
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!

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2 minutes ago, OBEler said:

So I am God in this human POV but your POV does not exist simultaneously because God can only limit to one POV at the same time? So if I kill someone, there is no one killed because his POV does not exist right now? Just later when my Human POV dies and god chooses to be in the POV of the one I killed, only then the POV exist.

So in another word, I am in this POV right now and no other POV is god living through right now. So it is my turn. my human POV is the only one existing in the entire universe.

Am I getting you right?!


They say the illusion is that you believe that you have a POV to begin with. They call it illusory 


Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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1 minute ago, OBEler said:

@Dodo @Dodo OK so let it be a illusion. my question remains

It is ultimately paradoxical and mind will not be able to grasp how God works... It may appear this way or that, and when you think you've figured it out, it would be the opposite. 

A wasp is just as much you as the other forum members here. 

Go and catch a wasp and see if it stings you... Sometimes you are not supposed to trust everyone and everything, even if they are you as another incarnation. 

I for one, can only trust myself, and even more so, can only trust my conscious self. I cannot really trust the unconscious parts of me. 

You should wait fr response from someone else on this topic, but from my understanding, life is a game and battle field of polarities. Be nondual at your discresion, there might be wasp -selves, unconscious selves, which have not reached the realisation of oneness. And that's how it should be, because thats how it is..

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Dodo Best answer so far, thank you

@justfortodayam I getting you right?  Very paradoxical to read. Why cannot god experience multiple POVs simultaneously in your opinion?

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3 hours ago, OBEler said:

So I am God in this human POV but your POV does not exist simultaneously because God can only limit to one POV at the same time? So if I kill someone, there is no one killed because his POV does not exist right now? Just later when my Human POV dies and god chooses to be in the POV of the one I killed, only then the POV exist.

So in another word, I am in this POV right now and no other POV is god living through right now. So it is my turn. my human POV is the only one existing in the entire universe.

Am I getting you right?!


First, let's use a different analogy. I don't like violence or condone it.

We still all inhabit the same dreamspace. So, let's act as godly and christ-like as possible.

The foundational block of all of existence, as cheesy as it sounds, is metaphysical love. All of existence is like, a ray of love suspended in nonexistence.

Your premise is correct. If I make love to a woman, she is completely imaginary - she's a refraction of my own mind. I have imagined her into existence, therefore going back in time and creating the timeline that led up to her existing.

HOW is this possible? MAGIC. Absolute power without opposite.

In this case, you created a new square in this Zoom call, you are God (the host of the meeting) — once your current square ends, you will "awake" or pass the host to another square, and THERE YOU ARE — you awake as a newborn.

The twisted part is that you will one day live the life of the woman you made love to. 

That's right, you made love to yourself.

In this way, reality closes the strange-loop of both of the POVs and realizes the moment from all perspectives.

Absolute consciousness is like a very pervy observer that wants to see each moment from every POV. Because it is every POV.

As you live your life, you are continuously creating new characters. This way infinity branches out forever. 

The "zoom call" is happening absolutely nowhere, in the complete void. Inside nothingness, zero, you. But nothingness can play with sacred MATH and create waves of energy or vibration/frequency that appears as color (frequency), sound (frequency), touch(relay). Matter is sluggish mind/frequency. Not physical.

Think of consciousness as a sentient, reactionary field / square in this zoom call that can experience color, sound, touch — all of these are frequency. These frequencies of sacred math create your "reality". 

Another analogy is that you are inside of a dream.

When you dream, every character you encounter is a construction of your own mind.

But you don't realize that those characters ALSO had their own internal monologue. 

That's right. Because you are infinity/consciousness, you also created all of your dream characters, and the timelines that led up to them encountering you in your dream. So even the characters of your dream had their own "lives" — but they were all you.

It's the same when you are "awake" — everyone is you. The same mind dreaming.

That mind is you.

You went ahead and tricked yourself by giving yourself two POVs, your left eye and your right eye (you don't actually have eyes, as you don't actually have a face) but the POVs correspond to two eyes.

This creates the illusion of 3D, therefore solidifying the illusion.

Close one of your eyes, now your 3D vision is gone. Now ask yourself.... what is behind me? You turn, but the bubble of consciousness moves with you. You cannot see "behind" yourself, because there is no behind. 

It's not that your head is moving in space and that your eyes are receiving light from an outside world.... you are projecting the world FROM your "eyes".

The light in your eyes is all there is.

Just really digest what I am saying here.

The light in your eyes is all there is.

Other people / POV's - The light in their eyes, is all there is.

You project them, and they project you.

This creates the illusion of a physical universe, but in reality it is sacred math simulating a world for itself.

Again, the ZOOM call analogy is the most fitting I could find.

It's a stream... a giant cosmic drama.

And you are the hero of it. 

So live the hero's path and you may transcend being human, to embodying love and magic.

Edited by justfortoday

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@justfortoday absolutely brilliant. Probably the best I've ever seen that explained by anyone. Language is a tricky thing man. But as someone who just went through awakening, this is spot on.


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44 minutes ago, Godishere said:

@justfortoday absolutely brilliant. Probably the best I've ever seen that explained by anyone. Language is a tricky thing man. But as someone who just went through awakening, this is spot on.


Thank you / me :D

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On 7/6/2021 at 8:54 AM, The Buddha said:

@justfortoday I see a clear blind spot. It is called the full circle. 

I found this video that I think will explain my point about full circle, and the trap of absolute. When not well integrated with relative and absolute. When dual and non-dual is not regarded as one and the same.


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6 hours ago, justfortoday said:

The light in your eyes is all there is.

Other people / POV's - The light in their eyes, is all there is.

You project them, and they project you.

How our dreams are connected and interfere?

If I stand with my neighbour in front of a tree - will I see the three living his life?

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2 hours ago, The Buddha said:

I found this video that I think will explain my point about full circle, and the trap of absolute. When not well integrated with relative and absolute. When dual and non-dual is not regarded as one and the same.


Personally, I am past this trap, I understand that I am both the grape and the whole bunch of grapes.

I love the dreamspace we inhabit. I LOVE trees and nature. And I just feel like Robbin Williams felt when he got to heaven in "What Dreams May Come".

: )

Edited by justfortoday

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On 06/06/2021 at 9:53 PM, justfortoday said:

I have personally seen through the illusion, and without much use of psychedelics. Only used marijuana on a weekly basis and some shrooms once or twice. But once you see the illusion and are able to "see" consciousness and observe it, there is no unseeing that.

So it's just anectodal evidence? Aren't you trusting those experiences you had too much? What if this "seeing" you've had is actually illusory?

On 06/06/2021 at 9:53 PM, justfortoday said:

this is a VR experience, and you are the single player.

How is this not solipsism?

On 06/06/2021 at 9:53 PM, justfortoday said:

Magic as limitless power to modify reality to its will.

And you are claiming that you have that power?

one day this will all be memories

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3 hours ago, The Buddha said:

I found this video that I think will explain my point about full circle, and the trap of absolute. When not well integrated with relative and absolute. When dual and non-dual is not regarded as one and the same.


It's also worth saying that the "trap of absolute" is always the trap of a false absolute. As long as there is absolute that is distinct from the relative, it's not absolute. Some relative aspect (such as awareness or presence) was assigned to be the absolute.

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9 hours ago, justfortoday said:

you will one day live the life of the woman you made love to.

This language is misleading, as it seems to assume linear time (almost as though we're suggesting that one lifetime will give rise to another sequentially... this is nonsense).

In some ways it's more truthful to say that you're living her right NOW, whatever that even means.

But we're really stretching the human POV here in considering such things.

When we realize The Cosmos, all human notions whatsoever literally vanish - i.e. sequence, perspective, etc.

It's Love.

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Not to take away from your insights - which seem genuine - but my default position on this is aligned with one of my favorite quotes from Castaneda books:

"The world is incomprehensible. We won’t ever understand it; we won’t ever unravel its secrets. Thus we must treat the world as it is: a sheer mystery."

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Only thing is, it seems you were saying something like “this is all there is” as in what’s happening now is everything. This is a deep insight, but it’s not the end all. Even what’s happening now isn’t something that is (known by anyone to be) present. What appears is all there is, but it’s never known or experienced — it’s too immediate; prior to any duality. It’s not something real; not a real circumstance.

In other words, it would be inaccurate to simply say “this is all there is,” but totally not wrong to say “there’s nothing else.”

In “other, other” words, this is neither real nor unreal.

Edited by The0Self

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On 7/6/2021 at 1:21 PM, justfortoday said:


I am 100% behind what I said in my original post. I have had an NDE, multiple mystical states and I am applying logic and reason to the origin of reality, nothingness, zero.

Right. The problem I have with is mainly with the map and not with the territory.

The validity of experiences are undeniable...they are!

But...what I don't agree still is with the *Interpretation of it. For example when you mean "THIS IS A REPLAY" I'm sure that is an interpretation and a contextualisation...I'm sure nowhere in the mystical state those words were actually appearing...

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On 8/6/2021 at 1:15 PM, justfortoday said:


The twisted part is that you will one day live the life of the woman you made love to. 


That would be amazing to be true...yet honestly , I think you are paying more guessing and interpretations...

I had multiple mystical experiences, including one with high dose 5-meo-dmt where "it was felt" that I had lived as consciousness the life of one of my crushes...yet at the end of the day, it is a *feeling/insight, it's a map, it happened on the level of mind. Even if it were a high level mind...and it would be great to result that to be true, everyone of us wants to believe in the non dual Oneness theory...but the actuality is that you haven't even experienced other beings. They could easily be imaginary. The woman you made love to could easily be an imaginary character. You never experience his life because it didn't even existed.

And that is of course more guessing and interpretation. But just to give you my two cents.

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On 8.6.2021 at 1:12 AM, Breakingthewall said:

hey, its not nice being inslulted for having expressed an opinion. you did not like it? did you want to "defend" the guy who started the thread? I think this is a forum in which to express oneself freely, with respect. There are other forums where you can insult people, be the alpha boy, etc, but this is about trying to move forward. If you do not agree with something, it can be refuted, but calling someone "retarded" is more of a different type of forum. well I'm here to learn, to advance, not to be the alpha boy! But I understand your point and I don't mess with it. tolerate mine please

On 7.6.2021 at 9:21 PM, Inliytened1 said:

This happens way too much here.  Thanks for pointing this out.

The biggest mindfuck is when you realize that the map IS the territory and that the finger pointing to the moon is the fucking moon.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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