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Imaginery Answers & Distractions

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Hello there. even I've been member for a long time I'm not active in forum. Among many other reasons; one reason is before posting here a question,  I answer my own question in my head but as someone from here answered. Even sometimes I critise myself for askin such a ''easy, silly, etc'' question.  This situation confuses me because I feel like I already found answer to my question on the other hand it might be my self judgment and fear of being judged so instead of asking the question I project it on some random people here and got my answer. 

What are your thoughts on this?  

another issue is; I like to read posts here in forum. But l am really feeling overwhelmed since l visit forum for a spesific reason but then found myself jumping from one title to another, from one post to another and spend a lot of time here and feeling guilty for that. I read lots of content here it feels like addiction... any thougths or advice will be appriciated. 

Note: English is not my first language

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23 minutes ago, traveller said:

before posting here a question,  I answer my own question in my head but as someone from here answered. Even sometimes I critise myself for askin such a ''easy, silly, etc'' question.  This situation confuses me because I feel like I already found answer to my question on the other hand it might be my self judgment and fear of being judged so instead of asking the question I project it on some random people here and got my answer. 

What are your thoughts on this?  

There is a lot of good advice here on the forum. I often go to post something here and then realize that I already have the answer, I just need to sort it out in my mind a bit better. 

No need to criticize yourself about that. Just keep asking more and better questions based of the answers you get and your own exploration. 

It's good that you're thinking and learning and asking questions. If you want to make a post you could make one that is about an insight you have or something you would like to teach us. Don't worry about what other people think about your posts, just put some good thought into it. 

17 minutes ago, traveller said:

another issue is; I like to read posts here in forum. But l am really feeling overwhelmed since l visit forum for a spesific reason but then found myself jumping from one title to another, from one post to another and spend a lot of time here and feeling guilty for that. I read lots of content here it feels like addiction...

Try to taper down the time you spend on the forum. For example if you spend 2 hours on it a day, start spending only 1.5 hours on it per day. Become really mindful of the time you spend on it. That will be a good place to start. 

I’m a trauma-informed spiritual mentor. Follow me on Instagram.


I also have a meditation available that teaches you how to connect to your heart:


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The one who asks may seem stupid for a moment, the one who does not ask will be it the rest of his life.

And about your time it depends, is this taking time of a more productive work towards the supreme? Then absolutely it is a waste of time. Is this taking time of other less important activities like wasting a lot of your time in social media, tv, worries, entertainment, porn... Then maybe it is not that of a waste of time. It depends, what are u investing your time in? Remember you never lose 1h of your time, you lose 1h of your life! So what are u investing your life in?

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