
Examples of Masculine Compassion mega-thread:

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Examples of Masculine Compassion. 

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Masculine compassion as opposed to feminine compassion can be fierce, bold, direct, uncompromising. It looks for what is needed as opposed to being loving and kind; something you would see with feminine compassion.

For example: A man is dying and is in a hospital bed and everyone around that person is telling him that everything is going to be alright and that he will recover just to comfort him and make him feel better, whilst actually the Truth of the situation is being denied from him, and the truth is that he is dying, and everybody is too afraid to tell him that.

If you allow and even support someone like that to stay in a state of denial you will greatly complicate and hinder the death process, making the whole ordeal for that person far more difficult than it needs to be if you just were to get the person to acknowledge and accept the fact hat he is dying. Feminine compassion on the other hand will just try to comfort and caress  the other and try to make them feel good. But you can see that such behaviour will be inadequate and even counterproductive if that person is still in a state of denial and you are not guiding that person to come to face that fact. Masculine compassion on the other hand will simply point it out: "You're dying. Come to terms with it. Here's what you can do to accept and embrace the dying process, making it something wholesome instead of terrifying". THAT is masculine compassion.

Another example of masculine compassion might be that when you're at a lecture or is giving a presentation and someone is speaking but this person is speaking rather quietly, that then you will be the one to make a comment and tell this person in front of the entire audience if that person can speak up a little bit, so that not only you can hear what this person is saying, but that also the rest of the audience can hear what is being said. You take into the consideration the need of the entire audience and therefore you consider it to be worth to put the person who is speaking on the spot and tell them what the situation requires so that the rest of the audience can benefit for this lecture that they otherwise may not have been able to hear which they have after all sacrificed time and energy for in order to be in that room.

Masculine compassion also recognizes and acknowledges the needs and vulnerabilities and others, and therefore it would be most ideal if the speaker could be informed without putting this speaker on the spot for speaking too quietly in front of the entire audience, for example if you were to remind the speaker before he/she went on the stage to remind themselves of speaking loudly enough, but usually that's not really possible so it often has to be done in front of the entire audience as there is no other option, even though that's awkward and uncomfortable for the speaker.

Another example of masculine compassion might be to defend your girlfriend from a bunch of thugs who are out to sexually assault her by punching them, risking to lose the fight and risk being badly injured, instead of turning and running away in cowardice from the situation.

A good example of masculine compassion, or the divine masculine for that matter, would be Osho. I love that guy because he is so uncompromisingly and unapologetically direct and straightforward, sometimes to the point of being provocative, whilst at the same time you can see that he is really trying to help the other person and trying to give that person not necessarily what they want to hear, but what they need or what he thinks would help them. I would recommend to take a look at Q&A session with him as opposed to his regular talks to see what you would call masculine compassion, otherwise it's a bit less apparent. Also, with masculine compassion in general but certainly with Osho in particular, you will have to look a little bit behind the surface to see the purity of his intention.

From the greater perspective there is no 'Masculine' or 'Feminine' compassion, actually. There's simply Compassion, taking masculine or feminine energetical expressions.

Edited by Nightwise

Instead of continuously trying to make the right decision, experiment with making your decisions right instead (own up to them). Consciously making a commitment to a decision IS what makes it the right decision, regardless of the choices you had.

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@Nightwise Great explanation!

-Dr.Phil's whole brand and career is based on masculine compassion.

Fun fact: When Oprah was being sued by cattle ranchers she kept wallowing in the unfairness of it all.  As the trial went on she kept wallowing.  Dr.Phil told her, "You'd better wake up, girl, and wake up now.  It is really happening.  You'd better get over it and get in the game, or these good ol' boys are gonna hand you your ass on a platter."  Oprah replied, "No they will not."  Then she got Dr.Phil a book deal.


-Q on Star Trek: TNG, teaching Picard.

If you can't take a little bloody nose... (One of the best ST quotes)


Edited by FlyingLotus

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"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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