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Live Life Liam

How To Be Happy | Letting Go Of The Dream

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How to be happy? Everyone is seeking happiness through mostly material gains but the question is how do you truly be happy? In this video I will teach you the secret to true happiness although it’s not what you think.

Happiness is not a thing to be acquired in the external world but the very essence of your being. The secret to true happiness is living every day in the moment. It’s about letting go of all of your ideas, beliefs and ideologies of how the world is supposed to work rather than what is. We take life way too seriously and that’s the very simple reason most people aren’t happy. They are closed minded to the possibilities of the vulnerability and play that once existed in all of us as children. 

You see what most people don’t realise, due to simply not being conscious enough to notice, is that life is no different from the dream state. When we dream we know longer have conceptual awareness of our waking state and vice versa but whilst in the dream it feels so real. So the point towards happiness is trying to see reality lucidly. Once you become aware of the silliness of life you can truly live it and be happy. The problem is most people are so consumed by conditioning that it’s difficult for them to see this truth but with the proper techniques and daily habits you can implement this and as you do feel happier. 

Meditation is one way to do this. As we watch our thoughts, feelings and sensory based world we begin to notice illusions our mind creates so it’s a great tool to see how you’re limiting your happiness potential. Self inquiry is similar as you question your mindset and question why you’re causing your own suffering. The best way to become more aware and free from your serious and destructive attitude is to live more open and do the things that bring you the most joy. As you do things that bring out your inner child you will begin to open up to happiness and feel happier in every moment. 

In the video I go a little more in depth about this and an example of how to be happy and the secret of happiness.

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