Hap E-Boi

Psychedelics for exploration of second tier colours.

1 post in this topic

A possible trap of green and a bit beyond might be that through frequent use of psychedelics, it might have the illusion to have integrated higher stages of consciousness, while it has fallen back into "spiritual arrogance".

This is not wrong, it's just an observation from my perspective.

Maybe meditation, even though the hard way might be a good main focus, if using psychedelics only very rarely for exploration only.

If you feel not entirely mentally stable, or if schizophrenia occurs in your family, STAY AWAY!!

I'm curious to hear other perspectives.

This video might also be of interest to you:


Edited by Hap E-Boi

Often overlooked causes of spiritual regression are exposure to free glutamate and EMF's. For me personally the REID program has helped me a lot, but everyone walks their own path and what has a profound impact for one person might be negligible for another.

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