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What do you think of Panpsychism within Idealism...

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As I view dreams, when you sleep your mind crafts an external world of matter and sensory input etc. The matter and characters and everything around you in a dream is made of mind.

In the waking world, with multiplicity and such, I am considering it like this:

The Absolute ("Mind", w.e.) -> Spacetime -> Experience -> Several moments of experience link and lifeforms are created, lifeforms are just multiple aware processes working as a single unit.

All matter is made of awareness, so awareness is inherent to it. Inside spacetime, the things inside of it are confined by it (for example the matter adheres to the laws of physics and such). The Absolute is not separated at all. Inside spacetime it is like a virtual world where things are divided.

What we call our selves = the human brain. The destruction of the brain wipes out all of us except awareness still exists because it is the fundamental nature of reality.

I am seeing us to not be the Absolute, but rather the Absolute is us. I think there is a difference between the two, like how the dreamer IS the characters in a dream, but if those dream characters had an ego and all of that, then from their perspective they are individuals and indeed, when the dreamer stops dreaming them they totally vanish, because they never actually existed at all. The dreamer goes nowhere, but the dream vanishes.

So I'm thinking the same happens to us. We are just like "God's" playthings, and when he stops dreaming of us we vanish. Everything in spacetime has the potential to form into a complex lifeform, it's just many threads of awareness acting as one thing and processed as such. I don't think there's a "combination problem" because I don't think the lower aware processes vanish. It is just that it is being processed all together. In fact on LSD I have experienced up to 5 different selves talking all at once. In dreams we often experience other characters speaking to us which we don't consciously control. But they are part of our mind. So I don't really think our self is even a singular self... More like many inputs that when sober chime in seamlessly.

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