The White Belt

Why Do Animals Fear Death?

91 posts in this topic

3 minutes ago, GTITurbolover said:

I've been very open about my source of information. I take my toolkit from Vedanta because my goal is liberation.

Quote and give reference from Vedanta.

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10 minutes ago, GTITurbolover said:

It ultimately doesn't matter if a monkey has an ego or not.

Then, why did you replied on this topic? 

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1 minute ago, Prabhaker said:

Quote and give reference from Vedanta.

What do you mean?

I just gave you a fucking teaching on what the contents of the entire subtle body are for the purposes of enlightenment inquiry.

I don't quote scriptures. I'm not a teacher I am a student and I am being taught. 

It's a toolkit your moron. It's not "the truth" it is a accurate map of Samsara. 

You can argue all day whether claret is a form of red if that's what you want to do. It don't get you Enlightened my friend. It just makes you into an intellectually dumb moron

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2 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Then, why did you replied on this topic? 

Because I wanted to. And because I like talking about the teachings.

Why are you here? 

To let some geezer you don't know into your daily mail clippings and that will contribute to his enlightenment?

You're so far off the beaten track its unbelievable. You can't even process experience properly or listen to what is being said.

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1 minute ago, GTITurbolover said:

I don't quote scriptures.

What other source do you have to tell about your information? or it was your imagination.

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4 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Then, why did you replied on this topic? 

More to the point. Let's get back to the nonsense you spread around here. 

What's all this Osho shit you're spreading? I'd like to hear what Osho has to say about monkeys egos. That is going to help me undo my dualistic knots in my programming. 

Much appreciated


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3 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

What other source do you have to tell about your information? or it was your imagination.

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2 minutes ago, GTITurbolover said:

I'd like to hear what Osho has to say about monkeys egos.

Is it sarcasm ? or now monkey's ego matters you ?

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6 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

What other source do you have to tell about your information? or it was your imagination.

What do you mean?

I have an experience. It's my subtle body . I have an intellect in there. I also have emotions. I also have an ego that claims all this stuff. And when I investigate this it appears its true. 

It's not my imagination, it's the same subtle body in everyone. I seriously doubt monkeys have egos, I think they are programmed just like you and me. It's not rocket science, it's a tool to investigate what I am not. 

When people lie to you, like you, it annoys the subtle body. True? Yes. True. 

What is it that has never changed?


What is the thing that causes you to eat sugar and enjoy it?

Vasanas, the causal body. Animals have a causal body, otherwise they wouldn't manifest. 

This is all within reach of your experience . No belief required. It's not  a contest who can spread the most Osho quotes around .

Would any of this sink in with you? You seem to be more into beliefs than wanting liberation.

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7 minutes ago, GTITurbolover said:

I'd like to hear what Osho has to say

It is garbage from an egomaniac who needed 93 rolls Royce's to feel ok about himself. 

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1 minute ago, GTITurbolover said:

I have an experience.

Experience of what ? animal ego ? 


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30 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

It is garbage from an egomaniac who needed 93 rolls Royce's to feel ok about himself. 

Yes. Osho was a narcissist who had problems. He did not have a teaching and we know that because it's been debunked as crap. But objective people know this . So when you try to appear objective it just looks silly because on one hand you're attempting to look objective here (so you can win and feel big by discrediting me) but sadly at the same time you listen to, quote and spread information from a bullshitter who was emotionally needy. 



Edited by GTITurbolover

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4 minutes ago, GTITurbolover said:

I seriously doubt monkeys have egos

Is it your own experience ? or imagination ?

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2 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Experience of what ? animal ego ? 


All sentient beings have the same structure. They are consciousness existence, with an experiential body, conditioned responses ( cat does cat things, dogs do dog things). And they have a physical body. 

That's Samsara. It's a rough guide, mind you, it's only rough, but it is more accurate than the shit you come out with which sounds like most of the crap that is being circulated around the spiritual world. Most of it is unsubstantiated, contradictory and does not produce enlightened people. 

Sorry about that. But that's tamasic minds for you, they swallow anything. Spiritual pornography 

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5 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Is it your own experience ? or imagination ?

Fuck me. 

Do monkeys phone their therapists trying to understand why they are bad monkeys?

"Im" such a failure. "He" (bully monkey)  said some nasty things about "me". xD

It's not rocket science. But for you it may well be 

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1 minute ago, GTITurbolover said:

Do monkeys phone their therapists trying to understand why they are bad monkeys?

Does absence of phone and therapists prove that monkeys have no ego ?

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Still waiting on what the buddah, Krishna and Lakshmi the enlightened cow has to say about it tho :P:P:P

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2 minutes ago, GTITurbolover said:

Still waiting on what the buddah, Krishna and Lakshmi the enlightened cow has to say about it tho

Is it sarcasm ? or now animals ego matters you ?

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3 minutes ago, GTITurbolover said:

Fuck me. 

Do monkeys phone their therapists trying to understand why they are bad monkeys?

"Im" such a failure. "He" (bully monkey)  said some nasty things about "me". xD

It's not rocket science. But for you it may well be 

This got me thinking. Is complex language the root of ego? We humans label everything under the sun (and including the sun!). Our parents, family, society, even our own mind tells us how we should and shouldn't be, and labels us as good or bad. Animals haven't developed a sophisticated enough system of language to interpret every level of experience, emotion, and object. Nor are they capable of really sharing these things with each other.

The human mind's conditioning for labeling and interpreting a meaning for every single thing in existence may be why we're so mentally fucked up.

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2 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Does absence of phone and therapists prove that monkeys have no ego ?

Wow . Thanks . I'm going to ditch Vedanta. Now I see the light. 

What Osho books can you recommend? He obviously had possession of the truth as he seems to have such objective inquisitive minds attracted to his work..


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