How to Lose Weight?

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It's more important to consider why we eat rather than what we eat. To make some big lifestyle changes that shift the focus, attitude and mindset, as well as practicing intermittent fasting, deep breathing (breathwork and energy work). The most efficient successful people i've noticed will eat 1 or 2 times a day and keep a good balance in other areas, including meditation or some sort of flow practices. Turn focus onto what areas of life need some improvement and realize food overconsumption is most often just a byproduct of resistance to changes that improve quality of life in certain areas 

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@GGG A three day water fast is a great reset. I’m on day three of my fist one. With low intensity exercise, I’ve lost 1.5 lbs per day and  there are other health benefits. It’s also been giving insight into my relationship with food and my mind-body. And the impact different foods have on my body. Going forward, I will eliminate wheat and added sugars (only eating some natural sugar from fruit). I’ll also add in intermittent fasting for the health benefits. There are various forms available. I’ve found the metabolic switch into ketosis to be a good conscious state for insight, creativity and spirituality. 

Below is an evidence-based article describing the benefits each fasting stage. They also have a free app to track goals.



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@Forestluv usually overlooked when fasting is the conversation of muscle loss, I lost a huge amount of muscle during a years fast and unfortunately, due to the inbalance of muscle to fat ratio in my body I ended up causing multiple tendinopathies in which, 2 years later I am still rehabilitating (I was doing ashtanga yoga at the time). 

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21 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

@Forestluv usually overlooked when fasting is the conversation of muscle loss, I lost a huge amount of muscle during a years fast and unfortunately, due to the inbalance of muscle to fat ratio in my body I ended up causing multiple tendinopathies in which, 2 years later I am still rehabilitating (I was doing ashtanga yoga at the time). 

How long / frequent were your fasts? From what I’ve read, muscle loss generally isn’t a major issue for an occasional 3 day fast. 

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16 hours ago, GGG said:

@Snader @Leo Gura Are white rice, pasta and potatoes unhealthy? Should I switch to gross brown rice, sweet potatoes, and whole wheat pasta?

no pasta at all!

Also, probably not rice as a main dish. Or potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are okay as a side dish, but most of your plate should be vegetables that you prepared yourself.

And eating more healthy fats like olive oil, avocado's/avocado oil, nuts (no peanuts/cashews though), coconut oil.

Eating a lot of healthy fat helps burn 300 extra calories a day and it's great for you.

Very controversial, I know, but what whe thought was true about fat turns out not to be.

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@GGG here are practical steps:

1. Create a vision (this is the only thing that will keep you going)

2. Calculate your TDEE using an online calculator

3. Remove 400-700 Cal's from your maintenance calories (depending on what rate you want to lost weight) 

4. Get a calorie tracking app and set your daily eating calorie total. I use MyNetDiary. 

5. Do intermittent fasting and count everything that you eat and put it in the app.

Get a small food scale as well. 

Don't overstress on the macros. Just eat less carbs and instead up your protein. 

Eat as healthy as you can 

6. Exercise 

7. You can do it. The key is to STAY CONSISTENT. :)


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   Now then, the other end of this is being underweight. Is there any advice for healthy weight you guys have tried? I'm now 56.8 kilos (125 pounds), which is probably below the male average for weight.

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@Forestluv I assume 3 days would be very minimal, however, from my current understanding, the brain perceives muscle as a high cost resource, keeping excess muscle consumes too much energy, so it eats away at that faster than fat to preserve precious energy. 

I was eating one meal a day, water fasting the rest. I was uneducated in macronutrients, if I had my time again, my protein intake within the eating window would of been quadruple times the amount I was consuming. 

Edited by Charlotte

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I teach my clients a 3 part model called the health triangle. You have three main components to your physical health.

1. Sleep

2. Movement 

3. Nutrition 


Sleep 7-9 hours per night, move the body on a daily basis and eat whole foods meaning food as close to their natural state as possible.

If you want to lose weight then cut the carbohydrates and increase protein. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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Cut out these three things:

1. Grains (wheat, oat, corn, etc)

2. Seed oils (soybean, safflower, rapeseed, etc)

3. Sugar (especially added/refined sugar)

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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@King Merk

9 hours ago, King Merk said:

Cut out these three things:

1. Grains (wheat, oat, corn, etc)

2. Seed oils (soybean, safflower, rapeseed, etc)

3. Sugar (especially added/refined sugar)

   Most of my diet lately has been some grains and some sugar from maple syrup and honey. Uey I'm not gaining weight from it. Is there something missing?

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@Danioover9000 you may not be gaining weight but you’re certainly increasing inflammation throughout your body.

There so much more to health than your bodyweight. Just because you’re not gaining weight doesn’t mean you’re not doing damage. I mean just look at what’s going on with Leo and he’s a pretty lean guy. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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number one rule of weight loss:  cut the big dinners. Dinners are worst time to eat big. Worst insulin sensitivity, slowest metabolic capacity, highest carb to fat conversion, lowest energy expenditure. 

Eat only a small portion of light meal and go to bed slightly hungry so that you will be looking forward to eating big breakfast 

Allow yourself to intermittently fast overnight

mic drops

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@King Merk

On 6/6/2021 at 6:44 PM, King Merk said:

@Danioover9000 you may not be gaining weight but you’re certainly increasing inflammation throughout your body.

There so much more to health than your bodyweight. Just because you’re not gaining weight doesn’t mean you’re not doing damage. I mean just look at what’s going on with Leo and he’s a pretty lean guy. 

   I'm not even gaining weight, I'm losing weight over time. And I don't feel any significant issues with my current diet so far. Keep in mind my current diet today is way cleaner than the 10-20 years ago, where the majority of my time was travelling to other countries, eating their versions of junk food and healthy foods growing up. Also I put some lemon/lime juice as one of the ingredients I mix in the oatmeal.

   I'm sorry to the OP if this is derailing the thread, but the potential explanation is if you'll later want to loss weight, that some of that is covered here. Also, are you allergic to peanuts? Those and other nuts could help you gain weight, if you're not allergic.

Edited by Danioover9000

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8 hours ago, Michael569 said:

number one rule of weight loss:  cut the big dinners. Dinners are worst time to eat big. Worst insulin sensitivity, slowest metabolic capacity, highest carb to fat conversion, lowest energy expenditure. 

Eat only a small portion of light meal and go to bed slightly hungry so that you will be looking forward to eating big breakfast 

Allow yourself to intermittently fast overnight

mic drops

   Does eating a large breakfast make the person a bit lethargic? I used to eat big in mornings but it tends to make me sleepy.

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Seems that Low Carb Diet and exercise should do the trick. I went to Whole Foods and cooked up a veg soup for lunch (kinda like Leo's video) - Key is to use a good herb mix for veg soup so that it has decent flavor. I do eat lots of carbs like mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and white rice all the time. It will be a transition to veggies, fruits, meat and eggs only (+other low carb). The pandemic facilitated a slow slip into soda drinking and eating out/delivery, which will stop now.

This is a good list:

Went to the gym very early morning hoping to avoid gym bros, but no, they were there grunting and puffing (ugh...)

Edited by Leo Gura
Removed homosexual slur

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Bfast: fried eggs with veggies; banana, OJ (oj has sugar will replace for something else like tea with honey)

Lunch: veg soup

Dinner: White rice (will need to change to brown or cauliflower rice or something), beef, and tomato salad. 

Plan is to just do low carb veggies, meat, eggs, fruits, nuts, etc

Edited by GGG

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