
Leo Said That The Bigger The Ego, The More There Is Suffering.

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It sounds nice on paper, but egomaniacs like Donald Trump seem to get an intense thrill out of...well, their ego. Are they really suffering?

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All suffering comes from you not agreeing with reality. This is also ego. When you accept what is, you have no reason to suffer.

He for sure has sleeples nights worrying about the future or other problems like most people.

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48 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

It sounds nice on paper, but egomaniacs like Donald Trump seem to get an intense thrill out of...well, their ego. Are they really suffering?

Yes. But often times, the ego obscures suffering from view. A person could believe themselves to be happy but be in an intense amount of suffering. I bet Donald Trump can't even look at himself in the mirror unless he's top dog in all situations. I would imagine that Donald Trump suffers much more than the average Joe because he has a lot more self-lies to hide from.

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1 hour ago, Frogfucius said:

It sounds nice on paper, but egomaniacs like Donald Trump seem to get an intense thrill out of...well, their ego. Are they really suffering?

If somebody does not suffer from an inferiority complex he will not go into politics at all. Politics is the arena for those who suffer from an inferiority complex, because they want to prove to themselves and to the world that they are not inferior: Look, I have become the prime minister, or the president! Now who can say I am inferior? I have proved that I am not inferior. Politics attracts the people who are very egoistic and suffer from inferiority complex. If you are egoistic you are bound to compare yourself with others. The ego cannot exist without comparison.

Politics attracts only the most mediocre minds in the world. It does not attract Albert Einsteins, Bertrand Russells, Jean-Paul Sartres, Rabindranath Tagores... No, it attracts a certain kind of people. People who are suffering from some inferiority complex are the people to be attracted towards politics, because politics can give them power. And through power they can convince themselves and others that they are not inferior, that they are not mediocre.


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5 hours ago, Frogfucius said:

It sounds nice on paper, but egomaniacs like Donald Trump seem to get an intense thrill out of...well, their ego. Are they really suffering?

Just look at how little Trump can handle a joke.  Look at how little he trusts his own wife

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@Frogfucius One thing I think is useful to understand, and that is anyone, and i mean "spiritual" people too who believe that things in this world can complete them, make them happy, give them status, or give them inner peace, all human motivations: security, pleasure AND virtue, are all suffering because they do not know who they really are.

So it's not just a case of being egotistical, even spiritual people are just as egotistical when claiming high values and 'high consciousness' it's the same ignorance displaced onto another platform. 

We can get all the philosophical insight in the world, and all the virtue we can to try to compensate for the conditioned belief that there is inherently something 'wrong' with us, but in the end, if you don't understand that you are already whole and complete and that this world has nothing to do with you, then you suffer.

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I dont think you will necesseraly suffer as in experience negative emotions but it will result in narrow-mindedness as you see with Donald Trump.

Basically the guy is contradicting himself all the time also saying how global warming is not real when 98% scientists agree that it is. 

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Good insights so far. Thanks guys.

2 hours ago, Schulzy said:

I dont think you will necesseraly suffer as in experience negative emotions but it will result in narrow-mindedness as you see with Donald Trump.

Basically the guy is contradicting himself all the time also saying how global warming is not real when 98% scientists agree that it is. 

Republicans are the only major party in the world that denies global warming. It goes back to cult-like behavior. No different than Christians who strongly talk shit about evolution and just simply will not hear it. Ignorant egos are so cute. :P

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Does anyone else here not think Trump is a genius?

Couple of questions:

If he really was the idiot that the media makes him out to be, then why has the guy been so successful in life and has won the presidency with a landslide?

If he was really forest gimp nobody would even look at him.

He does the things he does to win votes. He can probably bring America back to its feet again because he is such a big business genius. 

He reminds me of Nigel Farage who laboured for 25 years to free the UK form the trranny of the European Union by being a peoples person who drank pints, smoked and told morally corrupt politicians exactly what he thought of them. 

Those kinds of people are the ones who get results in the world. Not the likes of Obama who couldn't even fart without permission from the other parties because he didn't have the charisma to outsmart his opponents and get any real power to make any effective changes. 

I know this isn't a political discussion. But food for thought maybe, as so many spiritual people just project their own propaganda brainwashed opinions onto these characters and don't see what's really going on .

Trump is a very skillful manipulator of reality. What everyone should be concerned with now is if he keeps his promises and stabilized the economy again. 



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@GTITurbolover I think Trump is an extremely skilled manipulator of people.  And I think that is what's led to his success today.  I don't have any particular arguments against that idea, and I don't have any particular ideological support of the Clinton / Democrat camp (I'm not from the US, if that helps), but I notice a couple of statements in your post which are not fact-based, such as being a big business genius, or of the EU being a Tyranny on the UK (debateable at best).

I think you're right: Trump is an incredibly skillful manipulator of reality.  Whether that makes him remotely conscious, or content, is another matter.  I can't picture someone who is content going out of his way to win a twitter-war over how big his hands really are

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@GTITurbolover I honestly don't know.  But the relationship between Europe and Britain is clearly far more complex than Farage has made out and more than I can throw out in a quick sentence or paragraph (how you measure this depends on metrics, but for the most part Britain appears to be down financially, as well as in the realm of Human Rights, just by revoking its participation in the ECHR), and as nobody knows quite how Brexit is going to actually play out.  If someone can offer evidence that the EU is tyrannical over the UK, then ok, but the general Brexit argument has never been one of evidence-based 'tyranny', more one of ideological drawing of law-making boundaries in Brussels rather than London, which given the UK's influence over the European Council, and the general anti-EU arguments being fallacious at best and false at worst.  Given that most of Farage's campaign promises have at this point either been revoked, or played as if they never happened (see the £350million NHS campaign bus), I wouldn't cite Farage as a bastion of fact.

As goes Trump, again, I don't know, as I've never looked at his books.  But I've encountered an excessive amount from media sources of all wings and persuasions over the last 9 months to make me doubt that he is a business genuis, given how many of his ventures have failed, how much money he appears to have lost compared to how much he appears to have begun with, and how unethical he is as a businessman.  Instead, I think he is an very good salesman (which I acknowledged in my previous post).  Now, maybe I'm wrong on that.  Like I say, not an expert and never looked at the books.  But I'm trying to go from what I have, and the suggestion that he is a business genius is dubious, so far as I can see

But, then, I suppose none of these are ever facts, are they?  Only seen through various lenses.  Apologies for being antagonistic - I'm really not here to make enemies, and I appreciate being made to challenge my assertions :)

Edited by Telepresent

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1 minute ago, Telepresent said:

@GTITurbolover I honestly don't know.  But the relationship between Europe and Britain is clearly far more complex than Farage has made out and more than I can throw out in a quick sentence or paragraph (how you measure this depends on metrics, but for the most part Britain appears to be down financially, as well as in the realm of Human Rights, just be revoking its participation in the ECHR), and as nobody knows quite how Brexit is going to actually play out.  If someone can offer evidence that the EU is tyrannical over the UK, then ok, but the general Brexit argument has never been one of evidence-based 'tyranny', more one of ideological drawing of law-making boundaries in Brussels rather than London, which given the UK's influence over the European Council, and the general anti-EU arguments being fallacious at best and false at worst.  Given that most of Farage's campaign promises have at this point either been revoked, or played as if they never happened (see the £350million NHS campaign bus), I wouldn't cite Farage as a bastion of fact.

As goes Trump, again, I don't know, as I've never looked at his books.  But I've encountered an excessive amount from media sources of all wings and persuasions over the last 9 months to make me doubt that he is a business genuis, given how many of his ventures have failed, how much money he appears to have lost compared to how much he appears to have begun with, and how unethical he is as a businessman.  Instead, I think he is an very good salesman (which I acknowledged in my previous post).  Now, maybe I'm wrong on that.  Like I say, not an expert and never looked at the books.  But I'm trying to go from what I have, and the suggestion that he is a business genius is dubious, so far as I can see

So you don't "in fact" know the "facts" either? 

So why you interested in me knowing "the facts" that you don't even know?


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3 minutes ago, Telepresent said:

@GTITurbolover Nope, sorry - I think I made an edit to my post at the same time you were writing this, much to the same point

You're not being antagonistic. I just wanted to know what the facts were... maybe I imagined you had possession of them? No worries tho, I'm not actually interested in facts because there aren't any facts available to us.

Sorry if I mislead. My bad :$

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@GTITurboloverNo, this is important: I took my opinion as fact, because I disagreed with you, and I'm going to give my opinion that little bit of leeway.  Which is bull.  And you know what, it's actually incredibly hard for me to have a civil discussion about this - not because of the political aspects, but because I get incredibly personally defensive about being judged or criticised.  It's a MASSIVE ego trigger for me.  So I'm hugely appreciative to have this discussion, and particularly one where you challenge me.  It's a lot of good. :)

It's a good lesson though, isn't it?  How much we like to think we have facts, and other people don't, despite seeing the transparency of other people's "facts" but not our own? 

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2 minutes ago, Telepresent said:

@GTITurboloverNo, this is important: I took my opinion as fact, because I disagreed with you, and I'm going to give my opinion that little bit of leeway.  Which is bull.  And you know what, it's actually incredibly hard for me to have a civil discussion about this - not because of the political aspects, but because I get incredibly personally defensive about being judged or criticised.  It's a MASSIVE ego trigger for me.  So I'm hugely appreciative to have this discussion, and particularly one where you challenge me.  It's a lot of good. :)

It's a good lesson though, isn't it?  How much we like to think we have facts, and other people don't, despite seeing the transparency of other people's "facts" but not our own? 

Not to say you criticised me - which you didn't - but to say that this kind of discussion is a fantastic opportunity for ego to flare up and scream "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!!"

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@GTITurbolover I guess that's the point, isn't it?  That it's very rare that there are facts.  Even those things we think of as fact or true are open to multiple routes of communication.  And if on this kind of board I already flare into argument...

...shit.  How the fuck are we, as an internation community, going to start communicating with each other?  Answers on a postcard...

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That's what we do. Maya means we mix up satya and mythia. 

There's only one fact. You. Consciousness existence.

But we don't see that and we try to look for the only "fact" in Samsara, while the only real fact that exists sitting right under our nose identitifies with anything and everything except itself.


No wonder we suffer :P


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