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Where is Infinity/God when you are having a dream at night?

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18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You are God/Infinity right now, imagining that you have slept and dreamed in the past.

God is always here right now, imagining some other state, or some past or future state.

You will never realize God as long as you are getting trapping in past or future experiences. God is NOW, THIS!

Reminds me of what Eckhart Tolle talks about in his book "The Power of Now"

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On 3-6-2021 at 9:40 AM, _Archangel_ said:


God is making up this story. Cought in the process of making itself finite and at the same time giving his creation a context for its existance

Wrong answer. He literally already said it is all a dream of being finite. Now you are even saying that this description of reality (that being finite is a dream/unreal) is a story made by god. So what are you even saying here. Nothing at all, you are just trying to one up @Javfly33 while making the exact same argument as him. This is pretentious and stupid. You are completely negating any spiritual point being made about seperation and union, by just parroting some shit that Leo has said. "That is just a story by god" could literally be a reply to anything said ever. You are not making any point at all here.



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On 4-6-2021 at 4:29 AM, Javfly33 said:

You don't want to accept that you are God and you are imagining me, and you know it.

We basically stuck in the same page.

And don't give me the "you haven't had an awakening" phrase just because I don't agree with you man. 


Lol. If you still think you are the ego imagining things than you are indeed not awake. Do you realize there is literally no imaginer except for imagination itself? There is no core person which imagines all others. You are God precisely because there is no you to be God. There is only God. Zo the zoom call analogy is actually quite accurate.

 Where is the non imaginary core of your existence that imagines all other people? Why do you believe you are imagining others, and not that you are being imagined? Hello ego! 

Take some salvia and you will find out that this entire forums obsession/perversion with solipsim has just been a utter delusion. 





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The only thing salvia will show you is your self.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 3/6/2021 at 5:57 AM, Leo Gura said:

Extreme Togetherness ;)

We are so together, I am your own mind. There is no barrier between us.

give me all your money then xD

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