
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!

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15 minutes ago, Fran11 said:

@justfortoday I have had the same insight about "solipsism", for me it has been the most mind-blowing and hardest to accept by far. What psychologically and emotional impact did it have on you to realise you REALLY are all alone?

Becouse it feels very different than still having the "I'm God but God is experiencing other things right now" delusion.

I ended in a crisis unit when I realized my true nature. It wasn't easy for me at all. I had a complete and utter meltdown. 

But now I am in bliss.

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Pealing back the onion for sure.

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So every other sentient being is God?


God is experiencing "Vision" right now, and "Vision" is all that there is in this present moment.

"justfortoday" is God experiencing "justfortoday", and from "justfortoday" POV, "justfortoday" is all that there is.

"Vision" is God imagining "justfortoday"

"justfortoday" is God imagining "Vision"

But God will experience both POVs one at a time. 


It seems like solipsism but also not solipsism. Everyone you are talking to, everyone you are teaching, are incarnations of yourself (God) that you will experience, but are not experiencing during this present moment because everything you are conscious of is all that there currently is.

So I'd assume the motive to teach others how to awaken is so that you have more incarnations to awaken in? 


Since everything that is happening in this infinite film reel has already happened, could this be why we experience "Déjà Vu"? 

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@justfortoday thank you for the post ?. Could you please expand on your concept of time running backwards but we experience it in reverse? I watched the video but I'm not sure I understand.

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4 hours ago, kinesin said:

Part of the reason is because for me, such insights aren't usually shared, they're created solely for the process of my own development.  I have a folder on my computer containing thousands of .txt files where I write my thoughts regarding such things (some of which similar to the content of this thread), and nobody else sees them because I never wrote them to be shared, but rather to gain insight through the process of writing.  I'm a big believer in the power of writing for the development of insight, however I understand that most of the time when people write, it's being posted directly for others to read.  With this perspective in mind, I believe OP's motivation was to further develop his own understanding by putting it in writing.  Writing is only half of the equation, however, and when sharing writing, interpretation should be the main consideration.  My earlier comment prompts OP to look deeper into the 'interpretation' side of this thread.

I do indeed have the idea that ideas shouldn't be shared until they're 'perfected'.  For me this means if I write about something, I generally won't consider sharing the idea with others until I see that it still remains true at least a few years down the line.  What's the value in sharing realizations only to further realize down the line that they were missing some core component of insight, or rooted too firmly in a misunderstanding?  When I mention 'value' here I'm speaking about true value to others, insofar as 'true value' means insights which will genuinely bring real truth and understanding to others.

Interesting, thanks for sharing 

It's Love.

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5 hours ago, Fran11 said:

Did you just give a sermon about giving sermons? 

Projection never ceses to amaze me.

U made me laugh:D:D:P

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@justfortoday You are much more advanced than I am but I see a clear blind spot. It is called the full circle. This is was very common in ancient Egypt and it was the last secret revealed. When one arrived to a super conciousness state by mastering all paths (wisdom, devotion, Mind, non-dual...) one arrived to a see through the ilusion and understand the core of all existance, which then formed everything else. Therefore, the master asked to reconstruct from this core existance layer by layer again his ego reality, for it is also real in the sense that an ilusion is real and also must be understood. Understanding how from the God-Head of his being all the transformation and alchimical processes happened till one finds himself in this existance where, even though it's pretty clear it's nothing, it's also pretty clear there is more.

This is at least the main blind spot I see in all masters, where the are enlightened about enlightenment but not about non-enlightenment (Unless they are God-Realized where then this is all non-sense). For the one that is truly interested in Truth, it is not only enough by going to the source and understanding it but by also how the whole game of existance is played. Because this is not just random nothingness, this is armonious beyond our understanding. For it is deconstructed to know the most juicy insights, then it must be constructed to engage in the divine game of existance. For this is a great cosmic play. Knowing that the dream is a dream is also a dream, that insight must be had, that insight must also be left, as well as all those that have been stated here. If u wanna Truly be liberated.

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How sure are you of this "Insights"? Especially "Other people" and "Death".

Please be honest. If you say 100% , I expect you to no Lt be scared at all of death and be absolutely loving to other people since they are you and you will live their lives as God/Nothingness, right ? 

And if you don't say 100%, then we are just playing the never ending game, some mystical states here and there, and then some interpretations mixed with non dual theory and Leo's teaching, shake it, apply some belief intention and we are good to go to feel like we have sorted it out, but of course we keep behaving like scared little devils because deep inside us there is still doubts and we are NOT REALLY sure.

So, please, give it a rate. Have the balls of saying "100%" ?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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If we accept that time is an illusion, since reality is emptiness, what difference would it make in saying that you are going to live all your lives one after another, or that you are living them at the same time?

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WTF ist going on here? I just sat on the toilet reading this thread and I got a really strange, unpleasant feeling in my body. I got catapulted into a state of mind I experienced during an Ego Dissolution on LSD and now I am scared. The part "Only your POV exists" ist the most frightening part. 

On the one hand I'm thinking to myself "Well, even if all others are hallucinations, I will experience their live and how I treat them, therefore ultimately nothing changes for me. Even if they are myself, during this lifetime they are meant to appear as "others". It is just very, very hard to accept. The attachments to my loved ones are huge.


Am I, a 21yo little boy, meant for this stuff? Are these concerns and fears a necessary part of my journey? Should I wait for more maturity.

I also tend to interpret everything that happens as a message from God/the Universe telling me that I don't need to ne afraid.


And WTF, who even am I asking here? My future and past I? >.< 



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Aka just saying the same stuff that Leo says to come across as awake in this forum. Dream on. If solipsism was really true why has not any religion or spiritual tradition talked about it untill now. But suddenly now there is a guy called Leo saying to other people that solipsism is real (which by itself is already so ironic its sad) and suddenly the people on his forum also experience this "truth".

Show me people from outside this forum who think the same way.

You are threading in dangerous waters with this post. More cult like behavior will not be accepted.

Why do you just parrot the shit that Leo says? Because he is awake and now you are too? So basically that would mean this forum/community is the only one with the truth. That would be some major cult shit.




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@EternalDream Went through the same. I wanted to run a marathon without knowing to walk. There is a shit tone of things u must do before entering in true spirituality. Especially Self-Help and just organise your life, be a grown up man and put your big boy spiritual pants. This is truly the message I would have loved to receive long time ago. Hope it helped

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@justfortoday (You and I are not conscious at same moment so this is the same field Jesus and Buddha held)   this doesn't make sense ?

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@The Buddha
Thanks a lot for your answer. That helped me.

I started watching Leo for fun and found his spiritual videos cool, and I accidentally (I saw no other option than letting go and dying) entered some type of god consciousness during the mentioned ego dissolution on a way to high lsd dosage. That was absolute heaven, but in retrospect it was too much for my ego. I noticed that in the weeks that followed and I also notice it today with my moment of shock.

The thing is, I really want to use psychedelics for personal development. I want to trip, but not existentially. I need to figure out what dosages work for me, but I'm kinda afraid i will encounter a mystical experience again. I'm sure I can enjoy it in the meantime, but it will turn my mind upside down.

Some days I want to cut off all spiritual stuff from my life to concentrate on my life purpose and personal development and some days I think whether I shouldn't push "the Truth" away and not hide behind my ego or whether I could integrate all spiritual insights so that my life will be even better than with "just" an actualized life purpose a few years from now.

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This is good. Blackhawk approved.


10 hours ago, justfortoday said:


When you "die", you are reborn as another POV. 

Shouldn't I just replay this same POV after death?

Edited by Blackhawk

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What drugs were taken and at what dosages to get these insights?

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5 minutes ago, vladorion said:

What drugs were taken and at what dosages to get these insights?

Try to understand that you hallucinate/imagine/dream drugs..

And also all other practices..

And also all teachers..

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

How sure are you of this "Insights"? Especially "Other people" and "Death".

Please be honest. If you say 100% , I expect you to no Lt be scared at all of death and be absolutely loving to other people since they are you and you will live their lives as God/Nothingness, right ? 

And if you don't say 100%, then we are just playing the never ending game, some mystical states here and there, and then some interpretations mixed with non dual theory and Leo's teaching, shake it, apply some belief intention and we are good to go to feel like we have sorted it out, but of course we keep behaving like scared little devils because deep inside us there is still doubts and we are NOT REALLY sure.

So, please, give it a rate. Have the balls of saying "100%" ?


I am 100% behind what I said in my original post. I have had an NDE, multiple mystical states and I am applying logic and reason to the origin of reality, nothingness, zero.

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59 minutes ago, vladorion said:

What drugs were taken and at what dosages to get these insights?

Marijuana 30% THC, some mushrooms. Years of experience.

1 hour ago, One Day said:

Aka just saying the same stuff that Leo says to come across as awake in this forum. Dream on. If solipsism was really true why has not any religion or spiritual tradition talked about it untill now. But suddenly now there is a guy called Leo saying to other people that solipsism is real (which by itself is already so ironic its sad) and suddenly the people on his forum also experience this "truth".

Show me people from outside this forum who think the same way.

You are threading in dangerous waters with this post. More cult like behavior will not be accepted.

Why do you just parrot the shit that Leo says? Because he is awake and now you are too? So basically that would mean this forum/community is the only one with the truth. That would be some major cult shit.

I think independently and although Leo has helped me, I actually did the work.

I did the work to deconstruct myself, and you clearly haven't as you are still accusing me of parroting stuff that is actually true. Rather, you keep your delusions and lash out at me.

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