
Meditation. Your Not Doing It Right.

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12 hours ago, Svartsaft said:

Im not against meditation. iv ever said that.

Im against the bullshit, enlightenment, purifying the mind etc.

Becouse its pointless and sure there is emotion to it. but so what? i will keep having emotional reactions. it truly dosnt mather in the slightest.


The point to all this. once you stop this bullshit of going after all this cool stuff. you will see how you already are enlightend. you will see. truly see. how things are always diffrent. never better or worse and just be fucking content in a true way.

I might sound pissed of and be frustrated and all that stuff from time to time. but it no better then any other emotional state. at all. becouse i know im not the emotion thats going on. im not the reaction to it. I am nothing about it at all.

When you drop your bullshit you will see that. 

Enlightenment is not something hard at all. its just hidden behind bullshit. and the bullshit part about enlightenment. is that its an idea in your head. it dosnt actualy exist.

Its not just a word to you right? it has meaning. and as long as thats true. its just not gonna happen. thats why im saying that. your bullshit idea is not gonna happen. all these nice labels. bliss etc. not gonna happen. dosnt exist.

Im never going to teach anyone how to become enlightend. becouse all that will do is keep you away from it. what it actualy is.



but i feel like thats part of the process. To seek enlightenment and than realize that the way to get it is to let everything be. It's kind of like acquiring a bunch of information and than shedding it all away to get back to who you once were, but at a different level of awareness and spirituality. I agree that making enlightenment seem like some conquest that one must overtake is stupid. For me, I just let everything be..the only reason i meditate is to zone my mind out and calm it, I never use it with the intent to become enlightened. 

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4 minutes ago, Maximilian said:

You cannot say that meditation is merely about accepting what is. Meditation can be about accepting, it can be about silencing the mind, it can be about directly discovering the nature of consciousness or it can be about developing what Buddhists call Bodhicitta ("Buddha mind").

But you are right that personal development is to a large extent mental masturbation and not helpful when it comes to enlightenment. It is goal setting in a dualistic dreamworld.

I agree. @Svartsaft  That's why most masters say that you have to meditate without a purpose, just observe and let go attachments, even the attachment of being enlightened, you can find that mostly on Zen traditions.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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You guys will find that it will be impossible to do meditation in the way you think is correct. For example saying that you should do it without a purpose is just making the purpose to have no purpose. There's nothing wrong with this though,  it's how it's meant to be. Hopefully sooner or later you will become some so exhausted of your own bullshit that you will see a glimpse of the truth. You can't make this happen, it happens by it self. 

Edited by SBB4746

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@SBB4746 When I said without a purpose, I was meaning without a "you" doing "something". I don't find words to explain that better.
Any way "we" try too explain how to do it, it will be wrong. Everything we think "it is" ... "it is not"

Words are just pointers


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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