
Meditation. Your Not Doing It Right.

26 posts in this topic

Ok so im so done with all bullshit around this.

This is me assuming your somehow in a realy stupid way trying to "improve" your self.

Meditation is about accepting what is. would you agree? so do that. and stop this daily practis of trying to move away from it. becouse its not going to get you shit.

Your not going to expand your awarness or become enlightened. its not going to happen. ever.


Becouse its made up. its bullshit. 


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You mean one should stop formal pracice? 

And how is enlightenment made up bullshit? 

Maybe i dont get what ur saying^^ 

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24 minutes ago, Svartsaft said:

Meditation is about accepting what is. would you agree? so do that. and stop this daily practis of trying to move away from it. becouse its not going to get you shit.

If you can accept life in its totality, there is no need of any practices. Problem is that we are not ready for acceptance. 

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Nonono. you always accepting. what is is. you dont have a choice. its just that you bitch so mutch about it. 

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14 minutes ago, Svartsaft said:

you dont have a choice

You don't have a choice, does it stops you from desiring for more. Does it makes you relaxed, silent, in a state a total acceptance ?

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@Svartsaft Some more meditation would purify you of this reaction against meditation ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Im done with the bullshit around it. all bullshit.

Edited by Svartsaft

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@Svartsaft Don't like meditation, then why are you doing it?
Angry, frustrated, things not going the way you want? If so, why?, If one accepts what is, why is one judging what is with such emotions?

You either get what i am saying, or your mind will respond with "aarrgg more bullshit" (which is probable), me pointing this out, can you see your mind saying this?

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Im not against meditation. iv ever said that.

Im against the bullshit, enlightenment, purifying the mind etc.

Becouse its pointless and sure there is emotion to it. but so what? i will keep having emotional reactions. it truly dosnt mather in the slightest.


The point to all this. once you stop this bullshit of going after all this cool stuff. you will see how you already are enlightend. you will see. truly see. how things are always diffrent. never better or worse and just be fucking content in a true way.

I might sound pissed of and be frustrated and all that stuff from time to time. but it no better then any other emotional state. at all. becouse i know im not the emotion thats going on. im not the reaction to it. I am nothing about it at all.

When you drop your bullshit you will see that. 

Enlightenment is not something hard at all. its just hidden behind bullshit. and the bullshit part about enlightenment. is that its an idea in your head. it dosnt actualy exist.

Its not just a word to you right? it has meaning. and as long as thats true. its just not gonna happen. thats why im saying that. your bullshit idea is not gonna happen. all these nice labels. bliss etc. not gonna happen. dosnt exist.

Im never going to teach anyone how to become enlightend. becouse all that will do is keep you away from it. what it actualy is.



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@Svartsaft Enlightenment might happen or it might not happen and I agree that having hope that it will happen will only hinder you to see the beauty of reality. But saying that it won't happen is actually on the same spectrum of bullshit just on the opposite end of it.

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Good topic.

Lately I found out that an enlightenment experience can be obtained by consuming a drug called 5-MeO-DMT.

That information can only enforce what Svartsaft is saying here.

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i disagree but i still gave you thumbs up, because i somehow felt you need it right now 

all the best :) 

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I agree that clinging to these things makes you miss out on the important part which is direct experience, and the labels won't get you there. But with no knowledge that enlightenment is a possibility, how can one ever be open to an experience. Before I got into meditation and enlightenment none of this was on my radar screen. There's billions out there in that same state.

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Have you wondered what and why is actually in the end important in life? What are you doing it all for? If it's not emotions then what and are those things actually meaningful?

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16 hours ago, Svartsaft said:

Ok so im so done with all bullshit around this.

This is me assuming your somehow in a realy stupid way trying to "improve" your self.

Meditation is about accepting what is. would you agree? so do that. and stop this daily practis of trying to move away from it. becouse its not going to get you shit.

Your not going to expand your awareness or become enlightened. its not going to happen. ever.


Becouse its made up. its bullshit. 


That's true, but you know why is true? Because there's no one to get enlightened. That's the trap.

The problem is that we don't really accept anything, because there's no you to accept anything. Meditation the only thing it does is awaken your inner self (higher self, consciousness, true nature, buddha nature, Christ, whatever you wanna call it) and takes over you and you really act from your true nature accepting what is and flowing with it.

Until you don't understand that this idea of a "you", that "you" think exists, that "you" who wants to meditate to get better, that "you" who is tired of meditating because there's no point, that idea of "you"... doesn't exist.
It doesn't matter what kind of "you" you believe there's is, the problem is you still talking from you ego perspective, you, me, them, us...


Accepting what is means accepting no-self, because there's no self, no you no me no nothing, just nature manifesting by itself.



Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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