
Universe vs Beyond Universe

44 posts in this topic

8 hours ago, Mu_ said:

@tatsumaru your awake in my eyes and missing nothing.  Trust your instinct about enlightenment. It’s just in your imagination. And there’s not one to find.  Even if hypothetically there was you would have no idea what your looking for, and no teacher agrees on how to find this undefined thing.   I know you don’t like to hear it, but this IS it. And no I don’t mean IT is everything or no-thing or infinity or God. 

This doesn’t mean more wisdom and understanding may not still occur, it may but you can’t make that happen. 

Btw knowledge and understanding how something works is overrated, and rarely is enjoyed longer then a few days. Same with being right or wrong.  Also I don’t know if this helps but  it’s okay for other teachers to supposedly know more or stuff that doesn’t make sense or is unfeasible, no need to waste energy and perhaps feel incomplete on longing or rejecting what they say. 

Notice how the ancient masters came up with all kinds of stuff as a result of their spiritual journeys - they invented yoga, qigong, ayurveda, shamanism, druidry or look at the renaissance art, or look at Rumi's poetry or look at what the legends about the ancient Buddhas say - flying in the sky, turning fish into birds (Tilopa), changing from male to female (Guan Yin), Becoming light (Gautama Buddha)... And for some reason all we have to show for our journeys is noticing that we are alive. Not only that but it doesn't really solve our ignorance/suffering either it simply offers a place to rest in. I don't know, I just feel like I am missing something, that more has to be surrendered. A spiritual friend of mine suggested a long time ago that even the 5 senses are deceivers and believing them also needs to be surrendered in order to penetrate truth. I feel like a painter who just stares at the blank canvas and wonders if that's the perfect painting.

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@tatsumaru The jesus story also describes this with his crucifixion and his scream

Oh God, Oh god why have you forsaken me.

on the cross.

So it's realizing god to losing your god and going completely full circle.

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honestly we’re you hoping to become a Jedi master 


also so your friend sounds wise. It’s an interesting experience and experiment to try and not pay attention or believe ones senses.  Try for a while on and off in a safe place. Something may appear where you didn’t know something could appear. 

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1 hour ago, Mu_ said:



honestly we’re you hoping to become a Jedi master 


also so your friend sounds wise. It’s an interesting experience and experiment to try and not pay attention or believe ones senses.  Try for a while on and off in a safe place. Something may appear where you didn’t know something could appear. 

Lol, I may end up becoming a Sith Lord eventually. After all "Only a Sith deals in absolutes".
@Mu_ If the topic of surrendering your senses resonates with you, you may want to check out a book on Amazon called "Just Because Club". It's a secret gem for penetrating the veil of the matrix. I am still mustering the courage to try the exercises in it.

Edited by tatsumaru

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