
If you're gonna think; do it as The Creator

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This cute title came to me just minutes ago under the shower. It came with a download.

I don't know about you, but I definitely went through a period of trying to escape thought. To ignore it. To pretend like it's not there.

It didn't work.

I ended up turning it into the enemy. The complete and exact opposite of who I really am. It was The Duality.

I still catch myself trying to fight tought off here and there. But thankfully; I can laugh my way out now. Or shake it all off.

I don't feel like there are two. As in; Me (Absolute) and The Thought. It seems like that duality collapsed. Although I'm still getting kinda used to it.

So maybe you can relate to this. Maybe you're already through, or still caught in between. In any case, here's what I'd like to say;

It's ok to think, bro. You're not committing a crime against The Universe if you think. You're not doing anything wrong. Thought is a quality of God. Of You. It's perfectly fine that it's there. It's also perfectly fine if it's not there. There is no need to kill thought.

Now, 'turning the cheek on it' can be a spiritual practice. For the purpose of Self-Realization. But once The Truth dawns on you - if you will - there is no real need to get rid of anything. Including thought.

But here's the thing;

Think consciously. It is possible. Choose high quality thoughts. Be creative in your thinking space. Think as The Creator. Because you are The Creator. Especially from thought's point of view. 

In thought you must be at peace with duality. It's also good if you have a deep understanding of it. It can serve you immensely. Anything you desire to experience yourself as, to build, to establish, to form, to organize, to create, to start... All that requires thought and understanding of duality. You must get how things click with each-other. How the puzzles fit. All this can be incredibly fun, exciting, expensive, beautiful, joyful. It can be done effortlessly. Simply know your thought. Understand that main and biggest duality of them all. The Mother Of All Dualities. Actuality vs. Thought. God vs. Thought (of God).

There is no real opposition. No boundary. The boundary is imaginary. There to serve a purpose. To serve You.

In thought you must be comfortable with uncertainty and the unknown. Being wrong. Being ignorant. All that jazz. Simply because you cannot know it all in thought. You cannot see it all in thought. You cannot be certain of everything in thought. It's good that you learn how to notice when you're in that spot, and in that moment simply surrender thought to the unknown. To God. Simply know that you don't know. Understand that you don't understand. See that you don't see. 

You cannot stop thinking. You can only surrender thought to Light - when it comes. Thought can also be taken away from you, and dissolve into The Light of pure presence. But you can never throw it away or destroy it.

Find peace in thought. Think constructively. Don't be afraid to think of the future or the past. Be excited (now) for the future and grateful for the past. Build and work towards your goals and visions. Be aligned with your purpose. Just be aware if and how you're thinking. 

Steer that imaginary ship. Fall in love with it.

Have fun.


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thought is you consenting to stay in duality, whether you consent implicitly or your consent  explicitly

yes you do have a say in the matter; thought is not the god of you ...

once this is realized it is somewhat easier to choose where one resides though it takes some reprogramming

obviously one will need duality sometimes

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@gettoefl Nice. Thanks for adding that.

Duality, Nonduality... It's all the same juice.

Who's to tell the difference..? xD

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