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Nihilism: Is It Really So Bad?

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I think nihilism, like any philosophical view, is beautiful. We need nihilism to counteract the idea that everything has purpose.

But why is it demonized? Is it really so bad?

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Yes, nihilism is a good counter-point. Several problems may arise however:

1) Confusing nihilism with reality or the nondual point of view. Giving people the wrong impression and leading them to think that nonduality is a philosophical position.

2) Have you actually thought through the radical implications of nihilism? Really think it through. Try to actually embody it.

3) Many people are turned off by it, so it's not good from the perspective of marketing.

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If you look more into Nihilism I think it's believing that life is meaningless in a negative sense, which will make you suffer. 

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So basically you want to do nothing and thats why you want to identify with nihilism?

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