Bob Seeker

Craziest thing you’ve done for Life Prpose?

11 posts in this topic

Quit a job in the career that I went to university for, to do something I enjoyed and was passionate about instead.

(It was the right choice, but it's a scary one for most people.)

I guess technically end a long-term romantic relationship as well

Edited by Yarco

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i studied a in my families opinion worthless subject (sociology) to have much time to think and get to know myself.

>> the value of getting to know your Self is so underrated


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I ran away from home, ended up in a homeless shelter,  and then lived in subsidized housing before moving back home with my parents and working in retail.

It was, by all means, crazy what I did, and I wouldn't recommend my personal life path to anyone.  However, It led to so much personal growth and motivation for better in my life (and first-hand knowledge of the systems in society that keep people poor.) If I didn't do all that, I wouldn't be making a lot of money in a career focused on my life purpose (using technology to bring people together.)

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Cutted off all friendships, left first job after a year and closed myself in for about 2 years to work on my purpise living on unemployment benefit, because I spent all my money into either myself or business and also got low 5 figure debt.

And I could have a really good paid job at this time. Said no to developer and management positions at Amazon, VW, BMW etc.. Had also contact to higher positioned managers and also CEOs of 9 figure businesses. I didn't care.

Because I don't want to be in a fucking treadmill and wasting my valuable time as an employee.

Nothing special about that. Working as a employed or freelance developer is basically the same as working at starbucks. Maybe even worse because you more likely think you have achieved something. Even if you loose your time. 

However, I want it more than anything else. And this can be an obstacle.. 

Edited by IAmReallyImportant

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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Learned all about web development/studied at a Bootcamp, got interviews, could've gotten decent paying jobs from it but turned that down.. and decided to pursue music instead because it turns out I could no longer ignore that calling and just do it on the side.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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I employed the sacrifice all for LP mentality. Ofc that's not the reigning mentality here I think but you need to be careful, strategic and intelligent when making decisions.

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3 hours ago, Jacob Morres said:

I employed the sacrifice all for LP mentality. Ofc that's not the reigning mentality here I think but you need to be careful, strategic and intelligent when making decisions.

You cannot ever create a strategy for your life or life purpose that works out surely. No matter how sophisticated and thought through, it can get wrong anyways. This is a fantasy and honestly - a naive and irrational perspective. Nobody ever can calculate their life path.

For me what you are writing is common sense and most people who are not mentally retarded do this. And it is cool to see people here, who are brave as well. Who are willing to risk something, because this is necessary but requires strength and character. If you want to go the even 60% certain path, this is not for you. Then getting a job and stay there would be a better decision.

The more risk and the more fucked up the story, the higher the growth. However, I think it is wise to not do this too often. Otherwise, it could get too much. And in most cases it is recommended to do this when you are young. The older you get, the more responsibilities you have and the less energy and other resources to recover.

Edited by IAmReallyImportant

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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On 6/18/2021 at 3:08 AM, IAmReallyImportant said:

Nobody ever can calculate their life path.

You can definitely still be strategic without being fear based. 


Life is an RPG with a lot of random factors.


Ok so you come up with a strategy and then improvise on the fly. 


That way your not without any plan at all so you have some tangible blueprint as to where you want your life to go but you also don't hold yourself

back in a fear based way.


Most people swing all the way to one side or the other.


Either "I'll never accomplish my dreams". Or "I'll sacrifice everything and blindly go for it no matter what". 


Both can end up pretty badly. The key here is balance between the strats and the oomph.

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