John Paul

Actualized and book list a sufficient stage yellow education on it's own?

19 posts in this topic

Obviously there is which is excellent, then there is the booklist which I have and I have several of the books on that list which is great.I hear Leo talking about modernism, post-modernism etc. and with trying to move toward systems thinking it seems like history is an important topic; do I need to actually study history? Needing only what i need seems to be a stage yellow vibe that's been coming up pretty much daily for me and especially for the subject of "knowledge". Knowledge is only valuable when it's applicable to your life. But I'm curious how I may be possibly deeply ignorant in certain realms of education because (the thought is) I haven't been in any formal education for about 7 years now and at that time I was an addict etc. Is the booklist and considered a sufficient stage yellow education in the "line" of educational development in your opinion @Leo Gura? Is Actualized and book list a complete place to start re-educating myself or is there something else I need to be studying right now (besides things that are obvious to study for application in my life and life purpose now)? What SD stage of education is our education system (college and younger too) and what stage am I and how should I go about elevating myself in this realm if I were wanting to do that? What sources official or not or what classes would one take to become a more holistic mind? If one reaches tier two and is developing a clear life purpose to work toward is any education that isn't practical still necessary to absorb(?), like for example history.

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I feel like Leo doesn't have nearly enough content on systems thinking and it is such an important topic for this

His introductory books from the booklist are very good, but there is more to it

Edited by Hello from Russia

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You can always find more books. But at some point you gotta stop reading and start doing.

Forget about quantity and focus on grasping the fundamentals.

If you read and actualize the things said in those 200 books, I don't know what else you need. You would become superhuman.

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@Leo Gura Have you been reading any books you consider gold standard lately and have you thought about another update of the book list anytime soon? An update is far from needed, but I'm always curious about what gems you might suggest in the future. I'm such a book fiend, I have so many unread books to go into and so much more that needs to be done beyond reading... but gawww does the idea of new books get me off.

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There are books not on his list (at least I don't think they are) that have helped my growth quite a bit, mainly in the areas of studying psychology, brain chemistry, human evolution, and the understanding of how our brain works and why we have the emotions, cravings, impulses that we do. Understanding habits and how to form new ones (I believe some of those books are on his list such as atomic habits) ... Gary Renard's first book which interpets A Course in Miracles using the concept of forgiveness and radical acceptance, David Hawkin's books Healing and Recovery and Letting Go... I can't even think of the names of all the books off hand at the moment...

I'm somewhat at the "stop reading start doing" part at the moment... intellectual knowledge is no substitute for practical experience.

Edited by sholomar

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15 hours ago, SoothedByRain said:

Have you been reading any books you consider gold standard lately and have you thought about another update of the book list anytime soon?

Yes, I have read a handful of amazing new books which I plan to do an update for (no ETA because of ongoing health issues).

These days I mostly read books about how to build a conscious society. I have no more need or interest in books about nonduality or the like.

These days when I read a book it's all about quality. I will only read really high quality books which add something new to my understanding. Which isn't so easy to find.

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@Leo Gura Cool man, any updates in the future will be highly appreciated. About half way through Emerge by Elza s. Maalouf. Her and Cook Greuter are killing it for the ladies.

Hope ya new diet and whatever other practices you're going into are working for you. Patience and gentle soothing are key for rebalancing ones ill health. Rest in The Process.

We are all one spark, eyes full of wonder

“Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest.” 

“In the monastery of your heart, you have a temple where all Buddhas unite.” - Milarepa 

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, I have read a handful of amazing new books which I plan to do an update for (no ETA because of ongoing health issues).

These days I mostly read books about how to build a conscious society. I have no more need or interest in books about nonduality or the like.

These days when I read a book it's all about quality. I will only read really high quality books which add something new to my understanding. Which isn't so easy to find.

I am too excited, please update asap 

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

These days I mostly read books about how to build a conscious society. I have no more need or interest in books about nonduality or the like.

Then this is the perfect time to plug this. 

Could you please do an interview with the Chomsky?

I feel like it could be something special.  

If you like this idea I think you should act fast because he's pretty old. 

Edited by Opo

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10 minutes ago, Opo said:

Could you please do an interview with the Chomsky?

No, I am not an interviewer.

And Noam Chomsky says exactly the same thing in every interview. You won't get anything new out of him. All his ideas are already widespread on YT.

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31 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

And Noam Chomsky says exactly the same thing in every interview. You won't get anything new out of him. All his ideas are already widespread on YT.

Yea, fair point. 

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18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I have no more need or interest in books about nonduality or the like.

@Leo Gura Why?

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@Vision He said in a video he went way beyond any book. Also, when you go so far as Leo has done, words and books become so shallow.

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Leo's booklist don't have the books on specific technical skills that you will want to learn for your propose for exemple. 

Edited by Rigel

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@John Paul I'd look into critical theory, and literature theory, too.

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On 6/11/2021 at 2:52 AM, Rigel said:

Leo's booklist don't have the books on specific technical skills that you will want to learn for your propose for exemple. 

There are so many fields out there you can't expect Leo to have all those books especially technical books. You will need to know your niche and domain of mastery and do your personal research.

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On 7.6.2021 at 9:02 PM, John Paul said:

Obviously there is which is excellent, then there is the booklist which I have and I have several of the books on that list which is great.I hear Leo talking about modernism, post-modernism etc. and with trying to move toward systems thinking it seems like history is an important topic; do I need to actually study history? Needing only what i need seems to be a stage yellow vibe that's been coming up pretty much daily for me and especially for the subject of "knowledge". Knowledge is only valuable when it's applicable to your life. But I'm curious how I may be possibly deeply ignorant in certain realms of education because (the thought is) I haven't been in any formal education for about 7 years now and at that time I was an addict etc. Is the booklist and considered a sufficient stage yellow education in the "line" of educational development in your opinion @Leo Gura? Is Actualized and book list a complete place to start re-educating myself or is there something else I need to be studying right now (besides things that are obvious to study for application in my life and life purpose now)? What SD stage of education is our education system (college and younger too) and what stage am I and how should I go about elevating myself in this realm if I were wanting to do that? What sources official or not or what classes would one take to become a more holistic mind? If one reaches tier two and is developing a clear life purpose to work toward is any education that isn't practical still necessary to absorb(?), like for example history.

Here is another stage yellow reading list you might enjoy:

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

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