
Enlightenment Qualifications Continued

105 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Alex K said:

@GTITurbolover So, please give a basic as in simple book to start inqury into vedanta plz.

I guess a school really would be needed to get somewhere far with it?

I've read your posts 2-3 times and either your way smarter than me or you to far in it, but I cant get any complete idea out. I need something basic. Only can congrat Neo on getting it straight away.

Sorry Alex, I did not see your request..

This is a really simple introduction. 

Then you can do the course Lynnel posted for us. Or his book is available on Amazon, or at his website for a small price. 

If you resonate with it, you can find other teaching on his website. 65cents per hour . Compare that to Adyashanti who charges $7 per hour for crap Zen mixed neo Advaita that leaves most people wondering when "it" is going to happen they either get fed up with it an find Vedanta or give up the search.


Start here and if you like it then take your pick of free teaching. If you love Vedanta like I do then you can buy the full set which was described above and support James because he teaches for free and only relies on donations and book sales.

There is enough free material on his website to get you Enlightened anyways. It's a no brainier . 

And no, you don't have to join an ashram, James is a lineage holder and has enlightened 400 people . He has trained six teachers and you can email them with questions. You can do it all by email. The point is, these guys are teachers. Adyashanti and Mooji (especially Mooji) are not really teachers. They have their opinions and experiential language only. 

Edited by GTITurbolover

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This page is the information for all his teachers and the lineage he belongs to. If you want confirmation that his teachings are consistent with the sampradaya you can contact any of these people.

Swami Paramarthananda in Chenni has 2000 enlightened Brahmins all going through advanced teacher training right now . 

This tradition is not a hit n miss thing. It's the rolls Royce of enlightenment traditions and it's the place most end up if they are lucky enough to find it

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2 hours ago, NTOgen said:

I gave up on "samsara" years ago and I knew there was a "way out", it's just that I've been kinda groping in the dark ever since to find it. Much of vedanta connects with what I've discovered in that time via other means.

And the parts of vedanta that seem dubious, I'm willing to simply take as a teaching methodology. There's no actual truth in any teaching anyway, their only possible value is in terms of practical results.

So I "accept it pending the results of my investigation", or just to take with a grain of salt. I don't sweat the details anymore, I've already done my bit on that front.


I did see this comment either. 

The parts of Vedanta that seem dubious are unresolved boubts. The method is, they present the inquier with a problem. They provoke you into contemplating an aspect of duality. (Remember, REALITY is non dual, but the way the human mind experiences is is dualistic - and this is called ignorance). So they present a piece of your ignorance to contemplate. And then resolve that doubt in the next teaching. Each teaching removes ignorance piece by piece and if the teaching is unfolded properly the teacher brings the class to a revelation of the self by the end of the teaching.

Then ignorance resumes ( because it's hard wired isn't it?) So off you go again, onto the next more.complex teaching so you can resolve doubts that lingered in the first place that brought your mind back to duality.

It took James two years to assimilate the teachings. He was with his guru from 4am till 12 midnight being challenged . A lot don't make it through, but James did, it's hard. This is why you need qualifications, because it's for dedicated people only.

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11 minutes ago, Bob84 said:

@GTITurbolover So thats a statement that you are enlightend ?

I'm not enlightened. I need to work on my qualifications (as you can probably tell lol xD)

What would you say I need to work on?


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8 minutes ago, NTOgen said:

You could be a bit more crude and confronting :D You're not asshole enough to be enlightened.


Got any trips?



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21 minutes ago, NTOgen said:

If it's trips you want and that was not a typo :P then ask Leo our resident expert in wonderdrugs.

If it's tips you want on how to be direct (not crude, though, sorry), then Jed McKenna. :D (sorry but I still love the guy)


Haha. I got no quarrel with the drug thing.  It's just another experience, isn't it? If it enlightens people that's great. I just don't find it very interesting..

The only thing I am suspicious about are what does it do to the body long term? 

And how does an experience on it confirm what non duality is, yet Leo continues to plug the "let's develop the person into a Buddah thing"

Seems to me that it may not be a non dual epiphany if it leaves one with an impression that there is anything else to be done after the knowledge sticks. 


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5 minutes ago, NTOgen said:

Hey where did Angry GTI go? :(

xD Please try to stay on topic 

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17 minutes ago, NTOgen said:

Hey where did Angry GTI go? :(

Are you trolling this site? 

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4 minutes ago, NTOgen said:

Uhm no, that's not my intention anyway.

But I do get your resentment at stupidity. Took me a long time to get over it, and maybe I'm not quite over it just yet. So I guess that's the part of me that likes to see someone talking sense and not apologizing for it.

I could do without the feedback. I don't like being psychoalyzed over the internet lol.


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3 minutes ago, NTOgen said:

Didn't you ask for tips, though ;)


Let's stick to the topic. Otherwise it's going to be a difficult read for others. 

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4 minutes ago, NTOgen said:

I'm off to continue watching those satsangs. But maybe a good idea to start a clean new thread if you want a topic, since this one is already 8 pages of mostly crap.

Wtf are you talking about? 

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If you would allow me to be frank,

I see your point of view and in a sense it's right, except the fact that you are looking at it from one perspective. The enlightened subjective one.

Also don't generalize the world by saying an enlightened is this and this only. We are all with diffrent dreams and purposes.

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On 14/11/2016 at 10:50 PM, NTOgen said:



Edited by Bizarre

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@Anton Rogachevski

Anton, it's fine.

Your path is fine. It's for you to tread. These paths are all valid otherwise they would not be there. Nobody is disputing it . All I'm saying is that there is more. And one day, maybe when you're tired of chasing your own tail you will thank God he left us the sampradaya, because if you hadn't have given up by then you will be tearing your hair out trying to figure out why you're still not enlightened.

I'm only interested in liberation. I'm not here to play around with paradigms. It's a waste of time to be frank also. 

But I do understand. I'm nowhere near enlightened, but I can tell you I'm way further along now ive got a proper map and not just endless talk "about" enlightenment, which is all one hears these days.  They don't tell you how to get from a to b and what a and b even look like to "all people".  You got to understand that with an individual teaching you're only getting that person's experience that they are trying to communicate. This teaching is universal. You're free to believe that were all different here, but there is only one Self, and it's manifest form in Samsara operates in exactly the same way in everyone - the subconscious. 

Unless you know what to look for, you're left with netti netti and the direct path. But none of those teachings include samsara, they only talk about the pure self. Most of enlightenment is about understanding samsara and the dharma field. Adyashanti is good. He's an enlightened man. So is Mooji . They are both mature human beings. But try getting anything out of them in the way of a teaching and you just find their opinions coming through.

Which doesn't fair well for the student and puts the student in an awkward position , even if they are not aware of it. The student is left grappling and confused and stuck to a subjective experiential description of ONE persons enlightenment experiences. 

The sampradaya is a complete teaching designed to liberate all people because it's impersonal and millions of enlightened people contributed to it over thousands of years and it's been fiercely defended against corruption.  In fact, the anti corruption aspect is built in and this is the scripture and teacher format. 


Edited by Bizarre

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3 hours ago, NTOgen said:

I'm just getting started with looking into vedanta. But from what I've seen so far I just have to say, regardless of all the apparent controversy here (which is all "mithya" ;) ), if you can simply approach vedanta as a practical means and NOT as a dogma, then I think it could have great value.

I also get my major mistake now, maybe THE missing ingredient. I didn't know how to apply what vedanta calls discrimination properly. I was still trying to get at satya by tinkering with mithya. If this is all I ever get from vedanta, it's already been worth it.

If you're qualified it might set you free within a few hours of hearing the teaching. 

You just don't know at the moment, until it clicks. When it clicks it clicks. 

The qualifications are a description of a self realized person on the verge of self actualisation. The purified mind.. all you need is the right teaching, then by the grace of God you're permanently set free. 

And you're correct, it is mythia and pixels on a screen. What's important is that you get it, rather than mentally masturbating on here..yeah? Because the longer you spend assimilating the garbage in this forum, the further away from enlightenment you're getting. My advice to you personally NTO is that if you understand what's being said here, and you do, you want to run down this little time wasting addiction you have on here and get working on your qualifications. 

Edited by Bizarre

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3 hours ago, NTOgen said:

I'm just getting started with looking into vedanta. But from what I've seen so far I just have to say, regardless of all the apparent controversy here (which is all "mithya" ;) ), if you can simply approach vedanta as a practical means and NOT as a dogma, then I think it could have great value.

I also get my major mistake now, maybe THE missing ingredient. I didn't know how to apply what vedanta calls discrimination properly. I was still trying to get at satya by tinkering with mithya. If this is all I ever get from vedanta, it's already been worth it.

And NTO, there is nothing dogmatic about it. It's an inquiry into the human condition. Dogma is beliefs is it not? If you reject Vedanta then it can only mean that you do want dogma, and you can't handle anything else. Because dogma feels good to the individual jiva, it doesn't want to face reality because that would be the end of it .

This forum is a parroting of Leo's work for the most part. The "dogma" of pretending to be non dogmatic. Unless you are interested in logic and liberation then you are not going to see the self deception happening here. 

People just want to have beliefs spoon fed to them and if it agrees with what they read in the modern spiritual world, then "it must be true". 

Look how much bullshit I've called out on here so far. Even Leo himself can't really back up his assertions. And nobody is coming forward with a well thought out argument. Because they can't . If all you have is beliefs and nothing to back it up, you're not going to publicly make a tit of yourself by approaching this subject . 

Edited by Bizarre

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I will surely check it out. Thank you!

I think I might have a ground breaking perspective on these very dynamics of subjective vs objective in my new post here about the mystery of awareness i would love for you to comment and share your truly insightful view.

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10 hours ago, Anton Rogachevski said:


I will surely check it out. Thank you!

I think I might have a ground breaking perspective on these very dynamics of subjective vs objective in my new post here about the mystery of awareness i would love for you to comment and share your truly insightful view.

This is not my view. Ive never once gave my opinion on this forum with regards to awareness. Things people say, yes, but never about reality. It's all Vedanta and what has been undone in me in terms of just blindly believing things without considerable thought.

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