Thunder Kiss

Dermatophagia (nail/skin biting addiction)

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I have dermatophagia - a disorder of compulsive picking/biting the skin around finger nails. since being a kid, I’m extremely addicted and need to stop.  I have quit many times but I always end up doing it again. 
my nails always end up sore and look horrible, but it feels so satisfying to do it. It happens automatic and I will do it compulsively. 
Even the awful tasting stuff that is supposed to deter you from biting, doesn’t stop me. 
If someone has any tips to stop this for good it would be great. 
thanks in advance. 

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I used to have the same problem as a kid, then someone showed me their nails where it had become super short and told me that's what happens when you bite your nails, and I stopped. Maybe it was easier for me to stop since I was still young, I don't remember how exactly It happened since it was so long ago.

I suggest you maybe google images of dermatophagia and maybe take a look at the effect it can have, see if it motivates you to stop

I do pick at my lips quite a bit though, I wonder if the habit has transferred somehow.

Edited by Osaid

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Just decide to stop doing it.

And visualize yourself every day having the urge, but then letting it go and not acting on it, not needing the satisfaction.

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Damn it's so fucking satisfying. I do this as well. My mum also did, and she said she started to enjoy the taste of the bad tasting stuff used to treat it after a while lol.

I've noticed it comes and goes. Boredom and hunger seem to be big triggers for me, if I start noticing that I'm doing it, eating some food can help.

Another thing you can try is alternating hands. i.e. for one week you can only bite skin on your right hand, next week left, then back to right and so on. This helps increase your awareness of the habit at the very least, so it's a decent starting point.

But yea, in the long run you need more effective strategies if you want to completely cut it out. At least it's not that harmful of an addiction though

Edited by something_else

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I haven't tried it yet... but maybe you could try nail polish and manicure.. or manlycure if you prefer

This woman said her 3 years old son wanted his nail painted, so she did. 


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I have this as well. So fucking hard to stop, I mutilate the skin around my nails and everyone’s just like wtf. At least with smoking or something, the trigger isn’t always right at your fingertips, literally.

Theres a subreddit for dermaphotagia if you wanted to check it out 

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52 minutes ago, Joel3102 said:

So fucking hard to stop

It's not hard. Just let it go.

You have to actually let it go. You aren't doing that.

See my video on; The Power Of Letting Go

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Carry a nail file and a small tin of vaseline. When you get the urge to bite the rough bits, file them down and then apply the Vaseline. 
if the rough bits are kept smooth there won’t be anything to pick or knaw on.

also using a gel nail varnish that doesn’t chip easily and also strengthens the nail. 

Edited by intotheblack



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@Thunder Kiss I used to have this problem. My issue was related to stress. I was under stress and wasn't aware of it so to calm myself down I bite my nails. 

Maybe it's the case for you too. Just try to relax as much as possible, don't worry about unnecessary stuff and also, just DECIDE to quit it. Just make a decision.

It's very powerful to make a decision. 

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@Thunder Kiss work on the underlying tendency. Most likely a deeply rooted anxiety or some sort of chronic stress is causing this. As a repellent you can dip your fingers tea tree oil to make them taste gross. But seems like you have some deep work to do on you psyche. 

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A good trick is to always have something else to chew on, like a toothpick or gum, or one of those suckers for babies ;)

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

one of those suckers for babies ;)

lol You mean a dummy? Or as you Americans would say ‘a pacifier’ 



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5 hours ago, intotheblack said:

lol You mean a dummy? Or as you Americans would say ‘a pacifier’ 

I prefer nipple ;)

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I prefer nipple ;)


It's Love.

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I found putting a elastic band around your wrist and pulling it when ever you crave the addiction, this shows your subconscious brain to avoid such tendencies. Also don’t identify as someone who has nail bitting tendencies. 

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