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Would you love to share your life lessons with me?

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"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change so that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger but in wisdom, understanding and love."

I love this forum so much. Your words and experiences enlighten me a lot and make such a difference in my life.
I am 23 years old. Graduated, just started my first job, struggling to balance my work and life, have not really fallen in love ever, but happy with what I have owned now, curious about the marriage and so many things I have not been through.
People at different stages of life, what have you learned from the past time?  I will be very honered and happy to hear your life experience and your thoughts about love, job, life, marriage, aging, or anything.  :)

Edited by Cauliflower

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Lately I've been cultivating more love in my life. It's done at home and in nature through meditation, yoga and embodiment practices. When I go out, I feel into what I practiced at home in my body and it gives life a different quality. If I don't do my love cultivation I can tell. I treat people differently, am quicker to react, I feel more rushed and less satisfied. 

I also think that the word love is romanticized and often brings up thoughts and feelings that may not be based in much that is solid. 


I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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Life seems different and the facts of truths about life, objectively and subjectively, usually are different if not much different ot r the opposite from what it seems.

For example, what healthy food is, and what people around you say healthy food is, see if they are healthy and trough self-inquiry and struggle you will start to know, or at least go in that direction. This is true for pretty much everything - what is reality, what is the most important thing for you to know in your life, what is possible, how much should you believe your current beliefs about life, how good can you get at certain life's skill. Nothing is set in stone and definetly what it seems to you currently or what others tell you. They might aswell have no idea, but they love to project that they know, most of this come from insecurity about themselves.

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Surprisingly, the best experience of life is to just be. And we always are. But we generate layer upon layer of noise and action or non-action. Where everything we do from meditation, to yoga, to psychedilcs is just more layers, more noise.

Just be. I mean that is all. Be and enjoy your beingness. Do not seek for awakening, awakening is not a thing that will happen when... awakening is a happening, is a reality. And u can't say I'm awake or not awake, because it just is. It is more primal, as core as u can get. From that point everything else, all duality and non-duality, or delusions and truths, the whole cosmos manifests. Yet you are. Do not lose more in this endless game, just take a moment: This exact moment and be. I am, I amness and that is all, rest in your being, rest in your natural state, in your natural way of being, own yourself, be yourself. Rest in your Self. OM

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I'll feed my obsession with age:

Don't ever worry about being old(er). For two reasons mainly. Worrying about being old one day, spoils being young - just enjoy being young it only happens once. And, when you get old, you'll realise that it feels exactly the same as being young, and just how badass you are now in comparison to your younger self xD

57% paranoid

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