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So conscious, breathing becomes imaginary?

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Anyone experienced being so conscious that breathing became imaginary?

Or merging into the singularity so much that you are almost forgetting to breathe?

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One time I became so conscious, that my urge to pee got imaginary. But at the same time i noticed why it was important to imagine pee, toilets and so on. But thats another story with the breath. Never experienced imaginary breath.

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Yeah man is was bizzare and scary. I mean if everything is imaginary, there's no reason why you should need to breathe in these crazy states. The form almost disappeared entirely. But I would drift in and out of the formlessness

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The yogis call it the subtle breath, it happens when they go into deep samadhi states. They breathe very little or nothing at all but the breathing continues in their imagination/feeling. One cannot practice this, it just happens.

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7 hours ago, Godishere said:

Anyone experienced being so conscious that breathing became imaginary?

I think I did. I took ungodly amounts of psychedelics though, so my memory is faint

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