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Where is the time?!!?!?

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this is a common question with personal development but I just feel so overwhelmed with all this stuff I should get done on myself that I shut down and don't do anything productive. I gotta go to work, find time to exercise, cook, shower, meditate/yoga, read, work on my life purpose, contemplate important questions for myself, school/study, give some time to socialization. how do I choose which things I should prioritize, how do I manage my time??

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Everyone has the same problem that have to figure out on each own. You can't do everything at once most likely. You have to find your priorities and stick to some things. If you lack energy or are unhealthy then your health is the most important thing to work on. Healing traumas/emotional mastery is the second in my experience at least. The third could be life purpose or reading books or whatever feels most important to you at the time. 

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I had the same issue.

Was surprised to find out that things are not unfolding in a linear fashion.

Pick your top 3 things and be really consistent with those. The rest will fall into its place naturally.

Edited by ivankiss

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Do different things on different days. Make a schedule.

57% paranoid

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