
All Day I Dream About Sex

62 posts in this topic

God damn it.

This is getting ridiculous now.

A while ago I made a thread saying how I wanted to take a break from sex until I fell in love with someone again.

Well; that did not work out really.

I ended up craving sex bad.

Since then; I had two partners. FWB's - if you will. The first one was pretty good, the second was (and still is) nearly perfect. But not as reliable.

I think I'm not having sex as frequently as I sense the urge to. Like; maybe once or twice a week, only. Sonetimes even a month. And I could do it at least twice a day.

It's getting increasingly difficult to navigate and/or transform all this sexual energy.

I feel like a horny 15yr old again. Pretty much all the time. It started seriously affecting my thinking patterns. My behaviour, mood, etc.

I know sexual energy is creative energy. And not being creative enough might be what's bugging me. But still; this shit is hard. I'm working seasonally in a coffee shop. All I see is ass n titties all day long. People say I'm good looking and charismatic. So let's assume that's true... I'm also a natural flirt. I flirt with pretty much every woman at my job. It's awesome. But on the other hand; it only makes me want pussy more.

I am aligned with my purpose. I work hard on several areas of life. I don't want this shit to hold me back. But it almost seems as if I cannot truly move forward without letting this out of my system. Fucking it away.

What do you guys think? Anyone went through something similar here? Particularly; in the 'post-awakening' stages - if you know what I mean. I still don't want a full blown relationship. Should I just find a more reliable FWB? Or should I use some methods to transcend this?

Would appreciate your thoughts and views.

Here's a cool and very relevant song for ya sexy people:



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Chase cheque not pussy. Pussy always comes. 

Svako dobro. 

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@ivankiss I have advice for you but it’s going to be a long shot.


Sex is a way to get your emotional needs met.


You can look up a list of emotional needs (connection, belonging, safety…) and determine a few things.

1. Which one of these does sex represent ? 
2. Which needs can I meet more consistently on a daily basis ? 
3. If sex represents a sense of safety, how can I make sure I feel safer and more connected in my reality without needing sex to be that for me, etc. For any other need sex may entail.


for me it was connectedness and safety, I resolved this over time by speaking up more, having better boundaries and not putting up with mistreatment of any kind - and suddenly I felt safer and I didn’t need sex to overcompensate. 


And over time, slowly but surely, your subconscious mind will adapt new patterns of meeting your emotional needs. 

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I think we shoul DM or chat or maybe talk. I do have relevant topics for you. The only difference is that I am a virgin. I have the same tendencies. Periodically i get to transform more and more of that desire to what I want. It has to do with alot of things. Also in this particular field - you have to find what really works for you. But the reason I would like to chat e.c.t. is to hear your story.

If you want to be a high-achiever creatively, I think you need to look into this issue to get more time in your day to gather exponentially more possibility to be a really expressive and well rounded artist. Also this can come from other things like loneliness, confusion, not being artistic e.c.t.

Edited by Applegarden8

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@Zeroguy Kinda doing that already, yup.

@MatteO22 Thanks. Will do some introspection.

As of now; I think sex only represents a source of reaaally good feelings. It's like ecstasy. I love losing myself in the act.

That already says enough, if I think about it a bit...

@Applegarden8 Thanks! Will hit you up later!

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Move in with some girlfriend and have sex 2 times a day?

I can relate to your situation

Edited by Hello from Russia

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@Hello from Russia Got out of a situation like that not too long ago. As I said; not feeling quite ready for a full blown relationship. Especially not moving in with someone.

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2 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Hello from Russia Got out of a situation like that not too long ago. As I said; not feeling quite ready for a full blown relationship. Especially not moving in with someone.

Well, that's pretty much the bottleneck. It's hard to have sex very often when you're not living together, or at least living somewhere close to each other


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Just let it go. Nothing to figure out. No justifications needed. Its not a problem to be solved.

Let it go when it arises. It will be quickly down regulated. 

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@Hello from Russia I think it's doable. It is only a matter of two horny people finding each other xD The previous fwb I had used to call a taxi to my place nearly every other day haha. And pay for it. It was the ultimate booty call. But we were not a very good match - energetically. She was not exactly submissive. I don't like masculine chicks.

@integral I wish it was that easy.

I want to 'just let it go'. But it won't let go of me xD

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I guess if I was to put it as clearly as I can; my question is:

Should I let myself loose and act this out fully or should I suck it up and transcend it?

I'm kinda leaning towards the first option. It seems more relevant. Resonates a bit more.

Maybe I should become a better hunter and always have a few girls at disposal, instead of relying on one girl only.

It's a role I'm not used to playing, but maybe that's what I need now.

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All day I dream about love. (not sex necessarily) 

Can relate. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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This has been one of the most useful things i have embodied recently. Its just so easy. 


Satisfy Desires Consciously, this will exhaust it

Edited by integral

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@integral Thanks. I'm pretty sure I watched that one already, but I might as well put it on again.

I tried transcending the impulse. I was sticking to that plan - initially. It went alright for a while and the cravings got quieter. But then I had sex once and it hit me hard. I was unable to shake the urge off since then. At least not for real. I can only reach a temporary relief. But the next day the impulses again tell me to fuck everything that's living and breathing haha.

Not sure if I'm dealing with an addiction here or just mother nature. Perhaps a mix of both.

Edited by ivankiss

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4 hours ago, Preety_India said:

All day I dream about love. (not sex necessarily) 

Do you think it's basically the same? 

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1 hour ago, ivankiss said:

Do you think it's basically the same? 

I'm pretty sure it's not xD 


I'll reply to your pm when I have time, sorry I'm super busy as of now :(

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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6 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Shin You betrayed me when I needed you the most. Just like my ex.

I will never forget that.

I hope that's sarcasm xD 

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin It's a jokey joke.

Except the part about my ex betraying me. That's kinda true. And it still kinda hurts. And maybe I wanna fuck away the pain.

Thanks for listening Shin. You're a good friend.

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