
Leo Said That The Bigger The Ego, The More There Is Suffering.

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3 hours ago, GTITurbolover said:

Does anyone else here not think Trump is a genius?

Couple of questions:

If he really was the idiot that the media makes him out to be, then why has the guy been so successful in life and has won the presidency with a landslide?


Define "success". If you think money = success well then he is successfull, but all the money in the world can't buy real success IMO. Making a lot of money from inheriting millions from your father then using that money to build an empire based on bankrupting people and cheating people. It's not hard to make money when you have no ethics. Yes, he's probably made some good deals and i'm sure he knows business, but being good at business is not the same as being smart. Business and using your work only to make money is a low consciousness task. Anyone can do it as long as their intellect is mediocre or above and they're willing to have a few skeletons in their closet. 


He does the things he does to win votes. He can probably bring America back to its feet again because he is such a big business genius. 

Again, he's an okay businessman. Calling him a genius makes a mockery of the word. 


Those kinds of people are the ones who get results in the world. Not the likes of Obama who couldn't even fart without permission from the other parties because he didn't have the charisma to outsmart his opponents and get any real power to make any effective changes. 

You can say what you will about Obama, and i have my reservations about him. But criticising Obama for lack of charisma is just wrong. It's probably his strongest attribute.


Trump is a very skillful manipulator of reality. 

He is, because he actually lives in a different reality. He believes his own lies, which makes him believable and makes him able to persuade people. 


Fwiw i dont like either candidate, but had to reply as this post was outrageous. 

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I strive for authenticity and personal freedom and what makes Trump so infuriating to me is how he is a monstrous perversion of authenticity and freedom! Authenticity DOES NOT and I repeat DOES NOT mean being a drunken asshole who repels people with hate speech. Authenticity is embracing your creativity, vowing to discover yourself through creating your identity, willing to be a freethinker who balances openness and skepticism and who is willing to make his life and the world better. Trump is quite frankly a tragic anti-hero/villain right out of Shakespeare and Greek mythology because of his arrogance and blind ambition of flying too close to the sun and he is crashing and burning. He win could be a short-term victory but this could be a devastating Pyrrhic Victory for Trump in the long term especially in the upcoming months. He has so many inner demons and scandals and it's obvious they will catch up with him and destroy him from the inside. Maybe his bid for President will be a devastating wake up call for him! At this point, in his early 70s, I highly doubt self-actualization is in his priority and he probably rejects it or flat out denies it. For better or worse, anything is possible!

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1 hour ago, AxelK said:

Define "success". If you think money = success well then he is successfull, but all the money in the world can't buy real success IMO. Making a lot of money from inheriting millions from your father then using that money to build an empire based on bankrupting people and cheating people. It's not hard to make money when you have no ethics. Yes, he's probably made some good deals and i'm sure he knows business, but being good at business is not the same as being smart. Business and using your work only to make money is a low consciousness task. Anyone can do it as long as their intellect is mediocre or above and they're willing to have a few skeletons in their closet. 

Again, he's an okay businessman. Calling him a genius makes a mockery of the word. 

You can say what you will about Obama, and i have my reservations about him. But criticising Obama for lack of charisma is just wrong. It's probably his strongest attribute.

He is, because he actually lives in a different reality. He believes his own lies, which makes him believable and makes him able to persuade people. 


Fwiw i dont like either candidate, but had to reply as this post was outrageous. 

Looks like you got it all figured out :)


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donald trump or hillary clinton are not the real life for me, I dont know who they are

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Trump quite obviously is suffering. Put yourself in the shoes of the Donald for a moment, imagine doing the things he does and saying the things he says. It should become quite clear. Or just get only 3 hours of sleep for a night or more (that's how little he allegedly gets/got) and notice the Trump-like impulsiveness arise in you.

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17 hours ago, Frogfucius said:

It sounds nice on paper, but egomaniacs like Donald Trump seem to get an intense thrill out of...well, their ego. Are they really suffering?

You get a thrill out of having an ego too. Does that stop you from suffering?

Drug addicts get a thrill out of heroin.

Sex addicts get a thrill out of sex.

Money addicts get a thrill out of money.

But at what cost?

Be careful trying to gauge a celebrity's happiness level from the outside. Imagining being someone else always appears more fulfilling than it would actually be if you became them, because you only imagine the material surface, not the emotional reality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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For all we know Donald Trump could be enlightened and living in a state of pure bliss.

How are we supposed to know what his internal state is like?

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@Mat Pav I think we can sense a lot of things about people's internal state. We can sense confidence, neediness, desperation, shyness etc. I don't know how exactly - I haven't contemplated it. But clearly, a person's tone, body language etc gives us quite a bit of information about what's going on for them. Of course we make tons of projections based on that and get lost in those, at which point we're no longer talking about the person but our idea of them.

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On 11/9/2016 at 6:37 AM, Frogfucius said:

Good insights so far. Thanks guys.

Republicans are the only major party in the world that denies global warming. It goes back to cult-like behavior. No different than Christians who strongly talk shit about evolution and just simply will not hear it. Ignorant egos are so cute. :P

Even many republicans have said they dont like the Trump. Guy is crazy 

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On 11/9/2016 at 7:32 AM, Prabhaker said:

f somebody does not suffer from an inferiority complex he will not go into politics at all. Politics is the arena for those who suffer from an inferiority complex, because they want to prove to themselves and to the world that they are not inferior: Look, I have become the prime minister, or the president! Now who can say I am inferior? I have proved that I am not inferior. Politics attracts the people who are very egoistic and suffer from inferiority complex. If you are egoistic you are bound to compare yourself with others. The ego cannot exist without comparison.

Politics attracts only the most mediocre minds in the world. It does not attract Albert Einsteins, Bertrand Russells, Jean-Paul Sartres, Rabindranath Tagores... No, it attracts a certain kind of people. People who are suffering from some inferiority complex are the people to be attracted towards politics, because politics can give them power. And through power they can convince themselves and others that they are not inferior, that they are not mediocre.

Thanks for putting it in this perspective... I definitely agree! =)

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"Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep" - The Internet

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