
If Reality is Love and Reality is One, why do I feel so separated from other people ?

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Dumb me in the middle of the peak of my last LSD trip being all high I confessed to my roommate that I was her and Reality was love. Because I was conscious there was no physical reality and the flat we were on, with its chairs, floors, walls, windows, etc was Us and it was Love.

She said that she had an intuition that we are One (probably she had read non dual/new age literature) but she wasn't Conscious at all because she said that reality wasn't all love. That they were also bad things.

Of course she didn't understand me. I meant that the physical reality she thought she was living in was actually LOVE haha (because I was conscious there was no separation between my body , the chair and her = no separation = love) .

But now I'm sober and not high on LSD anymore and it all seems like a great experience but actually now I feel separated from her. Because she's imaginary and just a thought in my mind. Maybe she doesn't exist now. Maybe this moment is the only that exists and that's what it means to be "in Union". Alone.

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You feel separated from 'others' cos you're back in survival-mode.

(Yes, 'others' are imaginary, separation is imaginary, but if your heart and body tells you you're a separate self, you can't intellectualize your way out of it.)

Nothing wrong with being in survival mode.

Survival is what keeps the dream going.

Cheers to that.

You can't fuck with survival.

If you want to ascend, transcend, completely, you first have to descend.


Embrace physical reality.

Break your comfort zones.

Dream big.

Love yourself.

Love everything.

Stay open.

Take serous care of yourself as a person. Self desicipline is key.

If you want to be completely free you first have to go full-blown survival machine first. Just do it Consciously.

You have to show 'your ego' that getting money, sex, success, etc doesn't give you long lasting happiness, only temporary.

The only truth is that there is no truth.

You are absolutely speaking always where you want to be. Now.


Your dream.

You're the architect.

Go build an amazing life.


Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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It is the mind that creates distinctions,  no mind = no distinctions. Without thought how can two things be told apart?

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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Even with thought there is still in truth no division (only apparant separation, imagined by You). You can become so conscious that you can still have thoughts while still simultaneously knowing and feeling the Divine United Harmonious Oneness of Everything. (=nothing is going on but ???).

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@Javfly33  Both are true simultaneously.  Ever noticed how in people who claim to be experiencing continual oneness, that their actions often betray subtle signs that they actually still see distinctions?  This is because only delusions of the mind can convince a person that the nature of reality is one or the other.  It was a delusion to believe that everything is distinct, and a delusion to believe that everything is one.  It is both at the same time.

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Abiding experience of being one with everything is generally not how I would describe this, but there is a deep intuitive “knowing” and view that seems to come out of experimenting with practices of things fading when their source is taken away (e.g. anxiety fading when the aversion toward it is relaxed) over and over, at low levels and at high levels (not necessarily all the way to the point of cessation).

What may happen is the revelation that absolutely nothing in reality, including reality itself, is outside of utterly empty groundlessness. This view is the immediacy of what apparently happens; the obviousness that there isn’t anything else, and that there is no “moment.” The past, present, future, and other people are simply nothing appearing as everything. Nothing moves and nothing is separate — this doesn’t mean there’s an abiding experience of oneness, which itself would be a form of separation, as it would involve someone experiencing a feeling of being one with everything, as if separate from that feeling.

What appears is all there is

What appears is never known or experienced.

Whatever appears to arise dependent on anything, does not actually arise — this includes knowing, as it depends on the known, which in turn depends on knowing — which came first? Neither. There’s no separation. Time, self, and thing all depend on one another as well — therefore they’re empty. There’s no real context.

Edited by The0Self

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If you had a dream, consider that in order to experience it you would by necessity be localised somewhere in it. As soon as you see a landscape in a dream, you have a perspective located somewhere inside the landscape. If you didn't have a perspective how could you see any of it at all?

So these localisations are necessary to experience any of this world at all.

Hence duality must exist, just as a dream has duality despite being all your mind and proveably so. Subject/Object can't be separated. When they are there is "cessation" akin to deep sleep or general anaesthetic.

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@RMQualtrough But what about the type of awakening that makes it so that everything one sees is shining with this "I"- or me-feeling? If one sees and feels that everything is the Self always, then isn't that non-duality?

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13 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

@RMQualtrough But what about the type of awakening that makes it so that everything one sees is shining with this "I"- or me-feeling? If one sees and feels that everything is the Self always, then isn't that non-duality?

Nah that's the witness -- still an experiencer. Non-duality is the end of the experiencer.

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If Reality is Love and Reality is One, why do I feel so separated from other people?

The separation is there to guide you home.

There is Infinite Beauty in differentiation. Imagine every possible child in existence. Imagine that every child is your child. You cherish every child because it is unique and made of you, Love.

Your mind is also conditioned for survival. So, of course you fall back. However, at least IME there remains a hole of light that reminds you no matter how much you might delude yourself.

You still feel separated because your reality would collapse, if you realize that you are One. It is completely non-functional.

Inspect the boundaries and beliefs. Deconstruct your pov. Then ground the deconstruted construct in reality. Repeat.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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1 hour ago, The0Self said:

What may happen is the revelation that absolutely nothing in reality, including reality itself, is outside of utterly empty groundlessness. This view is the immediacy of what apparently happens; the obviousness that there isn’t anything else, and that there is no “moment.”

 @Javfly33 I'm at the point that meditating for a longer or shorter time identifies a point that creates the separation. In doing so, the separation disappears and there is amplitude, without i. nothing, but something, since everything that is being at that moment is. there is no before or after, only pure now. the problem with this is that it is empty of content. it creates a feeling of lack of anchorage, and if I stay there for a considerable time, when the thoughts come they do so with anger. memories of trauma, identification with the past, the ego in full force. there it is obvious who the separating factor is and how it does it. the ego is the construct formed by all your reality as a social being that gives you a human identity. what you were for your parents, your friends, your judgments on yourself throughout your life. what you are as a professional, friend, brother. it is full of "life", of events, wealth in some way. while the non-ego is empty, mute. beautiful but without content. it is very difficult for this emptiness to resist the force of the ego. The thing is that the ego is a construct, false , and because His falsehood, there is always a sensation of lack of something. The no ego is real, and let a sensation of fullness, but because his characteristic of subtle, empty, it's very difficult to stay there

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@Seraphim If there is experience it is dual, with a subject and an object. Say you smoked toad, and everything ceases but white void.

There's still a subject perceiving the white void.

In literal cessation of subject/object there is nothingness like going under general anaesthetic.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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50 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

@Seraphim If there is experience it is dual, with a subject and an object. Say you smoked toad, and everything ceases but white void.

There's still a subject perceiving the white void.

In literal cessation of subject/object there is nothingness like going under general anaesthetic.

However, there are different types of cessations too. There’s one where there appear only to be perceptions/appearances fluctuating in/as emptiness, with no one aware of them. That’s actually what this is, whether or not the appearance has the claim within it of knowing perceptions from a separate standpoint — but in that case this would seem (only seem) not to be the cessation I’m referring to (if experience is apparent).

Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self I'm not familiar with the things you're mentioning, it's actually possible I had a legit cessation from DMT. I remember on the Glass Vaporgenie, second pull and the world exploded into black with neon squiggles flying off for a moment... Then next thing I'm coming round a while after with no knowledge of what happened between.

Wherever there is experience, there is an experiencer. Where there is no experience, the experiencer is by itself. The experiencer can't experience itself unless there is something seemingly else to experience. So instead there is just a time gap until experience starts up again.

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15 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

@The0Self I'm not familiar with the things you're mentioning, it's actually possible I had a legit cessation from DMT. I remember on the Glass Vaporgenie, second pull and the world exploded into black with neon squiggles flying off for a moment... Then next thing I'm coming round a while after with no knowledge of what happened between.

Wherever there is experience, there is an experiencer. Where there is no experience, the experiencer is by itself. The experiencer can't experience itself unless there is something seemingly else to experience. So instead there is just a time gap until experience starts up again.

Yes there is a time gap but it’s more like an anesthesia — you jump forward in time with no perception of what happened in the gap. Not to be pedantic but it’s not that the experiencer is left by itself — experienced and experiencer are mutually dependent— when one ceases so does the other.

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All these "cessation" experiences from psychedelics don't seem any different than unconsciousness from sleep. What happened to the 6 hours you were sleeping? Your dream consciousness only last like an hour total every night and yet we don't call sleeping cessation.

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@Ora When I've blacked out on DMT it is like that yes. I'm not sure why deep sleep isn't considered cessation, it should be.

That is different from ego death ofc where you are still conscious but there's not a "you" anymore. There's a perspective but it's sort of pulled back from your thoughts and whatever else (feels like literal distance, like your thoughts are happening a few feet in front of you). Or you might literally not even know who you are or what a human is etc.

Often you sense consciousness to be without boundary, and everything is "you" now, or you are "it" and there is no you. Whatever.

People almost never discuss blackouts with psychedelics (what's the point? There WAS no experience to discuss - just a time jump like anaesthetic) so they almost surely mean ego death.

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1 hour ago, RMQualtrough said:

I'm not sure why deep sleep isn't considered cessation, it should be.

Because the cessation of experience is a fount of insight potential, whereas deep sleep is not quite.

Perhaps more importantly, deep sleep is simply not the cessation of experience in the same way that meditative cessation or even general anesthesia is:

Deep sleep involves the cessation of memory/context (a type of ego death), but NOT the cessation of consciousness... which is why you can often feel that you slept for a long time or a short time — it doesn’t feel like anesthesia, wherein you can be out for days (or years, theoretically) and yet upon waking it will seem like you essentially time-travelled instantaneously; absolutely no time passed, experientially. The very same moment you enter a true cessation of consciousness is the very same moment you exit. You can verify this yourself with various types of sleep yoga although maybe you can intuit this already as it’s pointed out.

The need for experience gets stilled in deep meditation. If it’s drilled down on with finesse and constant stability and powerful mindfulness, you can actually get the intention for a perception to fade to almost nothing, but as SOON as it hits actual no-intention, cessation happens. Seeing that many times fosters the intuitive recognition of the interdependence and emptiness of reality/awareness.

Edited by The0Self

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On 2021-06-06 at 10:40 PM, Javfly33 said:

But now I'm sober and not high on LSD anymore and it all seems like a great experience but actually now I feel separated from her. Because she's imaginary and just a thought in my mind.

Maybe that's why you feel separated from her? Because right now all she is is a thought in your mind. The difference between the thought and experiencing her isness. Also could it be that the thought of her being imaginary cause the apparent separation?

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