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Insight I had with introspection on weed

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Imagine living as a poor person, a rich person, a psychopath, a scientist, a Buddhist, a racist policeman, a slum child, a Muslim, a beautiful girl, an alcoholic, an African, a Chinese, a Dane, a movie star, Boudda, Jesus, Adolf Hitler, a blind man, a deaf man, Trump, a communist, a Nazi, a garage owner, a psychic, a schizophrenic, a nihilist, an atheist, a hippie and more ad infinitum (it never ends) whether you live through an animal, an insect, a human, a "particle. ..

Imagine how different you would have a vision of Reality and who you think you are. Each person would have a radically different perspective, a whole lot of different beliefs, ideas about right and wrong, values, things you like or don't like, the idea you have about sex, love, society,...
Your vision of Reality would be different in each life experienced and none would be more true than another, they are all subjective.

And yet it exists, something allows all this to be created, to happen at this precise moment or you read. And this "something" is Reality.
This Reality is objective, it exists independently of all human thoughts and beliefs, it exists and that's why we are here, conscious.

Reality can be experienced through states of non-thinking (meditation, contemplation, some drugs that can help etc...).
Humans who experience Reality often call it mystical experiences, awakening, enlightenment...
If we never do this, we live stuck in our subjective perspective and we live with our idea of Reality thinking it is true when it is false and subjective.

We live through the "ego", the identity we have created for ourselves based on our experiences, our family, our situation, the name we have been given, the nationality we think we have, etc.


I'm may be wrong of some things, I'm still a beginner into spirituality (6 years is short)

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@Gabith Thanks for sharing. ? Yes we are living in our own subjective view of reality based on all those things you talk about which together could be called ego. I think you got your definition of ego pretty much the way I would describe it as well.

I'm curious about how you would describe your view of what reality is alittle bit more in detail? ?


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