Someone here

Pure potentiality is the origin of existence

3 posts in this topic

The major question of philosophy is what is existence and reality itself? Where did it come from and why does it exist at all? Many people believe this is a great mystery but I will argue that there is nothing mysterious or grandiose about it - in fact I will argue that existence is both mundane and comically simple.

There are many theories of existence including multiverses, higher dimensions, string theory, quantum gravity, gods, conscioussness, quantum fluctuations, mathematical universe theory, simulation theory and on and on. While these are important things to research and ponder I will argue that none of them can be the ultimate truth. Even if these can be proven true they are not the ultimate answer to existence. They logically cannot be as they are just more 'things' which creates the question of where did they come from and so on leading to an infinite regression and more endless searching.

This means that logically existence cannot have a reason or purpose for existing because this would lead to the question of why which leads back to infinite regress. Because there is no reason or purpose for anything that means that existence as a whole is completely free and unbounded. There are no meta laws or constraints on existence. There are 'laws' of physics but there are no laws of the laws. The laws of physics themselves have no reason to exist - they came from nowhere.

This means that the fundamental truth of existence is pure potentiality itself - which is essentially nothingness. Nothingness is the superposition of infinite potentialities from which all purposeless manifestations of existence arise from for no reason. Our universe, the laws of physics, consciousness, qualia, logic, reason etc and anything else existing is a product of this pure potentiality.

Pure potentiality is literaly infinite and has the potential to create anything including absurd things like a universe that was just a bunch of floating chairs but this does not mean it will necessary do so it just has the ability to do so in the same way it created our existence with its specific laws that look normal to us due to the habit of us living here. Pure potentiality is not constrained by any laws or rules and it has no properties because it is the very thing that creates laws, constraints, and properties. Pure potentiality is completely free and unbounded.

Purposeless creation for no reason in other words. Itself the very reason for existence.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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a few words from david hawkins on this matter


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@Someone here I would say the floating chairs universe is real.

There is no time outside of time, so everything that has and ever will occur does so immediately. The beginning and end of time is t=0 basically.

Given infinite time, anything that can potentially happen WILL happen. So when infinite time is compressed into immediacy, all potential exists immediately.

I enjoyed this post btw.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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