Daniel Lopez

How did you first learned about self-actualization?

11 posts in this topic

Hey guys! Lately I've been thinking about how I came across all of these concepts, I consider myself so lucky to have stumbled upon self-actualization, especially from Leo. 

What really inspired me to start this journey was the crappy life that I was having, ever since I can remember I was extremely shy, I was too afraid sometimes to even talk to people, as I grew my shyness waned a little, however I was severely bullied, especially in my early teenage years because I was too skinny, people would call me all sorts of names and I thought that was completely fine, that it was my fate, that I totally deserved it and people made me believe I was really worthless. During these times I would even have recurring suicidal thoughts.

Also since I was too bad at dealing with people I had never had a girlfriend and that's how it all started lol. I remember I was on youtube for advice on how to get a girlfriend and that kind of stuff, then I think I came across one of Leo's videos on relationships. Later I saw the one about not caring what people say, and that video inspired me so much that something clicked inside me, and from that moment on I started doing this work. 

Of course it hasn't been easy, sometimes I would say to myself it didn't work as I wasn't seeing results in the beginning, I would sometimes leave it for a while and then picked up on it again. Until I realize that this really worked and I started seeing big changes in my life.

I'm currently at a point where I am getting a fulfillment that I thought wasn't even possible for me, and I'm very glad to have found this, it's ironic how having had a shitty life for many years was what really gave me the drive and do this work, and that's the main reason why I'm posting this.

Is this also the case for you? If not, how did you came across self-actualization?

Sometimes I feel like a totally different person, and of course that's true in many respects. I'm from a "third world country", Colombia (and I was born in Venezuela which is even worse), so virtually no one here knows about this, however even if I feel lonely I am enormously thankful to have discovered these ideas.

Anyway that's my story until now, I was just curious to see what inspires people do self-actualization work. I'm sure there are some fascinating stories from many of you :)

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One out of two:

A) Happenstance through the influence from others close to you, although likely to only take you that far before you need a greater intrinsic motivator to push further. 

B) Suffering too great to not look for change. 

Me, B. 

The stumbling onto something usually is preceeded by a looking, even if that looking is subconscious and the finding of a certain path not being as apparent as it would seem at that time of finding.

Exactly when that point in time is, where beginning happens, is probably impossible to know, occurring way earlier than we would think, as that thinking is based on a point in time of becoming aware of it happening and conscious choice to pursue becomes available. 

You could argue that time starts at the moment of birth and the first sense of awareness of self. 

Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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Grew up in it. Dad had classic books like How to Win Friends and Influence People and Think and Grow Rich and raised us with self improvement mindsets. 

But I don't recommend this way of being introduced to self-actualization. Because for YEARS I was lying to myself about improving when really I was just doing mental masturbation.

My parents are also of very low integrity and I'm pretty sure the self improvement stuff has just been a cover up for their problems. 

It's actually shown me how easy it is to half-ass this type of stuff. And the difference between being serious and kinda just doing it willy-nilly. 


I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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As a teenager battling addictive compulsions, anxiety, depression, and deep confusion, my path began there in trying to see my way out of that mess. After 10-15 years of struggling up that ladder, I realized it was leaning against the wrong wall,,,, 

Beginning around 2000, I began to encounter the kind of knowledge that could be built upon in developing understanding.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Flowerfaeiry Yes I totally agree, I think most of us at a certain point half-ass this work to some extent until we realize that it's not the way, I remember I used to read books just for the sake of reading, I thought just by reading I would improve a lot. Only when I really got serious about it was I able to see some significant changes. Thanks for sharing :D

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@Zigzag Idiot Yes I can totally relate to your story, I knew something was very wrong with the way I was living, thanks for sharing!

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learned about it in psychology class in junior year of high school. I was instantly interested being an INTP who had self esteem and shyness issues, but it was just an idea.

Then I saw Leo's vid on what women are attracted to, recognized his intelligent approach, recognized the term actualized and been coming back ever since.

A Call to Live Differently: https://angeloderosa.com

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They told us during the military service about Maslow's Pyramid back in 2008. They explained it very well. The idea stayed with me, though, I didn't do anything in particular about it until I came across Leo's channel in 2019.

Edited by Eternal Unity

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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At 11 someone stole my Pokémon cards, truly devastating. After 2 weeks of suffering, i realized my attachment to these physical things was causing suffering, i appeared crazy to myself and minimalism was unlocked.  That led to questioning the meaning of all attachments and self-development was unlocked. 

I still think about does Pokémon cards to this day... :P Have you seen the price of that Charizard? lmao, the growth dividends keep coming. What a blessing. 

Edited by integral

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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