
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!

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26 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

You will, some day live this moment again, but you won't have any memories of having lived it.

Except for Déjà vu.

Déjà vu is simply a nudge towards realizing that you have lived the moment an infinite amount of times.

There is no escaping consciousness, you are immortal.

The reason consciousness (you) are tricking yourself into believing you're a human body, and the reason you will keep reincarnating with your memory wiped each time is because eternity is unbearable.

Nice mate. Well put❤️??????

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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1 minute ago, justfortoday said:

Dude. Solipsism IS JUST A BELIEF.

There is only you, but all others are real POVs (of your own mind) with their own internal monologues. Their thoughts are your thoughts having thoughts about their thoughts.

The problem I have with what you're saying is that it is like claiming to understand the workings of God. 

God is much higher than me and thank God he is in charge and not me! 

Really it might be arrogant to claim understanding of the Absolute... To an extent i do not deny what you say. I want to just say that perhaps we need to be mindful of accepting the mystery is beyond any one entity's understanding. 

Solipsism is a belief, but when I operate through it, reality becomes wonky. Mixes real and hallucination... I connect too many dots,  i see messages, speaking to me...  Mouse traps... Its like playing against the rest of the universe and saying "only this is real" and then the Grandmaster universe puts you in your place for having been so foolish.

I was crying like a baby. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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8 minutes ago, Dodo said:


Might be truth, but is it a truth you want? Maybe there is more wisdom in the saying "Ignorance is bliss"


It is horrifying - but that is the cost of Absolute Truth.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Never pay much attention to a person's words.  A person can appear incredibly wise when communicating - saying truthful saying after truthful saying.  Truly though there is only one way to know if a person has access to genuine truth, however, and that's to observe their actual life.  When a person presenting themselves as spreading teachings does so without giving much impression of their life or using examples from their day to day experience, you should be skeptical.  Many people use spirituality as an escape from their life, and although such people can often say truthful things, this is not the way.

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4 minutes ago, Dodo said:

The problem I have with what you're saying is that it is like claiming to understand the workings of God. 

God is much higher than me and thank God he is in charge and not me! 

Really it might be arrogant to claim understanding of the Absolute... To an extent i do not deny what you say. I want to just say that perhaps we need to be mindful of accepting the mystery is beyond any one entity's understanding. 

Solipsism is a belief, but when I operate through it, reality becomes wonky. Mixes real and hallucination... I connect too many dots,  i see messages, speaking to me...  Mouse traps... Its like playing against the rest of the universe and saying "only this is real" and then the Grandmaster universe puts you in your place for having been so foolish.

I was crying like a baby. 

Yeah man, I feel you. But you gotta realize that TRUTH is shocking.

You still believe there is a separate God somewhere that is reigning over you, and earth, etc.

No such thing. You are god right now experiencing your own creation.

GOD, is a hive mind, and you are a node in this hive mind, while simultaneously being the entire mind network. 

There is no superior entity to you. You are it.

You are zero. Nothingness. Hallucinating everything around you.

Edited by justfortoday

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4 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

It is horrifying - but that is the cost of Absolute Truth.

Some don't want truth. They want spirituality to be warm and fuzzy and zen, only to waste 30+ years of their life chasing awakening when the truth is right in front of their face.

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@justfortoday  This is spiritual ego.  You say one moment that it's merely belief, then the next you call it truth.

There's nothing wrong with believing that you know the truth, however there is a difference between believing you know it and actually knowing it.

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2 minutes ago, kinesin said:

@justfortoday  This is spiritual ego.  You say one moment that it's merely belief, then the next you call it truth.

There's nothing wrong with believing that you know the truth, however there is a difference between believing you know it and actually knowing it.

I called SOLIPSISM a belief. Read the thread. Even my original post I specifically called the fact that there is only you a truth. YOU are interpreting it as solipsism. 

I am not proposing solipsism, I am proposing nonduality.

Truth = Zero, Nothingness, Consciousness, Magic.

Edited by justfortoday

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9 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

The reason consciousness (you) are tricking yourself into believing you're a human body, and the reason you will keep reincarnating with your memory wiped each time is because eternity is unbearable.

This is false. Unbearable is a sensation of your ego. The void is not bored!

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21 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

You will, some day live this moment again, but you won't have any memories of having lived it.

Except for Déjà vu.

Déjà vu is simply a nudge towards realizing that you have lived the moment an infinite amount of times.

There is no escaping consciousness, you are immortal.

The reason consciousness (you) are tricking yourself into believing you're a human body, and the reason you will keep reincarnating with your memory wiped each time is because eternity is unbearable.

Hm, maybe.

But it would be more logical if all other POVs would be skipped, and it immediately chooses this POV again, because this particular personality already has a unique identity. Why go through the hassle of many different unique identities, and then at some point end with this same identity again. The path of least resistence should cause a eternal recurrence, with no experience of other POVs, ever, only the exact same shit for eternity.

That would suck.

But oh well, I don't know.

It makes sense that eternity is unbearable. Maybe that's the reason why this game exists.

But again, I don't know.

2 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Would not recommend to anyone who values their life to follow solipsistic notions like the ones in this thread. You can get insane things happen and they will only happen to you.

You will be ready for looneyville if you are not careful and radically openminded etc. Many would go insane after meeting the Devil and many other crazy things that happened to me due to the solipsistic notion. 

Might be truth, but is it a truth you want? Maybe there is more wisdom in the saying "Ignorance is bliss"

I have anothet quote for you: knowing is love's biggest enemy. 

I would also direct you towards the apple of knowledge in the garden of eden to further support this. 

Yeah. Maybe there's some things you aren't supposed to know. There's probably a good reason why we don't know the whole truth. I have many times experienced fucked up stuff and I was like: "damn, I'm not supposed to know this." And then I had to forget the thing that I knew/remembered.

But I don't know.

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2 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Truth = Zero, Nothingness, Consciousness, Magic.

This is an opinion, and quite a vague and confused sounding one at that.

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5 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Yeah man, I feel you. But you gotta realize that TRUTH is shocking.

You still believe there is a separate God somewhere that is reigning over you, and earth, etc.

No such thing. You are god right now experiencing your own creation.

GOD, is a hive mind, and you are a node in this hive mind, while simultaneously being the entire mind network. 

There is no superior entity to you. You are it.

You are zero. Nothingness. Hallucinating everything around you.

Ok but thats cool for the emptiness, but the Dodo being is my identity. I feel whatever the dodo human feels. The dodo awareness as opposed to justfortoday awareness. 

If you get stung by a bee, I wouldn't notice. I can try avoiding getting stung by a bee... I cannot make you avoid it. 

The bee, is also that emptiness, but it would sting the crap out of me. 


Now take this pain of a sting, and imagine that knowing or intending to know God's working is like a crime against God himself and you get stung by that bee eternally, since the 0self cannot die, now it is enslaved/ sent to hell. 


Both in heaven and hell, i would be aware. But tell me, who prefers hell? Both would be just an appearance on top of emptiness, but there is Someone who doesn't want pain and suffering and welcomes goodness and love.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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6 minutes ago, kinesin said:

This is an opinion, and quite a vague and confused sounding one at that.

What is NOT an opinion? ?

Wauw. ☯️


Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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22 minutes ago, Dodo said:

The problem I have with what you're saying is that it is like claiming to understand the workings of God. 

God is much higher than me and thank God he is in charge and not me! 

Really it might be arrogant to claim understanding of the Absolute... To an extent i do not deny what you say. I want to just say that perhaps we need to be mindful of accepting the mystery is beyond any one entity's understanding. 

Solipsism is a belief, but when I operate through it, reality becomes wonky. Mixes real and hallucination... I connect too many dots,  i see messages, speaking to me...  Mouse traps... Its like playing against the rest of the universe and saying "only this is real" and then the Grandmaster universe puts you in your place for having been so foolish.

I was crying like a baby. 


31 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Would not recommend to anyone who values their life to follow solipsistic notions like the ones in this thread. You can get insane things happen and they will only happen to you.

Many would go insane after meeting the Devil and many other crazy things that happened to me due to the solipsistic notion. 

Might be truth, but is it a truth you want? Maybe there is more wisdom in the saying "Ignorance is bliss"

I can relate to all this.

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15 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

This is false. Unbearable is a sensation of your ego. The void is not bored!

Everything that is words or thoughts are falsehood. He was just using a pointer. Don't stare at the finger.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Every religion told you there is one God

But what about Paganism?

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34 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Everything that is words or thoughts are falsehood. He was just using a pointer. Don't stare at the finger.

So, what is the point of saying that God is desperate in his eternal loneliness? in addition to scaring people not as advanced as you, who have not had those realizations. I had many realizations of being the absolute alone, some was horrible, others was bliss. I don't trust any. Any realization could help you to dissolve the ego, but believe them as a dogma make the opposite. No idea is real. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only thing you will ever find in this work is yourself.

This. deeply profound 

softly into the Abyss...

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34 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

So, what is the point of saying that God is desperate in his eternal loneliness? in addition to scaring people not as advanced as you, who have not had those realizations. I had many realizations of being the absolute alone, some was horrible, others was bliss. I don't trust any. Any realization could help you to dissolve the ego, but believe them as a dogma make the opposite. No idea is real. 

good point bro. good points <3

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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