
Enlightenment Qualifications Continued

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@Bizarre @Lynnel @NTOgenThanks a bunch!!!!! Just watched the first "basic" video from James, it's soooo great! I totally get it! Would certainly like to go full-out on him, if the world is so that I'm right enough to get it all)))) 

Got a question though, not sure you could answer but no harm asking. So what about the memories? I guess currently I believe I am my memories plus awareness on top of them. That is why I do not see before this body as I am and I fear death cause there is no memories after death. Also to that point - even in enlightenment they say there are worldly preferences - which I think are contained in memories. Question is if there is no memories w/o the body, how could pure awareness be the real me? More practical point is where is me as in pure awareness when I sleep? Why I do not feel myself in sleep as a pure awareness entity?

@Bob84 The video would be nice for you imho, it's not religion, it's a course like in a college ))=== GTI a.k.a. Bizarre just likes to shittalk on us a bit from his high road, it's all his personal Egoic problems I guess) He means well nonetheless I think.

Cheers guys! ))

Edited by Alex K

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@Alex K Saw that vid. He kind of makes me think of that guy from breaking bad before he lost his hair :D.

As to the question. You are always awareness. Your mind (memory's, ego, etc) are so to say the glasses that your awareness is looking true.

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