
Is 5G is safe for Whole Humanity ? Despite of hundreds of scientist warning dangers

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Woah, that's a lot of bitterness for something you can't much about.

Mainstream is not as bad as you think, there must be a mainstream narrative, it is an inevitably necessity.

We must choose healthy and morally developed narratives for it and that's not going to work if we demonize it.

Edited by Windappreciator

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11 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

Mainstream is not as bad as you think, there must be a mainstream narrative, it is an inevitably necessity.

In a hierarchical society. If we start to go more holarchical, then you stop needing a mainstream narrative! Everyone gets to believe what they want to believe in that situation.

In a hierarchical society, everyone must believe the narrative that's being passed down from up above. The problem is that this throws logic and reason out the window and you have blind faith. Something that science likes to rail against, but falls prey to in it's own ways.

13 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

We must choose healthy and morally developed narratives for it and that's not going to work if we demonize it.

Moral development is not about the narrative you choose, it is about your level of consciousness. Blind faith in a mainstream narrative isn't gonna do it! I agree with the spirit of science on this issue that blind faith is a problem. The problem is that our public intellectuals in the mainstream don't. The blind faith doesn't sound so bad if it's you who the people are blindly believing in. Am I right?! ;) They blindly believe in you because you have credentials.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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23 hours ago, Rajneeshpuram said:


main argument I heard is that it's not thermal damage, ... so "frying" wouldn't be the most precise term. And it doesn't evne have to do with inioning vs non-ionizing radiation and damage afaii.


16 hours ago, Harlen Kelly said:

Do you understand that trumpers think exactly like you, and trumpers are not the most brilliant people as everybody already knows. 

I agree with your understanding that there's lots of conspiracy thinking and shitty thinking around the topic. And it sucks for points you can come up with, and cause there's actually more "convincing" media out there.


On 6/5/2021 at 11:19 PM, Harlen Kelly said:

How is this qualitatively different from QANON conspiracy theories? 

There's a conspiracy thinking element to this topic right now, i.e. lots of people just believing it (wherever they heard it from Alex Jones or cause their friends believe it, ...) ideologically with no intent on reflection and taking it in with the rest of conspiracy theory they get stuck in... -- And if there turns out to be wider acceptance regarding this topic, "these dullards" will use the grain of truth they found (by accident and shitty epistemology) as a way to rationalize their worldview. :/

... there's "higher quality" (seemingly) thought around this issue (using some google:)

I mean, cell phone use and blood clotting in the brain is established fact imo. If that's true, what else might be...
Still open to there being little actual health risk and the opposite, tho.

Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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12 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

In a hierarchical society. If we start to go more holarchical, then you stop needing a mainstream narrative! Everyone gets to believe what they want to believe in that situation.

In a hierarchical society, everyone must believe the narrative that's being passed down from up above. The problem is that this throws logic and reason out the window and you have blind faith. Something that science likes to rail against, but falls prey to in it's own ways.

Moral development is not about the narrative you choose, it is about your level of consciousness. Blind faith in a mainstream narrative isn't gonna do it! I agree with the spirit of science on this issue that blind faith is a problem. The problem is that our public intellectuals in the mainstream don't. The blind faith doesn't sound so bad if it's you who the people are blindly believing in. Am I right?! ;) They blindly believe in you because you have credentials.

Uff, that is some serious orange railing against faith.

It looks like you don't even understand what mainstream means.

Even in a more holistic society, mainstream media will exist.

Moral development can be conveyed through media, I don't know how you cannot see that. Media has an impact on your level of consciousness. It's not merely coming out of it, it's also influencing it, otherwise you wouldn't be complaining if you didn't believe that.

Edited by Windappreciator

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10 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

Uff, that is some serious orange railing against faith.

It looks like you don't even understand what mainstream means.

Even in a more holistic society, mainstream media will exist.

Moral development can be conveyed through media, I don't know how you cannot see that. Media has an impact on your level of consciousness. It's not merely coming out of it, it's also influencing it, otherwise you wouldn't be complaining if you didn't believe that.

My problem isn't with having a mainstream media. My problem is with having a mainstream narrative that everyone must believe in. It's almost cult-like if you think about it! Cult-ure, derived from the word 'cult'.

If the mainstream media made people more conscious, I would have no problem with it. The thing is - it doesn't. Why would it? Think about it - how does it serve corporate interests for people to become more conscious? Will their pharmaceuticals sell? No. Will their junk food sell? No. Will their ponzi-scheme investments sell? No. Will their student-loans sell? No. Their agenda is to pump you with fear and negativity, to make you more unconscious and fearful. That's what sells!

Edited by Parththakkar12

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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10 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

My problem isn't with having a mainstream media. My problem is with having a mainstream narrative that everyone must believe in. It's almost cult-like if you think about it! Cult-ure, derived from the word 'cult'.

Look my friend, you're too bitter about it. You are not being forced to believe anything.

But adapting values unquestioned is inevitable. We are not born as reasonable adults with blank minds to choose in the world what we want as part of our paradigm.

Therefore we must convey values through mainstream media that lead towards what we believe to be the most conscious outcomes. And it's a process that drives on trial and error correction.


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15 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

But adapting values unquestioned is inevitable. We are not born as reasonable adults with a blank minds to choose in the world what we want as part of our paradigm.

Then, why does the media assume that we have blank minds? Why does the education-system assume that we have blank minds, no identity and that they can program you with whatever the hell they want?!

Also, why is it being assumed that children aren't reasonable?! Is it so that you can have really strong brainwashing that sticks? And that when they grow up, they never stand up for what they believe in and they blindly believe the mainstream narrative? And then they keep doing that to the future generations?

15 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

Therefore we must convey values through mainstream media that lead towards the most conscious outcomes. 

Ahahahahahahahhaha... :D :D :D That's the biggest joke ever. They already know the propaganda they want to push through next. It's climate-change. You watch CNN in the next few months continuing to harp on climate-change, after they're bored of talking about the COVID.

Do you really think they're sitting there, looking at the collective and thinking 'What would be the best way to lead the collective to greater consciousness and awareness'?! That's a really dream-like idealization. They are sitting up there, thinking about what their advertisers want and what their corporate interests want. That's what they're going to push through! They want pharma-sales, which is why they're pushing the vax right now.

Now, why climate-change? You might wonder. Because it has the most fear-value! They will look at the thing that looks like it's going to be the end of the world and they're going to make that the next big thing that they cover. They want you to be in a state of fear and panic all the time! Really. That's what they're there for. All for sales! 'The devil'/'devilry' is the appropriate word here, the way Leo uses it.

Edited by Parththakkar12

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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13 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:


Ahahahahahahahhaha... :D :D :D That's the biggest joke ever. They already know the propaganda they want to push through next. It's climate-change. You watch CNN in the next few months continuing to harp on climate-change, after they're bored of talking about the COVID.

Do you really think they're sitting there, looking at the collective and thinking 'What would be the best way to lead the collective to greater consciousness and awareness'?! That's a really dream-like idealization. They are sitting up there, thinking about what their advertisers want and what their corporate interests want. That's what they're going to push through! They want pharma-sales, which is why they're pushing the vax right now.

Now, why climate-change? You might wonder. Because it has the most fear-value! They will look at the thing that looks like it's going to be the end of the world and they're going to make that the next big thing that they cover. They want you to be in a state of fear and panic all the time! Really. That's what they're there for. All for sales! 'The devil'/'devilry' is the appropriate word here, the way Leo uses it.

Parth... This is not a good response. You are leading yourself into suffering like this.

Relax on the paranoia a little bit, please. You are not in the mind of a collected person.



Edited by Windappreciator

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19 minutes ago, vladorion said:

So many people are in denial on this forum.

Just like you are of veganism.

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3 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

Just like you are of veganism.

I'm not in denial of veganism. I believe it exists.

I don't believe it's the best diet for everybody.

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3 minutes ago, vladorion said:

I'm not in denial of veganism. I believe it exists.

I don't believe it's the best diet for everybody.

Just like you are in denial of its legitimacy, people are about other things.

What diet is the diet of veganism?

Edited by Windappreciator

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1 hour ago, peqkno said:



Omg I thought it was Martin Ball ?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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12 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

Just like you are in denial of its legitimacy, people are about other things.

What diet is the diet of veganism?

Well, when I said people are in denial, I meant they are living in a fairy tale land where mainstream media are trying to do what's best for the society.

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2 minutes ago, vladorion said:

Well, when I said people are in denial, I meant they are living in a fairy tale land where mainstream media are trying to do what's best for the society.

That's what everyone thinks they do.

Otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.

Including you and me.

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7 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

That's what everyone thinks they do.

Otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.

Including you and me.

Not necessarily. Someone robbing a store obviously doesn't believe they're doing what's best for the society, unless that person is crazy.

People mostly do what's best for them. Nothing wrong with that if other people don't get hurt in the process.

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6 minutes ago, vladorion said:

Not necessarily. Someone robbing a store obviously doesn't believe they're doing what's best for the society, unless that person is crazy.

People mostly do what's best for them. Nothing wrong with that if other people don't get hurt in the process.

No they do, they can believe it is good to rob society of money.

In your idea the don't, in their idea they do.

Their concept of society and self just isn't the same as yours.

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Just now, Windappreciator said:

No they do, because they believe it is good to rob society of money.

Believing it's good to rob society of money is not the same as believing you're doing what's best for the society.

Someone robbing a store is in most cases motivated by their own benefit; they're not thinking about society.

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Just now, vladorion said:

Believing it's good to rob society of money is not the same as believing you're doing what's best for the society.

Someone robbing a store is in most cases motivated by their own benefit; they're not thinking about society.

Yeah, good point.

Although I would add thinking about society is also a form of thinking for "your own benefit".

One recognizes more of society as part of self and transfers values over it.

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