
How to tolerate fools?

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What's the best way to deal with fools?

I mean they are me, so I can't hate them. I obviously have to tolerate them, but how does one awaken them. 

Direct them to the blatantly obvious. Without arguing, debating etc.

How does one achieve this? I mean considering we are not all famous YouTubers.

Does one bother to awaken them or point them to the obvious? Those of us in corporate jobs. 


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When you find out, let me know.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Hahaha. I guess that means go find a cave somewhere; it's not happening anytime soon.


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Allow yourself to be intolerant of fools - the idea that you should be perfectly equanimous is a misconception perpetuated by those who have falsely claimed enlightenment in the past, and unfortunately gave the wrong impression that an enlightened being is essentially nonparticipatory in nature.  Imperfect, undesireable human behaviours are part of our nature which evolved over hundreds of millions of years, and we should accept them gladly.

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At least fools are not evil. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@kinesin @kinesin wow you are very articulate and precise with your words. Marcus Aurelius couldn't have said it better himself. Thank you

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Because they are evil to me. You know good, bad, evil. Two, not one. Evil

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9 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Godishere and how? 


They allow evil to happen, because evil can easily fool them. The majority of people in the world are fools and only very very few are really evil. It´s rediculous that these few cripples are able to turn the world upside down due to te foolishness of its population.

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@Godishere You use them to train your spirituality, or you get away from them. I stopped trying to fix people, that don't even know how fucked up they are and then they develop a hostility towards you.

I sometimes enjoy training equanimity when I am confronted with unbearable people. It's funny what my mind does.


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24 minutes ago, Godishere said:

@kinesin @kinesin wow you are very articulate and precise with your words. Marcus Aurelius couldn't have said it better himself. Thank you

To be clear, I only said allow yourself to be intolerant of fools.  Don't force a positive outcome (such as forcing yourself to love fools) but likewise don't force a negative one.  If your current form considers fools to be evil then this is fine, but if that changes and you find your views softening or becoming more empathetic to them, that's fine too.

All of these thoughts and feelings are simply expressions of your human nature - these are traits and behaviours which evolved, they're built into your physiology as part of the wider perfect universal system.

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@kinesin @Endangered-EGO 

That's an interesting one, use them to work on your spirituality. Didn't think about it that way I suppose.

Absolutely speaking, it doesn't matter. It's this damn people attachment thing, it's hard to get over. Yet.. they are me ?

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@Godishere It's just like: it doesn't matter. You don't expect children to behave like adults, but you also shouldn't expect adults to always behave like adults. I also must say, I have a kind of superiority complex when it comes to anger, jealousy, blaming, complaining etc.

I view it as immature childish egoic behavior.

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Have you noticed we often enjoy characters with the same annoying traits when they are characters on a TV show?

Dale Gribble is a fun character, but irl conspiracy nuts are really frustrating.

I think the difference is to do with participation. Watching a TV show is being a true silent observer. We just watch things unfold with zero attachment to anything (as in we don't feel we are controlling one of the characters and that it's our self etc).

When we feel there is a self actually interacting with the environment we're no longer a silent observer but a participant. And that causes frustration etc.

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I tried debating and arguing the fool. It didn’t work out as I anticipated. It made me sit back and realise eventually how much work I have to do on myself yet. Infact after a few days I realised how it came full circle on me, and realised that I was infact the fool, especially  for my own forceful nature during such a debate. And just to be honest when it came down to it I wasn’t capable of what I had thought I was. It’s alright to sit there on your own and understand the nature of reality, or at least to what you think is a decent degree. To deliver it to the fool takes something of a much more nuanced sophisticated approach. It actually takes skill. So if you try, without being prepared, then understand you will become the fool to the fool, and then the fool to yourself as well as you realise how much of a fool you were to even go down that road with someone. You better make sure you seriously know how to back up your claims if going to directly issue someone with some truths. It’s harder than you think

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You can (try to) be grateful fools exist. For they contribute to the creation and emergence of smarter men. Similarly to thisEbNpoJMWsAAdk11.jpeg

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Sounds like a bad joke:

How do you awaken a fool...?

You don't, let the fool awaken you.

57% paranoid

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4 hours ago, Endangered-EGO said:

@Godishere You use them to train your spirituality, or you get away from them.


It's like weight lifting for spirituality i agree with that. If you do it with the right form that is. 

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By finding an intrinsic source of compassion for all beings.

Recognizing that the foolishness you find in them is foolishness you found in yourself at one point. 

Understanding everyone is on their own spiritual journey's and are exactly where they are, and could ever be; the idea that they could be any other way than how they are is your own egoic projections. 

By seeing through the illusion of moralizing.

By awakening to Absolute Nihilism. 

By recognizing the underlying primordial perfection of reality and all of its manifestations. 

By cultivating your own wisdom and recognizing that the work you're doing on yourself is the work needed to free the world from foolishness.


Edited by Consilience

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