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How awakening affected my sales job

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I recently had a pretty powerful awakening. It was not super clear and i cant remember everything, but for the first time i realised how im the creator of reality and that everything is imagined by me (God). I had to think of Leo immediently, because he somehow started this awakening journey for me. And i noticed that i just imagined Leo to develope this awakening. I had a pretty intensive laughter over this. What also freaked me out was, that i noticed how i imagine my family and my friends, and that there was never a father or a mother. Only my imagination of them. 

Anyways, since that awakening i love to do sales even more now. Everytime i meet a new costumers (door to door sales) im fascinated of how im imagining this person to entertain myself with new creations of myself. I just love hanging out with my imaginations so to say. There cant be any frustrations or hate towards others, because "these others" are nothing but my own imaginations of "these others". Also my sales gone up really fast now, that im not worried about failure. Because even if i'd fail there is nothing that i could ever lose, because im already everything :D

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Very nice. Just don’t forget that they are no more or less imaginary than you are. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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19 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Very nice. Just don’t forget that they are no more or less imaginary than you are. 


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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