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What should a guy do for delayed ejaculation?

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I had a problem with one of my past boyfriends that he would ejaculate as soon as we would make out in the bed. But I would be in the process of getting orgasm and he would ejaculate before I reached full orgasm. I liked having extended orgasms because I would want more action from him. He would get tired quickly meanwhile I would be a bit dissatisfied although I never complained about it. But I wanted him to not get excited so quickly and take it slow. He wouldn't be able to control his urges during sex. He would still end up ejaculating a little faster than me. And then the action is over. I don't want it like that. The sexual feeling is good but sometimes there's no climax. I still used to have sexual energy and he used to be exhausted. 

What can a guy do for delayed ejaculation? 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Gabapentin.  Shhhhhhh.. 

It's typically prescribed as a nerve pain medication, but it has side effects.. if you get what I'm saying.   I'm not a doctor. This is not medical advice. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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  • Breathe slowly and deeply.
  • Focus on the girl not on you.
  • Pull out and play with the girl if it's really too close and unsure of finishing.

Mostly the man job, you can't really help him, he's either capable or not.

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Pivot away all sexual stimulation from the dick/prostate space to the whole body and project it into the girl. This way you can last in bed pretty much indefinitely. When you want to consciously cum, you just focus your sexual energy on the dick/prostate again and usually you can cum very quickly from it

99.9% of men have all their sexual energy stuck in their dick, hence why they have trouble pacing themselves and actually enjoying the process itself.

Too much attention on the dick, in other words

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Did you tell him you wanted it to last longer? I think most guys, if they try, they can hold off from orgasming. 

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