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USA health care

27 posts in this topic

Seriously, how do you even live like this ?

From an European point of view, this is hell.

One major health problem and you're fucked !


It's really more Europe Healthcare vs US healthcare, the nordic countries are just even more progressive.



Edited by Shin

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I don't think that transport with ambulance helicopter costs 130 USD.

At least in the past it was completely free. Maybe it costs a bit nowdays, but I doubt it costs that much.

But I can't find any info about the cost.

Edit: I have been doing some digging. And transport with ambulance helicopter costs nothing.

Edited by Blackhawk

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55 minutes ago, Shin said:

Seriously, how do you even live like this ?

From an European point of view, this is hell.

One major health problem and you're fucked !


It's really more Europe Healthcare vs US healthcare, the nordic countries are just even more progressive.



So what a alot of people outside the US don't realize that what we have in the States is basically a Tiered system, where wealthy and upper middle class people are often fortunate enough to have access to high quality Healthcare thier whole lives, and aren't really concerned that the system is a nightmare for the bottom half or two thirds of the country.

Americans are also relentlessly propagandized by Bad Faith news media that adopting a system similar to what's common in the rest of the developed world is a gateway to Socialism, and it would mean waiting months or years for a knee surgery.

Of course such arguments are ridiculous, but that doesn't mean that Propaganda hasn't been highly successful at getting at least some portion of Americans to advocate against thier own best interest.

Edited by DocWatts

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1 hour ago, Shin said:

Seriously, how do you even live like this ?

From an European point of view, this is hell.

One major health problem and you're fucked !

The overwhelming majority of people don't have a problem which is why Sanders had such a tough time getting elected.  The bulk of the people who supported him were on their parents's insurance and had been getting their information form people like you instead of the people around them in America.  That's not to say there isn't bad insurance plans in the US or people that aren't responsible enough to buy it.  It's just that most people don't wtf Sanders is talking about because their insurance is fine.

You also have the old and poor people not wanting their government medicaid being touched.  Then there's those of us who've used both shitty and good European healthcare before.  But if that person comes back to the US, it's probably because he or she was sick of paying 50 Euros for sales tax at the barber shop

Edited by StarfoxEpiphany

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1 minute ago, DocWatts said:

So what a alot of people outside the US don't realize that what we have in the States is basically a Tiered system, where wealthy and upper middle class people are often fortunate enough to have access to high quality Healthcare thier whole lives, and aren't really concerned that the system is a nightmare for the bottom half or two thirds of the country.

Americans are also relentlessly propagandized by Bad Faith news media that adopting a system similar to what's common in the rest of the developed world is a gateway to Socialism, and would mean waiting months or years for a knee surgery.

Of course such arguments are ridiculous, but that doesn't mean that Propaganda hasn't been successful at getting at least some portion of Americans to advocate against thier own best interest.

Also, no free education and college costing huge amount of $, is basically a pyramidal scheme.

It's a bit sneakier, cause of course everyone can go to college and pay the debt afterwards, but realistically speaking, people (at least that's my impression, tell me if I'm saying bull here) don't, cause there is this pressure that if you fail you're going to be in deep shit.

Better play it safe and get an entry job, plus you may have to support your family with health care cost already (family already in debt).

This makes the poor even poorer, and the rich even richer in the long term, with the illusion that you can do it, cause some people have insane amount of balls and intelligence to go through that system.

Not saying there is a conspiracy though.

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2 minutes ago, Shin said:

Also, no free education and college costing huge amount of $, is basically a pyramidal scheme.

University didn't cost that much until it was getting subsidized during the Obama administration and loans were not only opened up to everyone, but they were also being guaranteed by the federal government.

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3 minutes ago, Shin said:

Also, no free education and college costing huge amount of $, is basically a pyramidal scheme.

It's a bit sneakier, cause of course everyone can go to college and pay the debt afterwards, but realistically speaking, people (at least that's my impression, tell me if I'm saying bull here) don't, cause there is this pressure that if you fail you're going to be in deep shit.

Better play it safe and get an entry job, plus you may have to support your family with health care cost already (family already in debt).

This makes the poor even poorer, and the rich even richer in the long term, with the illusion that you can do it, cause some people have insane amount of balls and intelligence to go through that system.

Not saying there is a conspiracy though.

America's an awesome place to live if you're Rich.

It's very easy to isolate yourself from the problems of the rest of the society over here, or wish to see those problems continue because you've managed to place yourself in a position to directly benefit from them.

For ordinary people without access to vast financial and social capital, things are decidedly less awesome, and a working class person would almost certainly enjoy a higher standard of living in just about any other developed democracy.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

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Makes me appreciate my carte vitale so much ?

II knew it was bad, but this goes beyond my wildest expectations.

This is more than robbery, it's slavery labelled as free market.

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2 hours ago, StarfoxEpiphany said:

The overwhelming majority of people don't have a problem which is why Sanders had such a tough time getting elected.  The bulk of the people who supported him were on their parents's insurance and had been getting their information form people like you instead of the people around them in America.  That's not to say there isn't bad insurance plans in the US or people that aren't responsible enough to buy it.  It's just that most people don't wtf Sanders is talking about because their insurance is fine.

You also have the old and poor people not wanting their government medicaid being touched.  Then there's those of us who've used both shitty and good European healthcare before.  But if that person comes back to the US, it's probably because he or she was sick of paying 50 Euros for sales tax at the barber shop

Fox propaganda has worked incredibly well on your guileless brain. Medical bills is one of the main reasons for bankruptcy in the US. 

Bernie Sanders was not elected because a big percentage of the US are psychologically/intellectually underdeveloped, religious fundamentalists. Europe does not have that problem because is overall more educated and a more advanced society. 

Ideological positions like yours is why the united states is one of the least developed countries among developed countries according to the human development index.

Edited by Harlen Kelly

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2 hours ago, StarfoxEpiphany said:

But if that person comes back to the US, it's probably because he or she was sick of paying 50 Euros for sales tax at the barber shop

Barber shop cost around 30€ top (average male/woman), and you pay 10% of tax on it in France for example.

BTW, it's 20% max for the price of a tax in France (+ the annual tax which is something around 600€ for most people).

This tax gives me for the most part, free college (150 to 300€ a year), free healthcare (except dentist/glasses, still way cheaper than in the US), 5 weeks paid vacations (every corporation must give you this it's a law), a salary when I stop working if I've worked for more than a year for some months (and I get more if I'm fired), 16 weeks of maternity "vacation" (so you're paid to stay at home, again it's a law) for women (11 days for men) ...

Probably way more stuff than I can't think of right now.

In Nordic countries you get paid to go to high school and college, YOU GET PAID !
In Finland there is a mandatory 2 MONTHS paid vacations, 2 FUCKING MONTHS (comparing to 0 in the best country on Earth, the USA :D  ).

So you see, being a "communist" is worth it lol

Edited by Shin

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@Shin Ignoramuses like that really get under my skin. It's such a pity there are so many mentally-handicapped people in the US. 

Edited by Harlen Kelly

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What's hilarious is that many of the most Vocal of the sOciaLiSm bAd! crowd tend to be Boomers who are directly benefiting from government programs like Social Security and Medicare, yet somehow manage to equate Single Payer Healthcare with Communism.

Propagandized Americans just might be the most ignorant people on the entire planet.  

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

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5 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

I don't think that transport with ambulance helicopter costs 130 USD.

At least in the past it was completely free. Maybe it costs a bit nowdays, but I doubt it costs that much.

But I can't find any info about the cost.

Edit: I have been doing some digging. And transport with ambulance helicopter costs nothing in Sweden.

I have been doing some digging. And transport with ambulance helicopter costs nothing in Sweden.

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Don’t ever get sick is how you live with it.

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7 hours ago, Harlen Kelly said:

@Shin Ignoramuses like that really get under my skin. It's such a pity there are so many mentally-handicapped people in the US. 

All I said is there's high sales taxes in europe which is true.

I've known people who have literally flown to Spain to not pay for a haircut in Norway

Edited by StarfoxEpiphany

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7 hours ago, DocWatts said:

What's hilarious is that many of the most Vocal of the sOciaLiSm bAd! crowd tend to be Boomers who are directly benefiting from government programs like Social Security and Medicare, yet somehow manage to equate Single Payer Healthcare with Communism.

Propagandized Americans just might be the most ignorant people on the entire planet.  

There's varying degrees of socialism.  You may even consider the US a semi-socialist country because the US Department of Defense is the biggest employer in the world.  Unfortunately, the US had to pay for the West's defense during the cold war and is still de-escalating in fits and bursts.   But there's also a huge dependency on using the military for upward mobility and contractor employment.

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12 hours ago, Willie said:

Don’t ever get sick is how you live with it.

That's a realistic way to live.

I mean, if you die before 50, that's possible.

Since USA has one of the lowest life expectancy of the developed countries, all dominos fall into place !

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12 hours ago, Willie said:

Don’t ever get sick is how you live with it.

Or develop any sort of mental illness that needs treatment. 

Much easier to have that person become homeless, wind up in the prison system, or go on a mass shooting than to provide funding for mental health care services and social work.

I had a next door neighbor when I was living in a low income area who was living with severe schizophrenia without access to treatment, who ended up being shot and killed by the police after having a psychotic break and waving a pistol at Police Officers who arrived at the scene.

Could this incident had been avoided if this poor guy had access to the same sort of Mental Health services that wealthy individuals take for granted? I'll never know for sure, but it's a sad state of affairs when Society neither values or cares about people without access to financial resources and social capital.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

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13 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

Or develop any sort of mental illness that needs treatment. 

Much easier to have that person become homeless, wind up in the prison system, or go on a mass shooting than to provide funding for mental health care services and social work.

I had a next door neighbor when I was living in a low income area who was living with severe schizophrenia without access to treatment, who ended up being shot and killed by the police after having a psychotic break and waving a pistol at Police Officers who arrived at the scene.

Could this incident had been avoided if this poor guy had access to the same sort of Mental Health services that wealthy individuals take for granted? I'll never know for sure, but it's a sad state of affairs when Society neither values or cares about people without access to financial resources and social capital.

Why need treatment when you can dance ?


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It's not just rich people that can use healthcare.  Veterans, poor people, and old people in the US are on socialized medicine,  about 37% of the country.   I'm on socialized medicine myself, and mine's completely fine.  So is my disabled brother.

One of the reasons Sanders failed is because he wasn't being entirely honest about the situation in the US.

Edited by StarfoxEpiphany
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