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Tim R

Allowing Fear

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I'm now sitting at home, typing these words. Around 40 minutes ago, I and a friend (female) were harassed by some dude (It's 1am right now and we were having a couple of beers). He wanted a few of things of us, but I didn't give them to him. I didn't know whether he was on drugs or anything (it certainly seemed that way) or whether he'd draw had a knife after I denied him what he wanted. He followed us for a while and verbally harassed my friend. I stepped in between. 

And I was scared.

But behind the fear - there was allowing. Allowing in and of itself. This... embodied way of saying "yes, I say yes to whatever experience fills my consciousness". 

Instead of reacting, I responded. Calmly, but afraid. I didn't have a grim attitude about my fear. I didn't feel like I had to summon all my strength and face this terrible thing. This allowing I felt was not something "I did". It was simply there, without me having to do anything. 

Consciousness is not afraid. You are not afraid, even when you are afraid. You can be scared shitless, and yet - you are allowing. Allowing fear. Allwing the most awful things.

You are "allowingness" itself. 

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