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John Butler

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Author of ‘Wonders Of Spiritual Unfoldment’ and Mystic Approaches.’ His loves were farming and meditation. Tells his story of spiritual unfoldment and how he discovered stillness. It was not always an easy path for him and he went through periods of depressions and hopelessness.
‘Realisation is not a personal attainment – it usually comes at times of deep prayer or quietness when the mind is clear of personal me…’
‘I’m just a quiet old man of regular habits going up and down the hill to church each day, sitting on a bench when the weather is warm. I don’t speak much. Adventures are inside.’
‘From worldliness the absolute completion of Pure Being can seem out of touch, more theoretical than real. How can it be relevant to need? Once known however any return to ordinary worldly ways only seem to emphasise its loss.
Total longing brings its own reward but all feelings of achievement disappear. Incomparable gifts of Heavenly Grace instruct, inspire, save us from drowning in the world.’


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