The White Belt

Why Do Animals Fear Death?

91 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

This got me thinking. Is complex language the root of ego? We humans label everything under the sun (and including the sun!). Our parents, family, society, even our own mind tells us how we should and shouldn't be, and labels us as good or bad. Animals haven't developed a sophisticated enough system of language to interpret every level of experience, emotion, and object. Nor are they capable of really sharing these things with each other.

The human mind's conditioning for labeling and interpreting a meaning for every single thing in existence may be why we're so mentally fucked up.

The reason were "fucked up" is because we don't know that we are consciousness existence pretending to be a body. 

And the intellect makes more of things than it should.

But hey, what do I know? Let's wait for Osho to inform us of the real situation here

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5 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

This got me thinking. Is complex language the root of ego?

If a person is deaf and dumb since birth, he will not be able to learn any complex language, still he will have an ego. Language is not the single thing we learn from society.

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7 minutes ago, GTITurbolover said:

The reason were "fucked up" is because we don't know that we are consciousness existence pretending to be a body. 

And the intellect makes more of things than it should.

But hey, what do I know? Let's wait for Osho to inform us of the real situation here

Deaf and blind people can learn language too.

Im just saying, the human brain is already physically structured to interpret meaning based on sounds, patterns, etc. it's why we like music and see human faces in things. Through years of evolution, our brains molded into this labeling machine. Trying to interpret data, even when it's not necessary. And that includes labeling "you" and "me" and the world around us as separate entities.

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13 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

This got me thinking. Is complex language the root of ego? We humans label everything under the sun (and including the sun!). Our parents, family, society, even our own mind tells us how we should and shouldn't be, and labels us as good or bad. Animals haven't developed a sophisticated enough system of language to interpret every level of experience, emotion, and object. Nor are they capable of really sharing these things with each other.

The human mind's conditioning for labeling and interpreting a meaning for every single thing in existence may be why we're so mentally fucked up.

Why do you think ego is the problem? It's not actually the problem.  The problem is not knowing our true nature. The ego is the extroverting self (consciousness) looking for fulfillment in external objects.

Animals don't seek external objects to complete it. So they dont have egos.

What it doesn't know however that there are no objects out there, physical or otherwise. It's actually all "mind" the mind of God.

Yep, they certainly seem like real tangible objects. But try to get close to one of them and it evaporates into nothing. Because it's only a projection . 

The self under the illusion that there is an actual material world out there is called "ignorance" "Maya". 

So the problem is solved by understanding ones true nature through investigating experience, not analyzing the science of it like a psychologist. 

You can get an experience right now of the non dual nature of reality by understanding that the thing you're seeking in the objects are not in the objects, it is in the subject. You. Consciousness. Existence.


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1 minute ago, Frogfucius said:

Deaf and blind people can learn language too.

I was talking about deaf and dumb people, who can neither hear nor speak, can't learn any complex language.  

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6 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

Deaf and blind people can learn language too.

Im just saying, the human brain is already physically structured to interpret meaning based on sounds, patterns, etc. it's why we like music and see human faces in things. Through years of evolution, our brains molded into this labeling machine. Trying to interpret data, even when it's not necessary. And that includes labeling "you" and "me" and the world around us as separate entities.

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9 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

Deaf and blind people can learn language too.

Im just saying, the human brain is already physically structured to interpret meaning based on sounds, patterns, etc. it's why we like music and see human faces in things. Through years of evolution, our brains molded into this labeling machine. Trying to interpret data, even when it's not necessary. And that includes labeling "you" and "me" and the world around us as separate entities.


Great. You have another theory. Doesn't make you any wiser. The same old unenlightened jerk 

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1 minute ago, GTITurbolover said:


Great. You have another theory. Doesn't make you any wiser. The same old unenlightened jerk 

So you're going to discredit everything I say, and call me an unenlightened jerk? Why is the world so black and white for you? You're projecting pretty hard here, buddy. It's okay if you're a miserable sack, but quit attacking others because you think you're better than them, and your way is the only way.

Is this Matthew Lamont under another guise?

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6 minutes ago, GTITurbolover said:

Why do you think ego is the problem? It's not actually the problem.

From where did you learnt it ? from Vedanta ?

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10 minutes ago, GTITurbolover said:

The ego is the extroverting self (consciousness) looking for fulfillment in external objects.

Animals don't seek external objects to complete it. So they dont have egos.

Which animal told you that they do not look for fulfillment in external objects ?

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10 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

So you're going to discredit everything I say, and call me an unenlightened jerk? Why is the world so black and white for you? You're projecting pretty hard here, buddy. It's okay if you're a miserable sack, but quit attacking others because you think you're better than them, and your way is the only way.

Is this Matthew Lamont under another guise?

I'm attacking the ideas. And if your ideas are dumb and not grounded in an inquiry into your experience, then you got to face some flack. 

You're attempting to reinvent the wheel and your theories sound absurd in the light of scrutiny. 

It's not your fault, you're just a dumb idiot like most on here. You will spend all your days talking complete crap going off into worlds of thought and belief and missing the point of it all. That it was supposed to set you free. 



Edited by GTITurbolover

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7 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

From where did you learnt it ? from Vedanta ?

Let's quit the scrutiny on me. I've already proved Vedanta ideas are watertight. 

Let's have some teachings from the Buddah and Krishna? No, you're going to keep quiet on that aren't you? Then maybe later you will start regurgitating the same old bullshit you have been for the last few months. 

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2 minutes ago, GTITurbolover said:

It's not your fault, you're just a dumb idiot like most on here.

Do you forgot to take some medicines ?

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The focus on me is ridiculous. 

You haven't once answered my question. Because you can't. You dont have anything of value to give. Except bullshit. 

Answer my questions. I have answered all of yours and it's all watertight. 

If you actually do the work instead of compiling beliefs you would know exactly what I'm talking about . It's self evident. 


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15 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

So you're going to discredit everything I say, and call me an unenlightened jerk? Why is the world so black and white for you? You're projecting pretty hard here, buddy. It's okay if you're a miserable sack, but quit attacking others because you think you're better than them, and your way is the only way.

Is this Matthew Lamont under another guise?

Why do you think the world is black and white for me?

Do you imagine that you can get liberated by ruminating and having flexibility of thought?

Does that set you fee?

Does that make the ego understand it's true nature is freedom and limitlessness?

No. It's doesn't. It's made up. Borrowed shit from books about popular psychology and philosophy.

It's just time wasting and distraction because you can't be bothered to actually work on your stuff. You don't know how. Your username say it all. Some fucking moron lost in his head and thought processes. 

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6 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Do you forgot to take some medicines ?

He's Matthew Lamont. He keeps coming back after (I assume) getting banned, because he's got an inferiority complex when it comes to spirituality. It's the most hilarious thing. Now that I know who he truly is, it's best just to ignore him until he buries himself in a hole somewhere.

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1 minute ago, GTITurbolover said:

Answer my questions.

Which question ? Get some medical treatment so that you talk like a sane person on a public forum .

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14 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Which animal told you that they do not look for fulfillment in external objects ?

This is just getting absurd . You have gone beyond common sense now and are just mechanically deconstructing everything to appear clever . Let me remind you of your Osho quotes and Lakshmi the cow stories.

This is structural distortion in the subtle body. You have so much shit in there to defend that you will outright lie and contradict yourself to protect it. Because it's who you are. It's your identity. Because you don't feel whole and free, you need all this shit to function because you think you're ignorant.

That's mental illness

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4 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

He's Matthew Lamont. He keeps coming back after (I assume) getting banned, because he's got an inferiority complex when it comes to spirituality. It's the most hilarious thing. Now that I know who he truly is, it's best just to ignore him until he buries himself in a hole somewhere.

Lol. Oh come on. Fuck off you moron. 

You're both doing a good job of demonstration of how the ego protects it's objects. 

This inquiry might be worth it after all 

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6 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

Which question ? Get some medical treatment so that you talk like a sane person on a public forum .

Right. So sanity is acting clever with the scrutiny to make yourself appear big. While you spread bullshit from Osho and Lakshmi the self realized fucking cow?

Fucking Jesus Christ. The spiritual world attracts some fucking idiots. Piece of *@&?! Cun** fu#@ why don't you f**& yeah? Honestly I'm fu@#£! sick to death of this ***ing bull**#@#

Edited by GTITurbolover

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