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Do Nothing 10 day retreat Logistics?

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Watched Leo's video "The Counter-Intuitive Nature Of Life" and around the 42 min mark, he talks about how doing nothing for 10 days can up your results in life by 20% and boost creativity immensely. Ive been contemplating doing this for the last 2 days but am wondering what the logistics are for "doing nothing". Is this like a Vipasanna retreat? Do you eat? You must go to the washroom? Talk to no one. Sit down on a meditation chair for 10 days straight and do absolutely nothing? Do you do meditation techniques or just close your eyes and not worry about it? Just hoping someone with experience, preferably Leo if he see's this answers this question. Thanks kindly! 


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It's basically just 10 days of being quiet and having an intense daily meditation practice.  You still prepare and eat meals, you still shower and brush your teeth, you still wash the dishes.  If you have young children, you still tell them a bedtime story each night.  For the most part what you're cutting out for that time are recreational and work-related activities.

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How about you go out somewhere solo for 10 day with all the basic stuff that you need to survive.

Choose a place with:-

  • With no internet, phone or any sort of digital devices.
  • No human interaction. Just by yourself.

Just be. It is kinda feel nice to disconnect but you may go crazy sometimes like you want to shout or something.

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You have no idea how much influence mind activities has on your experience, when you are in your day to day place of living. They have a strong tendency to become a setback. This is why disconnecting and going to a retreat or a workshop are powerful. You can put to rest all the self-image maintenance.

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