
External world closing off on me???

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As I've been going about my daily routine, I'm noticing that most people I come across seem to be cold, closed off, or completely disinterested in speaking or engaging with me. Energetically, I feel nothing from some of these people aside from them not wanting anything to do with me. These people have never met me, but it's almost like they have known me even before we've met and they have a disinterested disposition towards me.

For example, some completely ignore my pleasantries and greetings altogether. I'll say, "Hi, how are you?" and they will just not say anything at all. Another example, I"ll make a friendly comment to a server and they will say nothing but instead engage with the person next to me. These are just two examples. I'm beginning to notice this everywhere I go.

I'm wondering if I have something written on my face or if I'm putting out an energetic vibe that's just disinteresting. 

Can anyone make heads or tails of this?

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That's just how walking the high road is.

You are being kind, gentle and loving... and others do whatever the heck they want. Including ignoring you, looking at you weirdly, or just downright disrespecting you.

Look at it as God testing you. How deeply do you know Love? How willing are you to stand for Truth when no one else seems to give a fuck about it?

That's the name of the game.

Don't expect another to mirror your heart. Simply radiate love and compassion and ask for nothing in return. Once recognized; that right there is the biggest gift and blessing. It is a superpower.

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As Ivankiss said, maybe its God testing you how deep you see yourself in others. I can relate to you 100%, because i have a job which involves talking to people 24/7. And as my conscioussnes grows i want to spread love and empathy towars others, because on the deepst level of truth, there is no difference between them and me. 

However the egoic mind thrives on differences, so it wants you to believe in being different from others, therefore the love is not as authentic as it could be. And God, in the form of others "punishes" you conviniently by acting cold towards egoic love. Otherwise God could never be discovered, if you had true love through your ego. You might want to say that you are not egoic at all, but i speaking of "degrees" of egoic love, wich ultimately tend to purify into true unconditional love. 

I think its wise to believe that we have no clue how "pure" true love can really get. But everytime i feel just a spark of unconditional love in me, others give it back to me a million times, in form of money, time, attention what ever. And than the ego steps in and wants to replay the unconditional love to reward itself with money, time and attention, which doesnt work this time, because its coming from the ego. 

Its a tricky mechanism, but if you look at it holistically, with the goal to find God in others and in yourself, the cold ignorance of others is a perfect tool for you to awakening and let behind the ego. 

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@ivankiss @Vynce  So much Truth in both of these responses. It's frustrating when you don't see the love you put out there be reciprocated. But I guess that is what conditional love is and the name of the game is Unconditional Love. Regardless of how they respond or chose not to respond at all, we should still appreciate them just because they are there in our conscious awareness and look at them as our teacher. For what they stir up inside of us is only our response to what is.

I have more clarity on this now, thanks for your responses.

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let it gooo 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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