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Waves collide, but The Ocean is still One. Because Aliens.

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Can you feel it? 

Do you see it, too?

If I tune into my personal experience, as well as that of the collective; things are clashing left and right. Lots of walls tearing down. Lots of dualities collapsing. Aliens are now here and that's totally chill. More and more people are all of the sudden Gods and that's nothing weird. I'm not saying it should be - don't get me wrong. I'm just amazed by witnessing how something that used to be unthinkable is now becoming the jam your neighbor's rockin'. It's becoming mainstream, I guess. Common sense. It's kinda beautiful, too. I'll call it: 'The Great Merging'. 

The point where the old dissolves into the new. The outdated into the updated. The limited into the evolved and expanded. The basic into the advanced. 

I'm excited about 'the future'. I think I will live to see incredible breakthroughs on a collective level. I can tell we are accelerating. We are getting closer to the Light!

But, in the meantime, things might get a bit ugly. - Just sayin'. Those who are not aware of this transition and are caught in the middle will not exactly enjoy the ride - I imagine.

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