aware of it (alive, conscious, etc...), or you're not. Time is prior to consciousness and you can't possibly grasp it through direct experience alone. You'd need an intuitive leap.

It's nothing, btw.

Consciousness and direct experience are self-evident. Time is relative. And conceptual.  Maybe you need to take a short look at einstein's relativity. 

Edited by Someone here

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Consciousness. Awareness. Pure I AM. Ness. 


Now let me ask: 

Can Consciousness / AM'ness be defined?



Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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23 hours ago, Someone here said:

It's actually terrible. Im fully aware right now that I'm alone for eternity. 

I'm speaking about "me" as consciousness itself. Not the ego (the "I" thought). 

You as consciousness itself is also an illusion.

But even in the awakening of consciousness to itself there is nothing terrible and no sense of loneliness.

Which means, your ego is claiming to be alone for eternity and suffering because of that.

Engaging in the kind of mental masturbation you engage in doesn't lead to anything positive, only more suffering.

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19 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

I think that they are not bubbles, that it is a single flat consciousness and that patterns are created in it, but obviously this is speculation. I have had that realization several times, very strong and obvious, but maybe I am also influenced by what I have read?.i don't think so But it's a possibility, and the realizations are not long.

The realization is: It seemed that it was me, a separate being, and I am not real. all humanity is a single block, and beyond, all reality the same. all the noise, the color, the stuff that fills the mind is fake, a special effect. reality is silent unity

I'm only speaking from my experience, and I don't claim to be even half as awake as someone like Leo or others on the forum. However, it was evident to me during my awakening there is only one consciousness. One formless being which imagines everything so intelligently it can limit it's own intelligence. All of the dreams appear as if they simultaneously lap over each other but they are outside of time. So in one aspect, solipsism is true. There is only "you". At the same time you have ingeniously created a reality where it appears that others have their own consciousness, but they are just "you" in another dream! (Outside of time).

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10 minutes ago, vladorion said:

You as consciousness itself is also an illusion.

But even in the awakening of consciousness to itself there is nothing terrible and no sense of loneliness.

Which means, your ego is claiming to be alone for eternity and suffering because of that.

Engaging in the kind of mental masturbation you engage in doesn't lead to anything positive, only more suffering.

Quoted for truth. Quality post.

"It's actually terrible. Im fully aware right now that I'm alone for eternity. 

I'm speaking about "me" as consciousness itself. Not the ego (the "I" thought). "

I understand you. I've kind of been there as well.

It's important for you to humble yourself and understand that Consciousness/God/Love in and of by Itself CANNOT be defined AND if we should try to define it anyway, then it is INHERENTLY 100% *NEUTRAL* .

Which means that your value-loaded remarks such as "terrible" & "alone" are actually stemming from an ego that is in the midst of getting transcended/dissolved, but is not fully transcended yet. It is a proces. No biggie.



Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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53 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:


Now let me ask: 

Can Consciousness / AM'ness be defined?



No. It cannot be defined because it is the most fundamental. 

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35 minutes ago, Someone here said:

No. It cannot be defined because it is the most fundamental. 

I love your quote in your signature.

I live my life in a dream; the constant threat of a rude awakening keeps me on my toes.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Alone = All One. 

Realizing you are alone, even when it seems like there are 'others'... is the same as realizing everything is imaginary, even when it seems real. 

It's important to recognize that 'seeming to be real' (imaginary) and 'actually being real' (real) are the same thing. 

Consider.. is this forum real, or does it just seem that way?  If you can't tell the difference.. then there is no difference.  If there was a difference, you could notice the difference, but you can't. 

There is no difference between being 'alone' and 'being with others', any more than there is a difference between 'me imagining I'm typing this comment' and 'me actually typing this comment.' 

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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Aloneness/Oneness is both beautiful, perfect, and also terrifying.  Because God is all things.   God is terror, shock, surprise, wonder,'s EVERYTHING.  It is also the ego!!  Surprise!!..  it's OK for God to feel terrified the first time it realizes there is nothing outside of it!  It IS it's own mother!  And it IS it's own son!  It IS everyone in this forum, and the forum itself!!  And It IS evil! It IS torture, rape, discover there is absolutely no separation between anything and itself, that it is One.  Is shocking.  But it's ALSO Absolute Bliss, Goodness and Love simultaneously!!!!  Because it's EVERYTHING.  This isn't ego or delusion.  Notice it is YOUR bias that excludes terror about Oneness/Aloneness (notice alone = Al-One) that is actually ego not the other way around! 

The realization of Oneness is extremely profound and radical and if you haven't hit the floor in both Love/Bliss and terror, shock and awe than you probably ain't awake! :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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20 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

You could say that about everything that is talked about in this forum,

Mostly it is correct. "Spiritual ideology" handycaps your progress.


If I had started this journey from atheism and nihilism, like when I was young, I would have get 100x gains. Just comtemplating reality without any idea about what it is, without any answer.

Edited by RedLine

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54 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Aloneness/Oneness is both beautiful, perfect, and also terrifying.  Because God is all things.   God is terror, shock, surprise, wonder,'s EVERYTHING.  It is also the ego!!  Surprise!!..  it's OK for God to feel mortified the first time it realizes there is nothing outside of it!  It IS it's own mother!  And it IS it's own son!  It IS everyone in this forum, and the forum itself!!  And It IS evil! It IS torture, rape, discover there is absolutely no separation between anything and itself, that it is One.  Is shocking.  But it's ALSO Absolute Bliss, Goodness and Love simultaneously!!!!  Because it's EVERYTHING.  This isn't ego guys.  Notice it is YOUR bias that excludes terror about Oneness/Aloneness (notice alone = Al-One) that is actually ego not the other way around! 

The realization of Oneneas is extremely profound and radical and if you haven't hit the floor in both Love/Bliss and terror than you probably ain't awake! :)


You are speaking from the absolute perspective now, which often isn't very helpful for the person (soul hidden behind ego) who wants to awaken:D

No, actually, oh enlightened 1, you are conflating the absolute with the relative now.

From the abolute perspective, 'Reality' (Oneness, God, Consciousness, Love, Absolute Infinity) is neutral. 100% neutral. It is neither beautiful, perfect or terrifying. It is Love. It is Infinite. Which is neutral. 10000000% neutral.;-)

God is all things, but also no things.

This cannot be understood with mind. Mind has to be dropped to 'get it'. 
Because in actuality, it isn't something to 'get'... It's just beliefs/survival-programming/'mind' (ego) that has to be dropped. Totally dropped.
Transcended. Let go. Accept. Surrender. 

If you don't have deep desire for truth, you won't get it. Ever, never.

Simple as that.

Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, your conflation.:D

Well, from the absolute perspective, yes, God is everything (and nothing). Indeed.

But totally, simply, absolutely (even relatively) and down to earth:

Reality is Reality is God is God is Consciousness is Consciousness is Love is Love. PERIOD. :D 



This isn't ego guys.  Notice it is YOUR bias that excludes terror about Oneness/Aloneness (notice alone = Al-One) that is actually ego not the other way around! 

The realization of Oneneas is extremely profound and radical and if you haven't hit the floor in both Love/Bliss and terror than you probably ain't awake! :)

But it is ego to say "Oh, how terrible, I realized I'm completly alone as God" .  ... Just purely down to earth, relatively speaking, this is the ego speaking. It's the soul (God) speaking through a yet-not-transcended-ego. 

When the ego is fully transcended, there is no need to write silly things on a internet forum about how terrible or lonely it is. 

Because it isn't lonely. It isn't terrible.
It's everything & nothing. 
So everytime you say it's "x or y" or say it's not "z or c" you are speaking from ego.

That's why the most enlightned ones don't speak of it. It's pointless to speak of.
Either they:

- commit mahasamadhi (conscious suicide, which is "easy" when you are fully conscious; you just stop breathing, no biggie),
- or they sit meditating all life, away from society 
- or they go and participate FULLY in life without talking about spiritual ego-concepts such as 'God', 'Love' or 'Consciousness' (they could speak about these things, but then they do it in a practical way to help people to awaken, not in the way Leo (& others on this forum, including me) are doing it with some of this silly totally-stuck-in-concepts-self-masturbation videos/talk ((("Why God forgives all Evil" -- roflmao what a waste of 2 hours to watch this crap ... ;D btw im half joking, chillax mods, don't ban me:D))).

When you are fully conscious, there is zero difference between Hitler and Jesus. Zero. It's all just God/Consciousness/Love. Zero. Zero. Zero. 


That is what it is.

To say "Hitler and Jesus are One, Identical, Zero Difference" is a good funny line to drop to people to see how they react. If they smile back at you or just blink with the eyes, you know their ego is probably very transcended.
If they agree with you but start saying meaningless words to put more concepts onto it to justify it, well their ego is somewhat transcended, but still very present.
If they disagree with you, they are pretty much asleep.
If they, like my mom, start calling 911 to get you hospitalized, they are very much asleep.
If they start discussing why either Hitler or Jesus were superior, they are totally asleep.

Btw, sure, relatively speaking, I'd much rather be Jesus than Hitler. And sure, relatively speaking, Jesus were much more awake than Hitler.

But, absolutely speaking, they are One and The Same Thing: God. Consciousness. Love.

Oh, I'm jerking off now as I'm writing this. Self-deception, spiritual ego, 101, telling others that you know you have a spiritual ego, to in that way raise your spiritual ego even higher. (One-upmanship. You can never not play - ... or can you?)

It's probably best, ego-transcendence-wise, to just leave this forum for good and go either commit mahamasadhi, meditate 24/7 or ACTUALLY PARTICIPATE IN LIFE! :DD So many people on this forum, including Leo x 1000000, me x100, Someone herex99999999999 are so stuck in the Enneagram type-5-trap of "Replacing Direct Exp with Concepts" .

The most obvious way they are this is when they deny it. "Oh I'm not, I'm very much aware of the distinction between direct exp and concepts and I am living life" ... then 1 week later shoots a 3 hour video explaining in great detail "Why God Forgives all Evil." 

You're a very, very funny man @Leo Gura. I love you, you've given me so much through your videos. It's inspiring, but you're also a trap. Your own trap. 


The realization of Oneneas is extremely profound and radical and if you haven't hit the floor in both Love/Bliss and terror than you probably ain't awake! :)

True. But after that it becomes neutral. It's only radical and tears-incuding, scream-inducing, flooring, when there is still ego left.

When the ego is fully transcended, it becomes ordinary (yet still magical of course, but you don't have to cry, or scream or talk about it anymore).

Love ya all <3

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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6 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

You are speaking from the absolute perspective now, which ofen isn't very helpful for the person (soul hidden behind ego) who wants to awaken:D

No, actually, oh enlightened 1, you are conflating the absolute with the relative now.

From the abolute perspective, 'Reality' (Oneness, God, Consciousness, Love, Absolute Infinity) is neutral. 100% neutral. It is neither beautiful, perfect or terrifying. It is Love. It is Infinite. Which is neutral. 10000000% neutral.;-)

God is all things, but also no things.

This cannot be understood with mind. Mind has to be dropped to 'get it'. 
Because in actuality, it isn't something to 'get'... It's just beliefs/survival-programming/'mind' (ego) that has to be dropped. Totally dropped.
Transcended. Let go. Accept. Surrender. 

If you don't have deep desire for truth, you won't get it. Ever, never.

Simple as that.

Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, your conflation.:D

Well, from the absolute perspective, yes, God is everything (and nothing). Indeed.

But totally, simply, absolutely (even relatively) and down to earth:

Reality is Reality is God is God is Consciousness is Consciousness is Love is Love. PERIOD. :D 


But it is ego to say "Oh, how terrible, I realized I'm completly alone as God" .  ... Just purely down to earth, relatively speaking, this is the ego speaking. It's the soul (God) speaking through a yet-not-transcended-ego. 

When the ego is fully transcended, there is no need to write silly things on a internet forum about how terrible or lonely it is. 

Because it isn't lonely. It isn't terrible.
It's everything & nothing. 
So everytime you say it's "x or y" or say it's not "z or c" you are speaking from ego.

That's why the most enlightned ones don't speak of it. It's pointless to speak of.
Either they:

- commit mahasamadhi (conscious suicide, which is "easy" when you are fully conscious; you just stop breathing, no biggie),
- or they sit meditating all life, away from society 
- or they go and participate FULLY in life without talking about spiritual ego-concepts such as 'God', 'Love' or 'Consciousness' (they could speak about these things, but then they do it in a practical way to help people to awaken, not in the way Leo (& others on this forum, including me) are doing it with some of this silly totally-stuck-in-concepts-self-masturbation videos/talk ((("Why God forgives all Evil" -- roflmao what a waste of 2 hours to watch this crap ... ;D btw im half joking, chillax mods, don't ban me:D))).

When you are fully conscious, there is zero difference between Hitler and Jesus. Zero. It's all just God/Consciousness/Love. Zero. Zero. Zero. 


That is what it is.

To say "Hitler and Jesus are One, Identical, Zero Difference" is a good funny line to drop to people to see how they react. If they smile back at you or just blink with the eyes, you know their ego is probably very transcended.
If they agree with you but start saying meaningless words to put more concepts onto it to justify it, well their ego is somewhat transcended, but still very present.
If they disagree with you, they are pretty much asleep.
If they, like my mom, start calling 911 to get you hospitalized, they are very much asleep.
If they start discussing why either Hitler or Jesus were superiorm, they are totally asleep.

Btw, sure, relatively speaking, I'd much rather be Jesus than Hitler. And sure, relatively speaking, Jesus were much more awake than Hitler.

But, absolutely speaking, they are One and The Same Thing: God. Consciousness. Love.

Oh, I'm jerking off now as I'm writing this. Self-deception, spiritual ego, 101, telling others that you know you have a spiritual ego, to in that way raise your spiritual ego even higher. (One-upmanship. You can never not play - ... or can you?)

It's probably best, ego-transcendence-wise, to just leave this forum for good and go either commit mahamasadhi, meditate 24/7 or ACTUALLY PARTICIPATE IN LIFE! :DD So many people on this forum, including Leo x 1000000, me x100, Someone herex99999999999 are so stuck in the Enneagram type-5-trap of "Replacing Direct Exp with Concepts" .

The most obvious way they are this is when they deny it. "Oh I'm not, I'm very much aware of the distinction between direct exp and concepts and I am living life" ... then 1 week later shoots a 3 hour video explaining in great detail "Why God Forgives all Evil." 

You're a very, very funny man @Leo Gura. I love you, you've given me so much through your videos. It's inspiring, but you're also a trap. Your own trap. 

True. But after that it becomes neutral. It's only radical and tears-incuding, scream-inducing, flooring, when there is still ego left.

When the ego is fully transcended, it becomes ordinary (yet still magical of course, but you don't have to cry, or scream or talk about it anymore).

Love ya all <3

Dang what a long post haha!!  Yeah terror is not an Absolute - however what you gotta remember is that God is looking through your eyes right now as the ego.  And as the ego it has gone its entire life thinking it (God) was a separate self.  You see, in actuality God and the ego are one and the same.  So in actuality once you are God realized the concept of  transcending the ego melts away.  You can choose to embrace your ego at this point because you are God and the line between God and ego blurr.  You are simply God in form, and you can align yourself with Yourself via form.  There is no need to banish the ego.   Just be more conscious as God in finite form.  Become more selfless, as much as is possible in finite form since there is still the requirement of survival.  So yeah the when God wakes and reality is completely recontexualozed, it can still feel terror and awe of itself fact that's what God experience the relative- God needs to know itself through itself! It needs to know terror (and awe) which is why it puts itself to sleep in the first place!  

Love ya too!!


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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15 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Dang what a long post haha!!  Yeah terror is not an Absolute - however what you gotta remember is that God is looking through your eyes right now as the ego.  And as the ego it has gone its entire life thinking it (God) was a separate self.  You see, in actuality God and the ego are one and the same.  So in actuality once you are God realized the concept of  transcending the ego melts away.  You can choose to embrace your ego at this point because you are God and the line between God and ego blurr.  You are simply God in form, and you can align yourself with Yourself via form.  There is no need to banish the ego.   Just be more conscious as God in finite form.  Become more selfless, as much as is possible in finite form since there is still the requirement of survival.  So yeah the when God wakes it can still feel terror via finite fact that's what God experience the relative- God needs to know itself through itself! It needs to know terror which is why it puts itself to sleep in the first place!  

Love ya too!!

"you see, in actuality God and the ego are one and the same. "

yes, absolutely speaking they are.

But you don't tell that to a stranger on the street. In fact, you have to tell them that their soul (who they truly are) are trapped in ego (false self), and that soul (God, Love, Consciousness) & ego (selfishness, devilry, addiction, survival-programming, social conditioning, evil, ignorance, fear, being asleep) are polar opposites.

That's what you tell people. Not that Ego and God are One. 

It's so obvious that ego and God are identical that you don't have to say it.

It's like telling a fish that it is swimming around in water. "Yes, doh, tell me something I don't know." The fish will just be scared if you tell it that.

People are SO MUCH ASLEEP IN EGO (survival) that in order for them to progress towards awaken, you have to make them understand that ego is bad and that their soul is good. 

People/society never land in "golden mean" instantly. We go from one polar duality to the other polar duality, and then eventually, we l(can maybe) land in the middle (the state of non-duality, which is always the case, sure, but which 'we miss' almost 24/7 due to social conditioning/survival/fear/ignorance).

That's why people who are very much asleep/selfish/in-ego first have to go to the other extreme of having a spiritual ego (i.e. supressing ego, loving spiritual concepts like God/Love/Consciousness, really trying to be a good unselfish human, meditatiting, taking ayahuasca, reading books, eating vegan, listening to matt kahn or w/e they have to do to go from ego->soul).

Then in the end they can land in the middle (true awakening) where they see everything is completely identical and one, i.e. Ego = God & God = Ego.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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1 hour ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

"you see, in actuality God and the ego are one and the same. "

yes, absolutely speaking they are.

But you don't tell that to a stranger on the street. In fact, you have to tell them that their soul (who they truly are) are trapped in ego (false self), and that soul (God, Love, Consciousness) & ego (selfishness, devilry, addiction, survival-programming, social conditioning, evil, ignorance, fear, being asleep) are polar opposites.

That's what you tell people. Not that Ego and God are One. 

It's so obvious that ego and God are identical that you don't have to say it.

It's like telling a fish that it is swimming around in water. Yes, doh, tell me something I don't know. The fish will just be scared if you tell it that.

Actually I don't tell "normies" anything anymore haha...if someone wants to know something about spirituality and asks me sure, but I realized a long-time back that these are delicate Truths that should never be forced on anyone...

As for the Neutral description..ehh..I prefer Infinity or Love.  Ain't nothing neutral about your finite body exploding from the power of Love/Infinity :) 

Also - ya seem to have an idea in your mind on how an "awakened one" should act.  But God can do whatever it wants - if it wants to play around on a forum why not?  All of reality is God's playground..Seems like you are still creating a duality in which God should act a certain way and not some other way. 



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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59 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Actually I don't tell "normies" anything anymore haha...if someone wants to know something about spirituality and asks me sure, but I realized a long-time back that these are delicate Truths that should never be forced on anyone...

As for the Neutral description..ehh..I prefer Infinity or Love.  Ain't nothing neutral about your finite body exploding from the power of Love/Infinity :) 

Also - ya seem to have an idea in your mind on how an "awakened one" should act.  But God can do whatever it wants - if it wants to play around on a forum why not?  All of reality is God's playground..Seems like you are still creating a duality in which God should act a certain way and not some other way. 


"I realized a long-time back that these are delicate Truths that should never be forced on anyone..." QFT <3

"Also - ya seem to have an idea in your mind on how an "awakened one" should act.  But God can do whatever it wants - if it wants to play around on a forum why not?  All of reality is God's playground..Seems like you are still creating a duality in which God should act a certain way and not some other way. "

Sure, thank for pointing it out. I'm just having fun here bro. That's at least what I tell myself. I'm here only for selfish purposes. It's nice to write my thoughts down. Helps me breathe. <3

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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4 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

"I realized a long-time back that these are delicate Truths that should never be forced on anyone..." QFT <3

"Also - ya seem to have an idea in your mind on how an "awakened one" should act.  But God can do whatever it wants - if it wants to play around on a forum why not?  All of reality is God's playground..Seems like you are still creating a duality in which God should act a certain way and not some other way. "

Sure, thank for pointing it out. I'm just having fun here bro. That's at least what I tell myself. I'm here only for selfish purposes. It's nice to write my thoughts down. Helps me breathe. <3

Haha and you make all great points as well- Your one of my favorite guys on here :) oh wait is God allowed to have favorites?  Yeah why not? :)


Love ya


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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