
Jail breaking the mind quotes and poems.

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How long was your day.

300 meters?    14 conversations?  3 shits, 1 egg McMuffin, and painful conversation at work?  Was it warm or cold or a  bit of I’m not sure. 

Do you remember it all, the steps walked, the conversational thoughts inside, how many times you breathed. 

What exactly do you remember? 

All of it...surely not.

Half of it.... unlikely. 

1/100th....  maybe you can’t know how much or what you forgot. 

Hmmmm so maybe you or I don’t know so much about who we are and everyone else. 

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Stole this one.... on the subject matter of realizing you don't have free will. 

You seem to be under the impression that a person who truly recognises the absence of free will would behave differently.  Why would that be the case?  You're a human being, so naturally you're going to do all the typical things a human being does like get mad, feel regrets etc.  Even after you recognise the lack of free will, you're still a human being.

Nobody acts like they have free will, because there is no such thing as 'acting like you have free will'.   No one has any idea what 'acting like they have free will' is like.    

Consider what it would be like for a whirlpool to discover it wasn't causing itself to swirl around.. what would that change for the whirlpool? Would it suddenly stop swirling? Of course not. 

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