
If there's no distinction at all, why Leo Guru is so taboo about suicide?

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

What's the best argument against suicide? 

Who commits suicide?

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4 minutes ago, The Buddha said:

Who commits suicide?

A human being. Apparently. 

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12 minutes ago, Someone here said:

A human being. Apparently. 

That is why is the best argument against suicide because as most things in life they are not what they seem to be in first gaze.

Yes, a human being commits suicide. Are u a human being? Idk, I'm asking watch closely.

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11 minutes ago, The Buddha said:

Are u a human being?

I am the caretaker of the human being. Maybe. 

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@Tim Ho I see. :)

Ultimately tho.. You are NOT a human being. 

A human being is a program. A biological computer that you are temporarily identified with. 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I am the caretaker of the human being. Maybe. 


51 minutes ago, Tim Ho said:

Human body is all you have.  Love every pieces of yourself 

Both are true. But aren't u also experiencing that? Also looking at that. Therefore, if u look u are different from what u are looking at. Because the eye cannot see itself but can see other things. The teeth cannot bite itself but can bite other things. Therefore, who am I? Keep looking, keep searching, keep incquiring. Who is the one performing all this game?

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4 minutes ago, Tim Ho said:

Yes, this biological computer is all you and me have ?

@Tim Ho you 'have' a human being?? 

I thought that you ARE it? 

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Tim Ho you 'have' a human being?? 

I thought that you ARE it? 

Good point. There's a great book by Erich Fromm "To Have or To Be" . It's fascinating how we use the word "have" in contexts where people once used to build sentences with "be". 

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because man killed himself being on this forum getting wrong ideas, get real people, it's not fun. 

plus Leo is taking partly responsibility for it, that's right thing to do. 

Edited by blackchair

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@Someone here in my opinion there's none, thats the power of freedom. You can at any moment choose to stop all the dream or not

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A teaching that promotes physical death is self-terminating.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard  Why is that a bad thing?  Why does it even matter if the teaching self-terminates, considering it's just another part of the dream?

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22 hours ago, justamirror said:

Death is no more valuable than life, 


so why do whe try so hard just to "survive"?  is the point of nihilism, to observ the absurdm of life itself

each year millions of people die, one more ore less makes no real difference.

You are confused.

There ARE separation and differences and infinite kind of forms IF YOU imagine there is.

So: how do you stop imagining distinctions?

You can't.

It's not something you forcefully do, so you can't force yourself into not doing it either.

It just happens. If you let go. Surrender.

Don't force anything. In fact trying to force anything just makes it more messed up than it already is ??.

There is, from the highest PoV in truth no difference between death and life. There isn't even anything that is alive nor death. It is both and none. At once.

From the human PoV though, death is a taboo and the worst thing that can happen.

That's fine. No need to forcefully change that idea. You cannot. Survival is HARD encoded into your body and brain and human mind. Like deeply fucking encoded. Not even Jesus transcended his fear of death fully. So to imagine that you can is rather arrogant. Spiritual ego, ello we meet again.

Excitement. Play. ??? Just fucking live life! Be brave. ???☯️????️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️??️?️?️?️?️???

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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18 minutes ago, kinesin said:

@Carl-Richard  Why is that a bad thing?  Why does it even matter if the teaching self-terminates, considering it's just another part of the dream?

It's just a descriptive statement: such a teaching self-terminates. There is a reason why it doesn't exist among living beings. It's tautological. Teachings generally exist to dictate the life of human beings. Physical death as a prescription is antithetical to the very concept of teachings.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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34 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

It's just a descriptive statement: such a teaching self-terminates. There is a reason why it doesn't exist among living beings. It's tautological. Teachings generally exist to dictate the life of human beings. Physical death as a prescription is antithetical to the very concept of teachings.

Also, any teacher that would teach that would be a huge hypocrit lol

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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36 minutes ago, Shin said:

Also, any teacher that would teach that would be a huge hypocrit lol

Exactly. It's a paradox :P

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 6/6/2021 at 6:45 PM, justamirror said:

so why do whe try so hard just to "survive"? 

you try to survive just because you want to reach God before you die.

other kinds of surviving mechanics are just stupid. 

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Killing yourself is the least spiritual thing you can do. Life is sacred. 

There is more spiritual gain to be had by overcoming suffering and desires of life.


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1 minute ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Nah. Will hide them later.

Your good.  Your a quality member.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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