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Is being single so bad?

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I was thinking about this topic recently since i had to reject a girl who doesn't ignite anything in me then i stumbled in this video. It seems being single is not that bad (as long as it is your choice). 

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I think you’re not convinced that it’s the truth or you wouldn’t need anyone’s opinion on the matter? 

i would say as long as you’re content and it’s not fuelled by negativity there’s nothing wrong with it at all.

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It's great being single-- if you're getting some didily as well ?

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Just follow the trail of what feels good for you to do in your now moments buddy, that's what I do anyway

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  On 6/10/2021 at 4:13 PM, Pseudom said:

I was thinking about this topic recently since i had to reject a girl who doesn't ignite anything in me then i stumbled in this video. It seems being single is not that bad (as long as it is your choice). 

   Yeah, it's great being single, I'm  lucky enough that it's both natural and a choice to be single. As long as you have a big vision for where you want to go, where you want to improve in life, be willing to experience life, even be willing to handle solitude, it has some advantages over being say in an intimate relationship, married or being a parent. There are trade offs as well in different relationships, so contemplating and learning is needed.

   As long as you have a vision, and contemplate if this is what you want, great.

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There is nothing bad about it. In fact if you're honest and pay close attention you'll realize everyone is actually "single" all the time for their entire lives. No matter who is in your life or how connected you are, you are always in the solitude of your own mind.

The reason it gets stigmatized is because it's bad for normies who don't have the inner strength and can't stand to be alone with themselves lol.

Just make sure you're working on yourself, content, and can actually enjoy being alone. If you choose to no longer be single, make sure you're seeking a relationship for the right reasons and from a place of health.


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  On 6/18/2021 at 2:00 AM, Roy said:

The reason it gets stigmatized is because it's bad for normies who don't have the inner strength and can't stand to be alone with themselves lol.

I think there's a lot of truth to that - reminds me of a quote by Blaise Pascal: 'All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.'

A few years back I struggled really badly with feelings of loneliness, really felt like I couldn't bear to be alone. But after a while I started to ask myself what was actually so bad about being alone, and when I inquired into myself I found that the simple truth was that I just didn't want to be alone with all the pain I was feeling; from that moment on I resolved to simply be with the pain, to drop all resistance to it, and pretty quickly it started to dissolve - and so, too, did the desire for a relationship.

I don't want to suggest, though, that there's something wrong with being in a relationship, I know that in my own case one relationship in particular was absolutely crucial to my spiritual growth, as painful and difficult as it was. I do think that it's worth examining your reasons for wanting to be in a relationship, though, because so often it's stemming from some unhealed wound.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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