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The Godhead vs Consciousness...

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It is hard to get clear answers on what people believe actually. Is consciousness fundamental reality in your opinion, or is consciousness something which fundamental reality does/is?

In the former case, do we suppose things like atoms have some basic level of consciousness?

Leo says infinite consciousness often, but then when discussing the "Godhead" seems to describe it as a sort of infinite singularity which I find makes a lot more sense.

There are passages in religious doctrines which state that "It" is beyond even labels like awareness.

Nothingness seems to marry easier with ideas of the big bang etc, and the discovery and measurement of things we can only record with tools. Like, things could then exist without a conscious observer or the universe needing to implement alterations and laws retroactively. If the Godhead HAS consciousness then this is all easy to explain. If it IS consciousness, then it is more difficult to suppose things are existent before any conscious mind becomes aware of it.

I just finished a book called "God is Nothingness" but find the appendix sort of buffers the opinion expressed in the rest of the book.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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Godhead is the ineffable ABSOLUTE, the VOID, only is what it is in itself.

Or Mind in itself.

Then it has an active part which is GOD which is the creative part.

It is all Mind, either Godhead/nothingness/void.

Or GOD, infinite imagination, infinite thought, infinite energy.

Conciousness is what IS, Being is.

Non being - being

Formlessness- form

There is only two different sides of the same coin.


The sages throughout has called it the Absolute Awareness, where there is no me/we/subject/object.

Thats the field of being which is everything. 

Godhead has a being which is unknowable, mind in itself without anything else.

Godhead transcends being and non being, existence or non existence.

To "us" the godhead is as it were not.

But it is being as it is without anything added to it.

The source of all is the ineffable godhead.

Mind/conciousness is fundamental reality.

Some call it nothingness, some call it infinite conciousness, godhead etc, tao, the Absolute. 

It has an active and a non active part.

Thats the only way to reconcile both this views.

Mind in itself is unknowable but the active part is the universe.


But to say that the fundamental reality is an unconcious principle we err greatly.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Adamq8 The opposite of nothing is everything, not awareness. "Everything" would contain consciousness as a manifestation.

In other words the base of reality is conscious because it is all things and being conscious is something it is/does.

It is in all of us at once. Being the absolute is outside of time, consciousness is imprinted into the eternal.

However this is surely just one element of its being. There must also be unconscious processes. E.g. a universe with nothing but floating chairs. Places where things do not presently have perceptions.

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1 minute ago, RMQualtrough said:

@Adamq8 The opposite of nothing is everything, not awareness. "Everything" would contain consciousness as a manifestation.

In other words the base of reality is conscious because it is all things and being conscious is something it is/does.

It is in all of us at once. Being the absolute is outside of time, consciousness is imprinted into the eternal.

However this is surely just one element of its being. There must also be unconscious processes. E.g. a universe with nothing but floating chairs. Places where things do not presently have perceptions.

Is it not that everything is awareness in different modifications?

How else does it work together?

Scientist is moving towards conciousness as fundamental which sages has been saying for centuries.

Nothingness is concious apparently ?

Since it is outside of space and time there has never been a time where it was not concious or aware.

It is conflicting sides, some say conciousness is fundamental and some say nothingness. 

But are they not actually the same when we really dig into it?

Not two.

Sure but that postulates an unknowable universe which we can never confirm tho.

Only knowing is and that is conciousness. 

Same with cessations, what knew that cessation occured?

You get me?

Awareness is a non personal presence, it takes forms of ego and perception but that is just a fantasy that thoughts made up.

Infinite conciousness is something that can be nothingness and everythingness. 

That makes more sense to me.

Like Leo says, different states of conciousness. 

Some would disagree to this tho.

If infinite conciousness is the ground then it has limit it self off from other possibilitys in order to have the experience it has now.

The universe. 

Possibility does not necessarily mean actuality 


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Adamq8 Yeah it would necessitate the existence of things that cannot be confirmed.

There is exception of course, if Panpsychist outlooks are correct. If every individual thing down to the quantum level has an experience of being conscious, or an experience of a certain property like mass, then that is also not contradictory.

Otherwise failing that, if perception is required then it is hard to square away with the big bang etc. without saying it all exists retroactively.

If the ground is nothing/everything, then there is no conflict whatsoever. And there is no infinite regress from "what caused X". Nothing requires no cause.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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1 hour ago, RMQualtrough said:

. Is consciousness fundamental reality in your opinion

Yes. Consciousness is the only thing there is. Without consciousness there will be nothing. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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