
Leo!? What did you do to bust your limiting beliefs regarding attracting girls?

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I remember that Leo mentioned in a video or something that he focused on busting a ton of limiting beliefs about himself when he worked on becoming attractive to girls.

How did you do that? What was your technique? @Leo Gura

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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2 hours ago, SamC said:

I remember that Leo mentioned in a video or something that he focused on busting a ton of limiting beliefs about himself when he worked on becoming attractive to girls.

How did you do that? What was your technique? @Leo Gura

The same you do to bust your limiting beliefs regarding money, there is only one way: getting it. 

After getting it enough times your mind will normalize it, whatever it is. 

At the beginning you have a plethora of unsounded beliefs that you can either let go of willingly or you can resist but that resistance will create suffering. 

Edited by Harlen Kelly

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I did a lot of work questioning and challenging all my limiting beliefs about attracting and dating. And I had A LOT of them.

The beliefs have to deconstructed and challenged directly. Write out each of your beliefs and then conjure up evidence and logic to counter each one. Keep challenging them as you hit the field, until finally you slay them all.

I am working on a course that will teach you how to do this.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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59 minutes ago, sda said:

@Leo Gura When do you plan to release it? 

This year.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

am working on a course that will teach you how to do this

Is this going to be a pickup/male dating related course or is it for everyone? 



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1 hour ago, intotheblack said:

Is this going to be a pickup/male dating related course

Not at all.

1 hour ago, intotheblack said:

or is it for everyone? 

For everyone.

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@Leo Gura Is that a course you are referring for a couple of years? The one about reprogramming the subconscious mind. Or is it something else?

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I did a lot of work questioning and challenging all my limiting beliefs about attracting and dating. And I had A LOT of them.

The beliefs have to deconstructed and challenged directly. Write out each of your beliefs and then conjure up evidence and logic to counter each one. Keep challenging them as you hit the field, until finally you slay them all.

I am working on a course that will teach you how to do this.

Is it going to be a book or a seminar?

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I did a lot of work questioning and challenging all my limiting beliefs about attracting and dating. And I had A LOT of them.

The beliefs have to deconstructed and challenged directly. Write out each of your beliefs and then conjure up evidence and logic to counter each one. Keep challenging them as you hit the field, until finally you slay them all.

I am working on a course that will teach you how to do this.

How detrimental was busting your limiting beliefs for your success in seduction? @Leo Gura

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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@SamC what are your own limiting beliefs? Curious. :P

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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26 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@SamC what are your own limiting beliefs? Curious. :P

I have a lot of them:@Preety_India

  • I am too short
  • I am unattractive 
  • Woman don't like guys
  • Woman don't like/want sex
  • Woman are scary and dangerous 
  • I am not masculine enough
  • Woman don't like me
  • Woman can't find short guys attractive
  • Woman doesn't find men who are not alpha attractive.
  • It's hard to get a relationship 
  • Woman are separate from me
  • Woman judge me/ missunderstand me
  • Woman are super picky
  • I cannot fulfill the needs of a woman.
  • Woman don't understand my struggle and don't care about me.
  • Woman only hurt me

... And more

Which all can sum down to

  • I am unlovable and separate from the world + alone.

I have a lot to work on XDXD

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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9 minutes ago, SamC said:

I have a lot of them:@Preety_India

  • I am too short

 It doesn't matter. I've dated short guys. 

  • I am unattractive 

No you're not. You're one of the most attractive men.. 

  • Woman don't like guys

 I like guys. Women like guys. They are just slow to express

  • Woman don't like/want sex

 Yes they like sex. 

  • Woman are scary and dangerous 

 Not if you get to know them intimately. 

  • I am not masculine enough

 Yes you're. You're one of the most masculine guys I came across. 

  • Woman don't like me

 Yes they like you. Many women like you. Just try getting to know them 

  • Woman can't find short guys attractive

 Not true. I have found short men attractive. Many women do 

  • Woman doesn't find men who are not alpha attractive.

 They do. I find beta men attractive.. many women Do. You just have to meet those women. 

  • It's hard to get a relationship 

 Not if you keep trying. 

  • Woman are separate from me

 No they are not. They are a part of you. 

  • Woman judge me/ missunderstand me

 If you have deep intimate talk, they won't 

  • Woman are super picky

 Nope. You'd be surprised at how easily women fall in love when you stimulate them and bond with them. 

  • I cannot fulfill the needs of a woman.

 Yes you can. You have a beautiful giving heart. 

  • Woman don't understand my struggle and don't care about me.

 Yes they do care about you. When a woman loves you, she loves you with all her heart. 

  • Woman only hurt me

  Not if you understand them 

... And more

Which all can sum down to

  • I am unlovable and separate from the world + alone.You're very lovable and you deserve love 




I have a lot to work on XDXD


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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You can't just think it out to destroy it. Action has to come with the thinking. 

Thinking without action is the most dumbest shit anyone could do. 

Mind body is one. If you have changed your mind, it means your body will have changed. 

If you can proactively change your mind, you can proactively change your body. It ain't gonna just naturally come. The body is harder to change.

Mind is easier to change. The body is thicker with karma than the mind. A lot of habits stored from your childhood and from your ancestors. And these habits have been built for centuries, that is why it is thick with karma than your mind. Because mind is created only after you are about 3 years old. 

So to combat your mind beliefs is easy. The harder thing to combat is the beliefs you hold inside the cells of your body. You can only do that by action. Acting on what is right and just opposed to fear or limiting beliefs. Acting on pure mind, rather than the cluttered mind. You see what i mean? It's not enough to have a pure mind, you need to purify the body. 

We can see this purification of the body happen with athletes. They have to battle not only with the memories and beliefs their mind holds, but they have to battle with the memories their body holds. This is crucial. When an athlete lived his whole life rigidly and with a lot of limiting beliefs, his whole athleticism will be rigid. You can see Jeremy Lin play basketball. Jeremy Lin comes from both Christianity and Asian backgrounds. He's athletic like an OG, but his past life destroys his play. He's good at the game, but his mind is his greatest enemy, whereas many black athletes, though they may have the same athleticism with Jeremy Lin or even worse, their mind is freer and more confident, so they perform better. 

How to purify the body? .... Taking right action. What is right action? Well.... that will depend on one's circumstances, but one thing is for sure. You body mind will scream with horror if you take right action. 

Edited by charlie cho

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42 minutes ago, SamC said:

Woman don't like guys

Ahahaha... that's a clever one.

Indeed, you have a lot of work to do.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@SamC also try to work on your happiness factor. Generally speaking, happier people tend to respond and perceive environment more positively. 

What I mean is that you'll be much happier with women if you are happy with yourself. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Preety_India You are amazing Preety. I got moved by your reply. I really appreciate it <3

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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@SamC you're welcome. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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57 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Ahahaha... that's a clever one.

Indeed, you have a lot of work to do.

@Leo Gura I'm laughing aswell. It's actually really fucking funnyxD

Soooo... when is the how to get laid video coming out?:P I mean the need for Sex with a capitol S is pretty prevalent in the actualized community

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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